Euroelections 2014: Wales Region

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Euroelections 2014: Wales Region

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  • #82824

    As we are not just contesting the South East Region in the 22 May euroelections but also in the Wales Region, it is as well to have a separate thread on this.

    The main reason we decided to contest there was to get our first ever Party Election Broadcast. This is in hand, but it appears we've missed an opportunity. Comrades there have been contacted by the Welsh-language TV station S4C (Sianel Pedwar Cymru) offering a Party Political Broadcast in Welsh (with English subtitles). Unfortunately, we weren't prepared for this and cannot take advantage of it. We do have Welsh-speaking members but they speak it either with a North Walian or a Swansea (Abertawe) valley accent and dialect which might not go down too well. In any event, it's too late and S4C won't accept English with Welsh subtitles (which is fair enough). Fortunately all native Welsh-speakers also speak English (even if not all of them watch English-language Welsh TV where we'll get our PEB).


    Shame that. We coul have simply submitting this Welsh version of the Internationale with a simple statement in Welsh …"For  world socialism vote Socialist Party" and contact details. Would have been better than bugger allBut too late is too late…ahhh well… Maybe the comrade might use it in their campaigns…play it as  warm up to their meetings 


    We already know that the Scargill Labour Party will be fielding a list in Wales. So, according to this, is No2EU. Presumably on exactly the same programme since the head of their list is none other than Rob Griffiths, the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Britain. So it looks as if the Stalinist vote will be split.


    The nomination papers for our list in Wales have just been accepted. So we're off and en route for our first party election broadcast.


    There are 11 lists in Wales. The others besides us are: Labour, Tory, Liberal, Plaid Cymru, Green, UKIP,  BNP,  No2EU, SLP and "Britain First" (sounds like a BNP breakaway, anyway another nasty party, whose slogan is "Remember Lee Rigby"). Curiously, none of the candidates of the Scargill Labour Party come from the ex- mining valleys of South Wales, 3 are from North Wales and one from West Wales.


    The BBC have informed us that our Party Election Broadcast will be shown on Monday 12 May at 22.35 on BB1 (Wales) and at 23.20 on BBC2 (Wales). Presumably this is after the local news.ITV (Wales) has indicated they will be showing it on Tuesday 6 May but haven't yet confirmed or given a time.

    steve colborn

    Excellent news Adam. I will most definitely be taping this on my Sky+ box. I look forward to seeing the finished version. Well done to all involved!


    I look forward to it, too. Great news!But couldn't it be uploaded to Youtube. All the other PPB end up there.If the party doesn't have a youtube channel/account then it's time it did


    I'm sure it will be viewable somewhere on Youtube after it has been broadcast. In any event, the BBC have informed us that it will be on BBC online the day after. So we will be able to use it in the rest of the campasign in South East Region as well as in Wales.


    If there is not a plan to set up a blogsite as we have with i suggest one is created so it can be linked to from various discussion lists and as a useful place for up-to-date info for non-members."Hungry kids have been forced to rely on charity for food during holidays because they can’t get free school meals at home"  


    Thanks , Vin. That was too complicated for me to work out how to put up. Just realised too that you've got to click "next" at the top to see pages 3 and 4.Anyway about 350,000 of these will be distributed by Royal Mail in the 9 constituencies, that's 23% of the total electorate of Wales of 1.5 million.So, actually, combined with the 983,000 in the South East Region we're going fpr more than a million.


    Image a bit too big so took it down. 

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