Film Review: ‘Utopia’ by John Pilger

September 2024 Forums Comments Film Review: ‘Utopia’ by John Pilger

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  • #82720

    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Film Review: 'Utopia' by John Pilger.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!


    How that's for a coincidence? The March Socialist Standard that has just been posted on the website contains Steve Clayton's review of John Pilger's Utopia, and just the day before i posted on the Socialist Standard Past and Present Blog, Steve Coleman's March 1988 tv review of John Pilger's tv documentary series, The Last Dream. If you click on the link, you'll find that I've actually found the links to the videos of Pilger's documentary:March 1988 Socialist Standard link: From the land which gave us Rupert Murdoch . . . Cheers

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