familyless society?

September 2024 Forums General discussion familyless society?

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    A socialist society or a communist society is a stateless, classless, moneyless  and familyless society. And most importantly, a communist society or a socialist society is familyless society(familyless society)

    Therefore, the realization of a socialist society or a communist society is not dependent on the seizure of power. Because you can't force people into a familyless society.

    Workers have family classes, and only workers realize that they must throw family society concepts into a familyless society.


    Hi zhengenbin Glad to see you overcame the technical problems of contributuing to this forum!  I will transfer my comments from the "comments section" to this thread as below in italics.  The only point I would add is that I think you need to define what you mean by a family:I am curious about your reasoning for saying this,  zhengenbin What makes you think the family as an insititution will disappear in socialism?  Granted the form  that the family takes may be radically different from today but that does not necessarily entail the disappearance of the insitition per se.    Also forcing its disappearnce would be somewhat inconsistent with your suggestion that we should not use force to establish socialism. On this latter point, the problem is that the capitalist class maintains it monopoly ownership of the productive resources of society by force – by means of the state.  Surely that means that to make these resources the common property of everyone (socialism) we have to deprive them of that very force they use to maintain the status quo.  And that surely means capturng the politcal state ourselves (by democratic means) in order to strip the capitalists of their monopoly ownership which , once accomplished, will make the very insitituion of the state itself redundant. If you mean by "force", violence,  then I tend to agree that this would not be necessary and may even be counterproductive.  But force does not have to mean violence – it could also mean,simply,  social pressure or complusion – and it is this latter sense that I think that force will definitely be needed to establish socialism.  I cant see any other way….

    zhengenbin wrote:
    A socialist society or a communist society is a stateless, classless, moneyless  and familyless society. And most importantly, a communist society or a socialist society is familyless society(familyless society). Therefore, the realization of a socialist society or a communist society is not dependent on the seizure of power. Because you can't force people into a familyless society.Workers have family classes, and only workers realize that they must throw family society concepts into a familyless society.

    Where did you obtain that idea of familyless  society from ?  From the Communist Manifesto which in one section speaks about the bourgeiose family ? Capitalism will destroy family and it has been destroying the family.  I don't think socialism-communism is going to be familyless society, on the contrary, the concept of real family is going to be established. In the primitive communist society family did not disappear, the family ties were stronger. It is not going to be a stateless society because of the family, the main reson is that the majority of human beings are not going to opress themselves and the state would be a useless institution. We would not need an army, police forces, courts, and system of repression, and a minority group of human beings are not going to be above us and imposing their own interests P.S. Lewis Morgan's  Ancient Society, and Marx's Anthropological  notebooks show the opposite point of view

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