Euroelections 2014: Wales Region

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Euroelections 2014: Wales Region

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    Thanks, gnome. Don't know why my image wouldn't reduce. It spread all over the page.

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    Thanks, gnome. Don't know why my image wouldn't reduce. It spread all over the page.

    I do.  Because I have editing rights as an event adder I was able to change the input format to full HTML which allows, amongst things, alteration to the size of images.   


    For reference of those interested, the leaflet in Wales as an election address was subject to various regulations by Royal Mail about what can and cannot appear presumably as per election law. Some of the text (especially at the beginning and end) is required as mandatory or else the leaflet would not be distributed or would otherwise be impeded.

    jondwhite wrote:
    For reference of those interested, the leaflet in Wales as an election address was subject to various regulations by Royal Mail about what can and cannot appear presumably as per election law. Some of the text (especially at the beginning and end) is required as mandatory or else the leaflet would not be distributed or would otherwise be impeded.

    What about the election statement for the South East England region.  Is that not subject to the same regulations?


    Dunno to be honest.See the top link at states'To be correctly classed as an election mailing, all candidate mail artwork needs to comply with strict guidelines. So at Royal Mail, the Artwork Checking Team checks your mailing to make sure it’s up to specification. Remember, only checked and approved artwork will be accepted for mailing. The Artwork Checking Team ensures all election mailing artwork adheres to a strict code – the requirements are set out in the representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended). This Act also entitles a party or candidate to have one mailing delivered free of charge to them to either each domestic address or each eligible elector* in the relevant electoral area. All mail must be purely about the election concerned and must not contain any obscene, offensive or indecent content. The Artwork Checking Team also check envelopes to make sure they meet design guidelines.'Wikipedia has some info on representation of the People Act 1983

    ALB wrote:
    The BBC have informed us that our Party Election Broadcast will be shown on Monday 12 May at 22.35 on BB1 (Wales) and at 23.20 on BBC2 (Wales).

    It will be broadcast on ITV (Wales) on Tuesday 6 May after the News at Ten.

    Keymaster A resident of Penarth has been nominated to stand as a candidate in the forthcoming elections for the European Parliament – to be held on May 22nd . He’ s Richard Cheney of 14 Wordsworth Avenue Penarth who will be one of four candidates contesting the election on behalf of the Socialist Party of Great Britain. [with his photo]


    Another comrade on our list, Brian Johnson, was interviewed by BBC Wales TV this afternoon. A soundbite from it will be broadcast on Sunday 4 May in the "Sunday Politics Wales" show on BBC1 Wales which starts at 11am. The soundbite is likely to be on after 11.30 together with those from representatives of the other lists.


    How did they manage to stop Brian talking…you aren't know for short pithy soundbites , are you Brian !!

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    How did they manage to stop Brian talking…you aren't know for short pithy soundbites , are you Brian !!

    Haha. The raven chides blackness!!!    


    For the record, from yesterday's Weekly Worker in an article entitled "EU elections: Trying to vote internationalist"

    The CPGB, therefore, recommends no vote for either No2EU or the SLP. Comrades in Wales should cast a critical vote for the Socialist Party of Great Britain ….

    The CPGB is not to be confused with the former party of this name which we vied with over the years and which is now represented by the CPB (whose leader is heading the No2EU list in Wales).Not sure what a "critical vote" is but at least somebody else rejects the petty and divisive nationalism of No2EU and the Scargill Labour Party.

    Keymaster Perhaps, in regards to another thread on media and press, some of our more informed members on European economics and  involved in the Euro election could respond to this "manifesto" and have the media committee issue it as a press release. 


     It is an excellent election  video and will come in handy for the future. Well done to all.  Has anyone posted it on revleft  and other left wing/anarchist  sites?   


    See the following link (BBC Wales) for a couple of paragraphs on the Party's candidature in Wales: 

    The leaderless Socialist Party of Great Britain wants "real socialism" and claims mainstream parties break promises and accept an unfair society.Candidate Brian Johnson said: "What the Socialist Party stands for is a stateless, classless, leaderless world, a world without money, free access to the means of living and production for use on a global scale."Such a system is not going to operate just purely at a national or European scale. We're looking far beyond Europe, we're looking at the globe in its fullest perspective."



    We have been asked by the Carmarthen Journal to answer in up to 80 words three set questions for publication in their paper along with the replies of all the other lists. Here's the questions and answers:

    1. What is the party’s stance on Britain’s future in the EU?Whether Britain should stay in or get out of the EU is irrelevant as, in or out, capitalism will continue and so the problems it causes as a system in which profits have to come before people. The answer is not to retreat into an impossible “independent Britain” but to go forward to world society. It is only on a global scale that problems such as climate change, world hunger and war can be tackled.2. What would be the party’s main aims if elected to the European Parliament?Use it as a platform from which to denounce the way the profit system works against the interest of the vast majority by imposing its logic of “no profit, no production” and “can’t pay, can’t have”. To argue instead for a world community without frontiers based on the planet’s resources being the common heritage of all humanity under democratic control and where the principle “from each according to their ability to each according to their needs” would apply.3. How can having a Socialist Party/World Socialist Movement MEP benefit the people of Carmarthenshire?They would have a voice expressing their interest in getting rid of the profit system, even though having a genuinely socialist MEP wouldn’t, and, because of the nature of the system, couldn’t, mean much in practical terms.

    For those unfamiliar with Wales, Llanelli is the biggest town in the county. 

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