Extinction Rebellion

July 2024 Forums General discussion Extinction Rebellion

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  • #190179

    Extinction Rebellion has blocked the entrance to the UK’s only active fracking site in a demonstration against what it called the “burgeoning catastrophe” of global warming. Protesters from the environmental group gathered outside the shale gas site on Preston New Road, near Blackpool, on Tuesday morning alongside a yellow boat bearing the words: “Planet before profit”



    You mean it didn’t say “Nimby”?


    “You mean it didn’t say “Nimby”?”

    Wouldn’t blame them if it did.  What’s so bad about people attempting to protect their ‘back yards’ (and themselves) from increased exposure to harmful chemicals?


    I agree. I wouldn’t want earthquakes in my backyard or juggernauts trundling past my front door. But I wouldn’t claim that if this happened humanity would be threatened with extinction.


    A bit more imaginative than a blockade – XR in Zurich turn the River Limmat bright green.

    It said it to “draw attention to the impending collapse of the ecosystem, and to the toxic system in which we live”

    They added the dye was made from uranine and carried the same levels of toxicity as table salt.



    Not a bad publicity stunt but why spoil it by talking about the “impending” collapse of the ecosystem. Impending suggests that it is actually about to happen. “Threatening” would have been not so bad. But maybe it’s to do with the translation of whatever the original German word was.


    Looks as if Hallam has gone too far this time. If found guilty of conspiracy to disrupt air traffic by flying drones he won’t just get a slap over the wrist and community service or a few weeks in prison. When in prison he’ll be able to reflect on the words of the song “I fought the law and the law won”. In any event, as far as the police are concerned the kid gloves are now off:




    Another example of XR’s lack of accountability where actions are taken which risk the movement without any consultation with the broader membership.

    Are they not able to get the numbers to occupy the terminal buildings and debate the public directly face-to-face as did the Hong Kong protesters? After all, it is having the confidence and courage of your convictions to persuade and convince people of the validity of the protests which is required. Not anonymous remote-control protests.



    Former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott said the real “extinction rebellion” facing Western society “is not against our failure to reduce emissions more but against our failure to produce more children”.


    Or as some would say – Fucking is our Future


    Alan, what Roger did was not part of XR, they are a “splinter group”, not affiliated.

    And speaking of numbers, we should perhaps rather focus on ours.


    A distinction without difference. Has he withdrawn from any position he has held XR? Has XR disavowed his actions? Can you enlighten me?

    His own website does not make any reference to his membership of any splinter group, only that he is a co-founder of XR. Just whose colours is he flying when he flies drones?

    I think it is reasonable to assume guilt by association in this case.

    My reference to numbers was that Hong Kong demonstrators effectively brought Hong Kong airport to a stand-still and argued their case with the disgruntled passengers. The chosen tactic of the drones avoided any exchanges with disrupted passengers. Using drones to halt flights is a poor substitute for mass participation. An abdication of responsibility in my opinion.

    As you know from previous posts I am sympathetic to acts of civil disobedience and non-violent resistance by XR but the choice must not alienate those that the message are aimed at. The choice must also have the support  and agreement of the majority of the movement. They have to be asked and have some means to express dissent.

    When any member advocates or engages in behaviour that has not been approved or sanctioned by the general consensus of the organization, they should be answerable. Creating shell splinter groups is evading the question of democratic process and no defence is my view. It is elitist.



    “And speaking of numbers, we should perhaps rather focus on ours.”

    OK, I’m well and truly focussed: now what?


    OK, I’m well and truly focussed: now what?

    Great! Now, let’s go to London on September 20th for the Earth Strike, and give people leaflets about the SPGB! There will be a lot of activists there who may join us, as they are actively seeking answers to their environmental concerns. Will you come?

    Alan, I agree with you about mass participation, and so does XR. Please read here the statement from Extinction Rebellion UK on the ‘Heathrow Pause’ action (this is how this splinter group people call themselves). In the statement they say, “If such an action takes place at this time, it will be independent of Extinction Rebellion UK.” The Heathrow Pause website makes no references to XR whatsoever.


    Much appreciated but as a union activist once engaged in unofficial strikes I can discern statements that are designed to avoid any legal consequences by distancing yourself.

    “Extinction Rebellion UK neither condones nor condemns the action”

    Why avoid condemnation? Why not denounce it?

    I am reminded of “separation” of Sinn Fein and the IRA

    But yes, if the media sought to publicise the statement may help but already as you can see, there will be little attempt to do so. The Sun is typical


    Despite referring to them as separate, “environmentalist activists” are all lumped together

    “We must reiterate that interrupting the Airport and disturbing scores of travellers was never the ultimate goal of this action. The real objective was always to trigger a sensible, honest conversation, throughout society… ” Heathrow Pause press release.

    As I already stated, the way to have a conversation is face to face

    Once again in HP website, it is mentioned that Hallam is an XR co-founder.

    I never give any organization carte blanche or exempt them from criticism if I feel it is justified – not even our own, as some are painfully aware on this forum.

    BTW I have been critical of the current custom we have of leafletting environmentalist protests. We have the resources and the imagination to express the socialist case in other ways that will not be perceived as another forest chopped down for the message on the leaflets. But sadly I think, as always, we delayed too late for alternatives for the 20th. Perhaps for COP 26 in November 2020 at Glasgow we will be ready.




    That’s a coincidence as I was just about to post details on the party business section here about the arrangements for next Friday. The students will be gathering in Millbank at 11 am. The idea is for party members to meet at Head Office in Clapham at 10 to pick up leaflets and then go by tube from Clapham North four stops to Pimlico. I won’t be there myself as I will be on holiday so can’t say see you there. But perhaps you and Dave can. If you can’t make Clapham at that time email Head Office and we’ll send you some leaflets.

    Details here:



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