Executive Committee Minutes November 2016

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Executive Committee Minutes November 2016

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    Dear Comrades,

    Here are the minutes for the November 2016 SPGB EC meeting. The file (PDF) version can be found here – 



    (Note: These minutes are not official until amendment and adoption by the EC.)

    In attendance: Browne, Cox, Foster, McLellan, Scholey, Skelly and Thomas. Apologies for absence received from Craggs.
    01.    Call to Order/Election of Chair. As previously agreed Cde Thomas took the chair and the meeting commenced at 13:10 hrs. Cde Cox took minutes.

    02.    Minutes of the previous meeting, business arising therefrom and the General Secretary’s raising of Notices of Motion and Business from previous meetings

    (a)    Minutes of the October 2016 meeting
    On a motion of Browne and Scholey, it was AGREED the minutes as circulated be adopted as a true record.

    (b)    Matters arising from the February 2016 meeting minutes
    Re x6(d) (correspondence from Cde Whitehead re calendars), e-mail from Cde Whitehead 10/10/16, referring back to “a printed copy of a 2016 calendar I have made at zazzle.co.uk”, and enquiring if the EC wishes to order calendars for 2017.
    MOTION 1 (Cox/McLellan): “To thank Cde Whitehead, but it may be too late in the year.  The EC invite him to submit a design for 2018 and to provide quotes for a bulk order that we can consider taking advance orders for.” 
    AMENDMENT (Thomas/…): “Insert ‘brighter’ after ‘submit a’.” Lost 3-3-1.  
    Motion 1 AGREED 6-1-0.

    (c)    Matters arising from the June 2016 meeting minutes
    Investment Fund. Re Motion 1 and other decisions, and Motion 4 of the October 2016 meeting minutes (“That consideration [of what funds may be allocated for investment purposes] be deferred until after ADM.”). There was discussion regarding the amount of funds which should be held in reserve to cover the ongoing operating deficit of the Party (excluding legacies) and contingency for any additional future expenses. It was suggested a minimum of £100,000 was currently available, which the 2017 EC may consider increasing.
    MOTION 2 (Browne/Cox): “That the figure of £100,000 be released to the Investment Committee.” AGREED 7-0-0.

    (d)    Matters arising from the October 2016 meeting minutes
    i.    Re Motion 2 (“This EC upholds the suspension from the Forum of Cde V. Maratty and requests the Internet Committee to forward a copy of the offending emails of March 2016.”)
    In connection with this item the agenda for the meeting included:
    a.    A number of documents containing communications by and between the Internet Committee and Cde Maratty (“the one post that immediately preceded his Spintcom suspension (for personal attacks) the three posts that immediately preceded his spopen suspension (for using the list to air complaints about his other suspensions), and some posts relating to his Web forum suspension”)  and an offer to provide “on request a full record of his… posting history for March 2016, as well as his e-mail correspondence with the IC, though this could run to several hundred pages”;
    b.    E-mail from Cde Maratty via the Acting General Secretary (29–30/10/16): Being his “request to have his suspension from the Party Forums lifted.” Cde Maratty stated that “The 'Act of Contrition' read out at ADM by Cde Browne was not meant for the EC, it was a sarcastic and humorous attempt to reply to the forum moderators request for an 'Act of Contrition' to the EC.” It further explained that last month he had submitted but subsequently withdrawn the following request to the EC:
    “I request that the EC lift my ban and reinstate my account. I undertake to abide by the rules of the forum. May I also ask that the EC reconsiders my nomination as a member of the AV committee as I feel I have something to contribute to the party and our movement? Please see … video Proposal Regarding Party Video Production”. The video was viewed by the EC during the meeting;
    c.    ADM Floor Resolution arising from x23 (Report of Internet Committee), Cdes Kilgallon (North East Regional) & Whitehead (Manchester): “This ADM recommends the Executive Committee to overturn the indefinite ban on Comrade V. Maratty on the website internet forum, spintcom and spopen”, reported as being agreed by a vote of 8–2–3.
    A discussion took place regarding the items on the agenda. Taking into account the content of the emails from Cde Maratty (b, above), the views of delegates expressed at ADM, and the fact that the suspension had now exceeded seven months, several EC members suggested that the Internet Committee should be asked to end the suspension. Others took a contrary view, that there was no evidence to support lifting the suspension and that delegates at ADM may not have been fully aware of the circumstances. 
    MOTION 3 (Browne/Thomas): “That we thank the Comrades of the Internet Committee for their reply to our request of October, and endorse their actions in the circumstances. We note that Cde Vincent Maratty has, in an email of 15/09/16 to the EC, undertaken to abide by the rules of the Forum, so therefore we lift his suspension and enjoin Cde Maratty to work together with the Comrades of the Internet Committee for our common aim.” AGREED 4-2-1 [Division: For – Browne, Foster, McLellan, Thomas; Against – Scholey, Skelly; Abstain – Cox].
    MOTION 4 (Scholey/Browne): “After due consideration the EC re-affirms the rejection of the nomination of V. Maratty to the Audio Visual Committee, but encourages him to reapply for the forthcoming year.” AGREED 3-2-2.
    ii.    Re Motion 7 (“That Cde V. Maratty be requested to remove the video from YouTube and that its circulation is ceased immediately.”), e-mail from Cde V Maratty (14/10/16): “Thanks, I have removed it as requested.” NOTED. 
    iii.    Re Motion 8 (“The EC requests the AV Committee to produce guidelines for the EC’s consideration on producing video’s, including matters of copyright and licensing.”), no further updates.
    MOTION 5 (Browne/McLellan): “In the absence of a reply from the A.V. Committee, the EC sets up an ad-hock committee consisting of M. Foster, G. Thomas and R. Cox to revise the A.V. Committee terms of reference.”
    AGREED 6-1-0. 
    Appointed members of the ad-hock committee agreed to accept this role and to aim to present a report to the December EC, in consultation with Cde Kilgallon.
    iv.    Re Motion 10 (“That the SSPC be asked to ensure that, in there being no volunteers to carry out layout duties, that they produce a ‘Plan B’ (e.g., asking the printers) that ensures the continued publication of the Socialist Standard.”), it appeared that no further updates were received, but EC members referenced a report read to delegates at ADM. It was AGREED a copy of the report be found and considered later during the meeting.

    (e)    Matters outstanding from previous minutes
    i.    Election Candidate Guidance (‘The EC asks the Election Committee to… include some answers and produce a Candidates Guide’), no developments.  Cde Scholey undertook to follow the matter up with the Election Committee;
    ii.    Head Office Computers (HP – installation of SSD and USB port issue). No further developments;
    iii.    O’Gorman bequest (Appointment of agent to facilitate disposal of property and renewal of insurance). No further developments; Cde Thomas reported a spare set of keys have been obtained;
    iv.    Party Wall (works in adjoining property). No further developments;
    v.    Group in Turkey. No further information. In the circumstances and unless further contact is received, it was AGREED the matter be removed from the list of those outstanding.

    03.    Forms A and F
    (a)    Application for membership of Mark Znidericz (approved by MAC; contact via Internet). Cox/Scholey: ‘That the application be accepted.’ AGREED;
    (b)    Application for membership of Stephen Finch (approved by MAC; former member re-joining). Browne/Thomas: ‘That the application be accepted.’ AGREED;
    (c)    Form F for Veronica Clanchy – (South-West Branch; Resigned, personal reasons). Foster/McLellan: ‘To ratify the termination of membership form.’ AGREED.

    04.    Report of The Treasurer
    The Assistant Treasurers written report (08/09/16) of the first six months of 2016 was on the agenda. He further reported on a meeting with one of the internal auditors held today, to discuss their report and issues regarding accounting records. Responding to a question, the Treasurer reported the new electricity supplier had over-estimated charges and a refund up to September of £885 is due.

    05.    Reports of Party Officers, Party Appointees, Subcommittees, and Departments; discussion of advertising, campaigns, and The Socialist Standard
    (a)    Socialist Standard Production Committee (Cdes Shannon and Windle 10/10/16, see item 2(d)iv above). Regarding layout work, “We’re happy to report that we have a volunteer who is making good progress, but we still urgently need a second volunteer.” It was further reported that as per the EC request, one quote had been obtained for “£25 per page, or £600 per issue”, and in addition to the cost implications they questioned “whether non-socialist designers could really do justice to our socialist values in our own pages”.
    It was AGREED to thank the SSPC for their report and:
    i.    To issue an urgent call for another volunteer to assist with the layout and design work of the Socialist Standard;
    ii.    To ask the SSPC to make enquiries to establish what period of notice external graphic designers may need to take on page-layout work, should it become necessary.
    (b)    Report of the Ballot Committee (05/11/16) on accepted nominations for 2017 EC and Party Officers. 
    MOTION 6 (Foster/Thomas): “The EC makes a further request for nominations to the Executive Committee (3 vacant posts), General Secretary and Assistant General Secretary roles, to be received by the Ballot Committee by 06/01/2017.” AGREED.
    NOTICE OF BUSINESS (Cox): “To discuss Head Office and EC administrative arrangements for 2017 (December EC)”
    (c)    SPGB Website Update (Report of Cde Poynton, Internet Committee 31/10/16):
    Cde Poynton reported that additional external assistance was required with the final stages of the website update, and requested a further budget of up to £2,000. Further, that the project should be completed by early 2017. The EC viewed a video presentation on the project.
    MOTION 7 (Skelly/McLellan): “That Cde Poynton be granted the requested budget of £2,000.” AGREED 6-0-1.

    06.    Correspondence

    (a)    Matters of urgency: R.A. Smith Will Trust. Invoice from Solicitor for administration of the estate for August 2015 to October 2016. It was AGREED the amount of £792 be paid.

    (b)    Correspondence from or concerning Branches, the Party in general, and members
    i.    Resolution from East Anglia Regional (8 October, carried 5–0–2): “That the Branch be formally dissolved.”
    It was AGREED (on a proposal of Browne and McLellan) that the Central Organiser be asked to make a report to the EC.
    ii.    ADM Floor Resolution arising from x12a (Head Office Organiser’s Report), Cdes Browne (Lancaster) & Cox (Kent & Sussex): “That this ADM recommends to the EC that they attempt to arrange that HO be open to the public during the week for three days.” (Carried 12–0–0).
    Cde Scholey (Head Office Organiser) was asked to contact suitable members to attend Head Office.
    iii.    ADM Floor Resolution arising from x24 (Item for Discussion: Should the party commercially commission a whiteboard-style animation for publishing on our website?), Cdes Foster (West Midlands Regional) & and Browne (Lancaster): “This ADM asks the AV Committee to look into the costs and potential format and content of a ‘whiteboard’ (or similar) style of animated video, commissioned from an outside agency.” (Carried 13–0–0). NOTED.

    (c)    Correspondence from Companion Parties and Groups (available on the “World Socialist Movement” forum of the Party’s website)
    i.    Socialist Party of Canada Secretary’s Report, 1 October 2016: http://www.
    ii.    World Socialist Party (India) Executive Committee minutes, October 2016:
    iii.    Proceedings of the Autumn School and Membership Meeting of the World Socialist Party (India), 22–23 October 2016: http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/forum/world-socialist-movement/wspindia-amm-2016-mins
    (d)    Other correspondence
    E-mails from Cde M Colome (Socialist Party of Canada) regarding the future of the (website) WSM Forum (29 and 31 October). Some discussion took place on the matter.

    07.    Nomination of Chair for the next meeting etc
    AGREED to be Cde Scholey. Cde Skelly to take minutes. The meeting was closed at 16:40 hrs.


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