Executive Committee minutes
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- This topic has 32 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
January 25, 2020 at 3:55 pm #192952
InactiveA week to go until the February meeting of the Executive Committee and still no sign of January’s minutes. But hey, perhaps they have been published somewhere and “members of the public” (and even party members) now have to specifically request access to them.
So much for openness and transparency…
January 25, 2020 at 6:02 pm #192957Bijou Drains
ParticipantFor those of us in the provinces, who aren’t kept in the loop, access to EC minutes are vital. They used to be posted out to branch Secs for distribution, but that was said to be too expensive, they’re on line we were told, so where are they. I have tried to join SP on line and got no where. It is all a little bit worrying.
January 25, 2020 at 7:37 pm #192959robbo203
ParticipantPerhaps this matter needs to be referred to the GenSec and posted on SPINTCOM. I agree – prompt and transparent communication is vital
January 25, 2020 at 8:23 pm #192961ALB
KeymasterAny member can ask to have the EC minutes sent to them by snail mail (in fact any non member can but they have to pay the postage). A couple of dozen do. Not sure though that it’s more rapid than email. Anyway that is not the problem. Once they are done they are sent to branch secretaries and those who have asked to receive them, either by email or by post. The files section of spintcom is essentially an archive where past minutes can be consulted.
January 26, 2020 at 12:13 am #192966alanjjohnstone
Keymaster“For those of us in the provinces, who aren’t kept in the loop, access to EC minutes are vital.”
Nobody listens to us anyways
January 26, 2020 at 12:19 am #192967PartisanZ
ParticipantEC minutes are put into Files in the new spintcom.
January 2020 haven’t been posted yet.
January 26, 2020 at 12:31 am #192968Anonymous
Inactive“EC minutes are put into Files in the new spintcom.”
But that’s of no use to members who are not subscribed to Spintcom or to members of the public. Why can’t the EC minutes be posted in email form as well which always used to be the case? I can’t help feeling there’s an element of deliberate obfuscation at play here.
January 26, 2020 at 10:19 am #192980Anonymous
InactiveOf course, the real tragedy with administrative issues such as this one is that those responsible only get to hear about them secondhand and probably not even then. Of all the current elected Party Officers and Executive Committee members only two are known to visit this forum.
January 26, 2020 at 10:41 am #192981ALB
KeymasterMost EC members are from the provinces. Only two live in London.
January 26, 2020 at 12:01 pm #192982Bijou Drains
Participant“Most EC members are from the provinces. Only two live in London.”
Aye, that might be the case, but they don’t live in the province I live in. Where they live is irrelevant, it is about ensuring that members know what is going on and how their EC is voting, behaving, etc.
The point is that to have full democratic processes in all members need to have all the information. Without that info how are we supposed to vote on the membership of the EC?
“Once they are done they are sent to branch secretaries”
I am branch sec of NE Branch and I have never received them.
If I can be sent a work copy of the EC minutes, I will post them on here.
It appears to me that there is an awful lot of things going on with this current EC that members outside of situation are unaware of.
January 26, 2020 at 12:35 pm #192983ALB
KeymasterI don’t think anybody at Head Office knew or had been informed that you were the North East branch secretary, otherwise you would have been receiving calls for nominations, conference agenda items, etc.
There is one decision of the December EC that should be aware of (and were about to be informed of along with all NE branch members):
RESOLUTION: Browne/Kennedy- “The EC asks the CO to ask North East branch if they wish to disband and which branches they wish to join.” (Agreed)
It should be easy to give you (or any other members) access to EC Minutes. All you need to do is join the new Spintcom and consult the files section. I’m sure the moderator, Matt, could take you through in five minutes how to do this.
The current problem has arisen because the comrade who used to publish the EC Minutes here is no longer in a position to do so, resulting in a suspension of the service.
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by
January 26, 2020 at 1:02 pm #192985Bijou Drains
ParticipantI was appointed by the branch shortly before the branch imploded. I was aware of the EC decision to look at closure of the branch.
I am not saying that EC minutes are not available, the point is that they are not READILY available and easy to access.
There is a danger of assuming that all members are tech literate and have access to all things tech.
We need to make sure that all aspects of the party decision making process are open to scrutiny.
I have accessed the spintcom files.
I will from now on publish the EC minutes on this forum as and when they are produced.
January 26, 2020 at 1:02 pm #192986Bijou Drains
Present: S.Kennedy, M.Foster, M.Browne, C.Dee , P.Shannon, T.Hart, L.Stevens
Apologies: G.Thomas, C.Alvarenga
Chair: P.Shannon
Meeting opened at 1:20pm
1. Election of Chair: P. Shannon
Browne/Foster – Agreed
2. Amendment and adoption of the previous meeting minutes (p. 7)
(a) Re §4(k)i (Report of the Election Committee, 24 October), note from the Assistant Secretary: Under
this item it is minuted that the EC resolved “That the Swansea and Folkestone election manifestos be
adopted”, but the Election Committee report of 24 October does not mention any manifesto for Folkestone.
Presumably under this item the EC also considered the Election Committee’s subsequent report of 1
November, in which case I recommend that the minutes be amended to reflect same.
– The minutes should reflect that the election manifestos were only available on the day.
– Minutes to be amended to reflect that Comrade Browne submitted a draft Auditors report which was to
be discussed during the December meeting.
RESOLUTION: Browne/Foster – “That the minutes and their amendments be adopted.”
3. Matters arising from previous minutes
(a) Matters arising from the August 2018 meeting minutes
i. Re §2(d)i (“That Cde Hart be thanked for his extremely comprehensive report and he be asked to liaise
with the Internet Committee, Treasurer and Head Office Organiser in order to implement the
RESOLUTION: Browne/Foster – “Move that no action be taken with regards to the parties emails for 4
months unless or until the IC has been able to transfer the emails to a secure archive.”
(Carried 5-1-1)
(b) Matters arising from the May 2019 meeting minutes
i. Re §2(b)iv (“That Comrades Shenfields and Robin Cox be advised we are supportive of the suggestion of
duel membership for Comrades residing in the States, will confer with the MAC about their willingness to
process members applications, and is willing to provide financial support, subject to clarification on the
legalities and a break down of expenditure.”), Cde Bennett of the Membership Applications Committee
reports (2 December) that Cde Shenfield and the Membership Applications Committee have agreed that
the latter will process membership requests on behalf of the WSPUS, and that the WSPUS website now
informs enquirers of same.
– Noted
(c) Matters arising from the October 2019 meeting minutes
i. Re §3(a)ii (General Secretary to enquire of the Head Office Organiser as to the progress made in
obtaining a supplier and quotation for the cleaning contract), no report received
– Comrade Hutton is making inquires into a deep clean twice yearly, with other Comrades volunteering for
more frequent cleaning duties.
ii. Re §4(s) (“That Cde Shannon arrange for the production of a newly revised Party Handbook, hard copy
and soft copy format) in liaison with Publications Committee and other interested parties”), e-mail from
Cde Foster (27 November):
RESOLUTION: Browne/Dee – “The the Draft be agreed, anf the title be SPGB Members Handbook.”
(Carried 7-0-0)
RESOLUTION: Foster/Browne – “As well as an online version, 350 copies of the members handbook are to be
printed and distributed to all members with the 2020 final Conference agenda.”
(Carried 7-0-0)
iii. Re §4(s) (“That Cde. Shannon approach the Membership Applications Committee on its views
concerning the merits of producing a FAQ leaflet. (in hard copy and soft copy format)”), no report
– Ongoing
(d) Matters arising from the November 2019 meeting minutes
i. Re §3(b)ii (resolutions that “the EC asks the auditors to complete their investigation of the allegations
regarding use of party funds, including statements from all individuals involved. A report is to be
prepared for the December EC meeting” and that “recognising the seriousness of the matter, the EC
requests statements from Comrades Alvarenga, Chesham, and any witnesses to the events referred to in
Comrade Cheshams email of 17/10/19. And that the General Secretary along with EC members Shannon
and Dee, investigate the matter and report to the December EC meeting”)
A. Auditors Report:
Dave Chesham accused C A of misappropriation of party funds in an email letter sent August 11th to the EC
and some party branches, i.e. SW Regional, Glasgow, maybe North London but not to Lancaster, West
London and others. This is a serious accusation so having received an accusation from DC I must check and
report to the EC and to the party on this. My opinion is that while C A may have misapplied her powers as
Assistant Treasurer but as she recorded this in the petty cash vouchers book at the time did not
misappropriate any party funds nor was she intending to do so.
On the reason as to why Comrade C A did “borrow” the funds, it was so as to travel to the summer school,
the party’s annual meeting of talks and discussion which has been running for several decades and also the
fact that following a resolution carried by conference 2018 re setting up a bursary for the purposes of
helping members of limited means to attend party general meetings, she appeared to be entitled to the
cost of travel. Her application for the funds was made the day before the meeting, to the GS and the T but
neither could agree to give permission. She applied after the meeting to the T and to the Campaigns
member but neither could authorise it.
She had attended HO since January 2018 on a regular basis to record cheques and cash received and
prepare cheques for payment of invoices. She had had problems with her payments from the state and had
asked for an advance of her expenses against future attendance and has been allowed this in July and
August until the payments from the state were resumed.
Text of the 2018 conference resolution: “This Conference instructs the EC to establish an annual bursary of
at least £2,000 for the purposes of helping members of limited means to attend party general meetings, the
dispensation of which should be worked out, overseen an administrated by the EC.”
My opinion is that: 1/ she was entitled to the travel,
2/ Any application for funds from the bursary should, in future, come to the EC for approval which can be
made before or after the event.
RESOLUTION: Stevens/Dee – “That the auditors report be adopted.”
(Carried 5-0-2)
B. Report on Comrade Cheshams email of 17/10/19
Dave Chesham – The latest of a series of unprovoked verbal attacks on myself by a drunken ‘cde’ Alvarenga
occurred at Head Office today. Among the most recent accusations made was that I had done a “shit” job
on the Advertising & Enquiries Committee and that she hoped I wouldn’t be re-appointed. My socialist
credentials were also called into question and as such I should either resign from the Party or be expelled.
Cibele Alvarenga – No response given, preferring to speak with other senior standing members before
giving an account. Though one was given verbally at the previous EC meeting on the fly. The account
indicated that Cibele did not deny the accusations as stated previously by Dave as having happened.
Mark Hutton – I was at my desk above the main hall processing pamphlets and Socialist Standards when
Cibele arrived and proceeded to say rather loudly that i was to appoint a new cleaner she was under the
influence of drink . After sometime John Helps and i left and after that i imagine she might well have had a
go at Dave who was in the building doing some work. It stems from the new franking machine and a new
table which Cibele opposed.
Roy Beat – Didn’t see much or hear who was shouting as I was upstairs most of the time. Would preferably
not get involved in the whole affair.
John Helps – Unable to get in contact.
It is my conclusion that the events that transpired on the date in question did occur as stated by Comrade
C. Resolution from Kent & Sussex (10 November, carried 3–0–0): In view of the reported behaviour
against a member of KSRB and similar behaviour previously observed, KSRB demands that the EC
excludes Comrade Alvarenga from head office indefinitely and considers whether her behaviour warrants
a formal charge under rule 31.
Additionally, the resignation letter as sent by Comrade Chesham was read out detailing reasons for leaving,
and a list of allegations against C.A.
RESOLUTION: Foster/Dee – “The EC regrets the animosity between some members in recent months, and
recognises that changes to procedures and practices have been required. The EC has considered the
allegations against Comrade C A and accepts that there is substance to some of these, but does not accept
that overall they warrant a charge under rule 31. Nor does the EC have any authority to exclude members
from Head Office indefinitely. While more could have been done by the EC to prevent that matter escalating,
steps taken during the year to prevent future similar incidents involve:
• Barring the use of alcohol at EC meetings.
• Reiterating that contributors at EC meetings go through the chair and that members should not talk
over each other.
• Clarifying acceptable conduct in the revised members handbook.
• Reiterating 2009 conference resolution – “That this conference views with displeasure the abusing of
members by other members. Further, this conference urges members to take the available effective
action necessary to redress grievances: informal resolution; motion at branch; resolution to the EC;
motion of the EC; charge at branch; charge at EC; branch poll; party poll or special conference all of
which exist for the purpose of allowing comradely and democratic resolution of disputes.”
(Carried 6-1-0)
Division Requested by Comrade Browne –
FOR M.Foster, M.Browne, C.Dee , P.Shannon, T.Hart, L.Stevens
Meeting adjourned for break: 2:50pm
Meeting resumed at: 3:11pm
ii. Re §4(r) (roof exit hatch and cracks in the library wall), e-mail from Cde Cox (30 November):
– Noted, Hutton called out surveyor, awaiting.
iii. Re §4(s)i (call for a Party Poll on Amazon Advantage by Kent & Sussex), e-mail from West London (6
– Noted
iv. Notice of Business (Hart): Lockers to be purchased for personal items
– Assembled and available in basement.
4. Reports of and new matters relating to Party Officers, Party Appointees, and Subcommittees
(a) Advertising and Enquiries
(b) Assistant Secretary
(c) Audio Visual
(d) Auditors
i. E-mail from Cde Hart (3 November): “This is to advise you that I have resigned from the Audit
Committee. . . with immediate effect.”
RESOLUTION: Kennedy/Stevens – “The EC accepts the resignation of Comrade Hart with regret and thanks
them for their efforts.”
(e) Ballot
(f) Blog
(g) Campaigns and Media
RESOLUTION: Foster/Dee – “The EC agrees to a maximum subsidy of £110 per attendee at summer school,
as per previous years.”
(h) Central Branch Secretary
(i) Central Organiser
i. Report of the Central Organiser (22 November): I have checked the membership database at Head Office
with the records held by branches and the position, up to the November EC Meeting, is as follows. Total
membership is 311 broken down as follows:
19 North London
18 South London
19 West London
6 Edinburgh
20 Glasgow
17 Kent & Sussex Regional
13 Lancaster 31 Manchester
15 North East
17 South Wales
21 South West Regional
16 West Midlands Regional
57 Central (UK)
42 Central (Overseas)
So, nearly a third of the membership (32%) is in Central Branch. The Delegate Meeting again raised the
question of non-functioning North East Branch. Members of this branch do take part in party votes in the
same proportion as members of other branches. 4 If the branch is wound and all its members go into
central branch, this would increase the number there to 114 (36 Does the EC wish me to proceed to wind
up the North East branch and ask its members which branch they would like to transfer to?
RESOLUTION: Browne/Kennedy- “The EC asks the CO to ask North East branch if they wish to disband and
which branches they wish to join.”
(j) Education
(k) Election
i. Report of the Election Committee (22 November):
RESOLUTION: Foster/Dee – “That the election committee be thanked for their report.”
ii. Electoral Commission returns
– Noted
(l) General Secretary
i. Minutes of the 2019 Autumn Delegate Meeting (p. 15)
RESOLUTION: Browne/Shannon – “That the General Secretary be thanked for their report.”
(m) Head Office Organiser
(n) Internet
i. The Internet Committee reports (30 November) that it has migrated spintcom and spopen to Groups.io
per the November EC’s resolution.
– Noted with thanks
(o) Investment
(p) Library and Archives
(q) Membership Applications
i. Forms A
A. Form A for Aiden Luiting (via Membership Applications Committee, who indicate that the application is
“presumably” for the WSPUS)
For A for WSPUS accepted
ii. Forms F
A. Form F for Dave Chesham (via K&S Regional)
– Deferred
RESOLUTION: Foster/Hart – “The EC recognises that Comrade Chesham has been a valued member of the
party and urges him to reconsider his decision to leave.”
(Carried 6-0-1)
(r) Premises
i. Head Office boiler
RESOLUTION: Browne/Dee – “That only a certified gas safe engineer be authorised to repair or service the
boiler in accordance with gas safety regulations.”
(Carried 7-0-0)
(s) Publications
i. E-mail from Cde Surman (1 December): This is to inform you that Alan (Fenn) and I, for personal reasons
and severe internet challenges, are standing down from the Publications Committee with immediate
– Noted with thanks for their work.
ii. Resolution from Kent & Sussex (10 November, carried 3–0–0): KSRB requests that the EC produces a
printed version of Jordan Levi’s “Revolution not Reform” essay for sale in UK at head office and literature
stalls. Making use of the pdf file at http://www.wspus.org/wp-content/ uploads/2019/09/Jordan-LeviRevolution-Not-Reform.pdf.
RESOLUTION: Foster/Hart – “The EC is in favour of the ‘Revolution not Reform’ pamphlet being available
online and as a print version. To be coordinated by K&S Regional. The Branch to obtain quotes for costings
and numbers printed, and also consider an alternative design and a short paragraph clarifying it was
already published by the WSPUS.”
(Carried 7-0-0)
(t) Socialist Standard
(u) Standing Orders
i. E-mail from Cde Hart (3 November): “This is to advise you that I have resigned from. . . the Standing
Orders Committee with immediate effect.”
– Noted
(v) Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer
(w) Trustees
5. Correspondence
(a) Matters of urgency
(b) Correspondence from or concerning Branches, the Party in general, and members
(c) Correspondence from Companion Parties and Groups
i. Socialist Party of Canada Secretary’s Report, 1 November 2019 (p. 26)
ii. Socialist Party of Canada Secretary’s Report, 1 December 2019 (p. 30)
(d) All other correspondence
6. Notices of Motion
I. Reorder of EC agenda with regards to Treasurers report
ii. Plumber – report and action needed
7. Notices of Business
8. Any other business
9. Nomination of Chair for the next meeting
Meeting adjourned at: 5:20pmJanuary 26, 2020 at 1:46 pm #192988ALB
KeymasterNot our best profile but that’s that problem solved.
January 26, 2020 at 6:52 pm #192999Bijou Drains
ParticipantWarts and all comrade, warts and all.
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by
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