Extinction Rebellion

July 2024 Forums General discussion Extinction Rebellion

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  • #217172

    Maybe breaking windows does get results….


    Is our jury system so perverse?
    From 19 years ago

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by james19.

    XR continue their campaign of protests


    We already highlighted the exploitative behaviour of conservationists such as the WWF several years ago

    Material World: Exiled from Gardens of Eden

    Personally, I think these XR stunts are ill-timed and should have been scheduled for COP26.

    A dry run for November? Perhaps.


    That’s an odd thing for XR to protest about. I thought they thought humans are a blot in the planet. But, then, they are all over the place.


    I saw the tweet by Extinction Rebellion, seems all the replies on their Tweet were to credit the old bill? The Met Police Twitter Account tweeted: “We had predicted where activists might strike…taking immediate action“.
    I did mention in another post, Facebook was swamped with middle aged (too young to receive the state pension) overweight(due to years of working unsocial hours), white males, during #BLM protests last year? Attacking Afro Caribbean MPs, in a concerted campaign to discredit them.
    Labour MP Dawn Butler, claimed she was the victim of Police racial profiling after being pulled over by cops. Tweets regarding her MP expenses were trotted out on queue!
    I did hear on the news, a number (6?) serving police officers were being investigated for online racial abuse. Not heard much more about it?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by james19.
    Bijou Drains

    “Facebook was swamped with middle aged (too young to receive the state pension) overweight(due to years of working unsocial hours), white males,”

    As a middle aged, white, male, fat bastard, I plead not guilty


    It has been proven that marches, being beaten by the police, going to jail and protesting do not conduct to any solution. The only solution that we have is one single program which is socialism.

    I can not count with my fingers and toes all the marches, protests and committee that I had attended and none have resolved any problem including the protests against wars, capitalists continued their own plan to produce profits and to provide small pieces of bread to pacify the wage slaves


    The 4 September 2020 issue of Jacobin magazine reproduced a revealing tweet from UK XR:

    “Just to be clear we are not a socialist movement. We do not trust any single ideology, we trust the people, chosen by sortition (like jury service) to find the best future for us all through a #CitizensAssembly A banner saying ‘socialism or extinction’ does not represent us.”

    XR sees talk of ‘capitalism’ and ‘socialism’ as politics while they see themselves as ‘beyond politics’ urging all people to bring pressure on governments to do more to tackle climate change. This means that they are basically a pressure group employing direct action and civil disobedience tactics to get capitalist governments to adopt a particular policy.

    Leaving the way-out to citizens assemblies is a cop-out. For all the merits of such assemblies, today most citizens will have the same ideas as they express in elections, i.e that they see no alternative to capitalism and so would come up with proposals to be implemented under capitalism.


    X Rebellion (and almost the entire working class) don’t even know what Capitalism is never mind thinking up an alternative to it. They don’t even know what “it” is. The same can be said of their position as regards “Socialism” which they will just see as some sort of Cuba/China/USSR crap. The SPGB is the lone clarion of sanity entire. Thank fuck.


    It will also include the Leninists and leftist organizations, they do not have a clue of what socialism really is


    500 arrested in the recent protests but has it been a success. Not so according to this former XR activist.


    XR is “not on a growth trajectory” and “the numbers are clearly much lower than during the October 2019 rebellion”…

    “We do have to notice that XR is not exponentially growing,” he says. “And sometimes XR says ‘you need 3.5 per cent of the population to be actively involved to actively succeed’. Well, XR is orders of magnitude short of that…

    Read hesitantly rejects the notion of a sweeping revolutionary force.

    Extinction Rebellion makes “substantial asks” on activists, including encouraging people to break the law, which he says is “tricky for some people”

    he hopes this will create a “radical flank to the Green Party but it would be a moderate flank to Extinction Rebellion – a little more careful than Extinction Rebellion is sometimes being, so as not to alienate people”.”


    During the preamble to the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, thousands were arrested and were beaten by the police and the capitalists continued with their plan to invade those countries, the so-called anti-war movement died, and many ended up wrapping themselves in the national flag and supporting their own class enemies, and claiming that they wanted their democracy back, which democracy, the bourgeoise democracy? There was some Trotskyists group that were defending Sadam Hussein because he was an anti-imperialist. The Nazis and the Japanese rulers played the same anti-imperialist game


    They’ve gone and done it again , the idiots:

    “M25 traffic: Thirty arrested and drivers delayed after climate activists block parts of motorway in rush hour
    Protestors blocked at least five junctions, causing miles of queues along the motorway. Footage shared on social media showed angry drivers attempting to drag the protestors from the road.”


    They did it again this morning and this time nearly caught me. Luckily my satnav diverted me away from junction 9 on the M25 to another route. But if I had have been blocked I confess I would have been tempted to join the angry motorists trying to pull them away. But of course I wouldn’t have done this but handed them some of the leaflets that I always carry in the back on my car as they seem in need of a bit of political education.

    I don’t know what they are hoping to achieve. Most people are already convinced that there is a climate crisis and don’t need any more convincing. The only reactions from people I have heard have been: “crazy”, “stupid”, “silly”, “dangerous”.

    Anyway, who do they think they are? Arrogating themselves the right to stop workers going to work and socialists going about their activity. And it is not as if they were demanding anything radical or claiming to be anti-capitalist. Just asking the government to spend more on insulating houses quicker. That would only have a minor effect while capitalism, the cause of the problem, continues its destructive way intact.


    Self-defeating stunts as you say for so-called remedies that will fail to achieve their goals.

    My fear for COP26 is that our campaign will be drowned out by XR and other groups publicity-seeking actions.


    Another consequence of these protests is that the government is planning to give the police more power to deal with them. The Police, Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill which is going through Parliament expressly mentions XR’s protest tactics as a justification.

    This will make things worse for others too as the new powers won’t just be used against XR.

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