Euroelections 2014: South East Region

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Euroelections 2014: South East Region

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    Sean has had less success than our other candidates in getting a letter or statement in the local press, in Basingstoke in his case. So we're publishing it here:

    A window to the nation’s politicsThe elections coming up seem to be very similar to every other.Your vote is needed to clear up the present issue of the day and the party asking for it is the only party who can sort it out.But for all the promises nothing ever gets better.  Nothing ever gets resolved.  The solution isn’t around the corner; this has gone on for ages.  The political parties appear to be trying to clean a window with a dirty cloth and rather than swap it for a new one they harangue each other about how they use it.The issues of the window of Britain are focused around the European influence and whether staying in or out of the European Union is in the nation’s interest.The Conservatives see nothing wrong with the dirty cloth, all that we need for a brighter British window is to apply it more firmly, roll up our sleeves and try a little harder.  UKIP see nothing wrong with the dirty cloth either, but feel its use should be guided by a purely British hand.  Labour is appalled!  Labour feels that by wringing out the cloth and changing how it’s applied will lead to a fairer, more prosperous window.  The Left feels this doesn’t go far enough, only by cleansing the cloth and a complete reorganisation of how the window is scrubbed will do.  Of course, the BNP couldn’t care less about the state of the cloth, only what colour it allows the window to become.No matter who takes charge the vision of the future remains dull, there is only so much that can be done with a dirty cloth.The Socialist Party of Great Britain challenges all other parties because it knows that capitalism can only be run in the interest of the few.  For us the question isn’t whether it’s in the nation’s interest to stay in, or out, of the EU.  It’s whether the nation’s interests and the people’s interests are the same.  The answer is no.The Socialist Party is part of the World Socialist Movement.  For 110 years we have organised without leaders practising real democracy.  A vote for us in the European elections is a vote for yourself.  Our goal is not to run capitalism for you in the interest of individual nations.  Our goal is to unite the people of the world so that we, the people, can run it in the interest of ourselves.We will not stand for starvation in a world that can feed everyone more than adequately.  We will not see those who work and create the wealth struggle while those who manipulate thrive.  We will not see the environment destroyed in the name of profits.  We will not see honest, hard working people turned against each other in war to serve a minority’s interests.The Socialist Party calls for socialists, then their votes.Sean Deegan, candidate on the Socialist Party/World Socialist list in the South East for the European elections.


    gnome wrote:
    I shall be recording a 30 second interview in Tunbridge Wells tomorrow for BBC Radio Kent.

    I recorded that 30 second election statement last Tuesday for BBC Radio Kent; no link yet as it has yet to be broadcast but it will probably be included somewhere in the Julia George show this Sunday morning from 11.00am. I will also be taking part in a live interview, again on BBC Radio Kent, next Monday from around 8.30am. 


    Got a leaflet from another of our opponents "An Independence from Europe", a party set up by deselected UKIP MEP Mike Nattrass who, besides wanting to get re-elected an MEP for the West Midlands (strange how these anti-EU politicians are keen to stay in the European Parliament), is out to spoil UKIPs chances.His party name, beginning with an A, was chosen so as to be the first on the ballot paper and the variant of its name which will also be on the ballot paper is "UK Independence Now". It will be interesting to know who is behind and financing this spoiler party which is contesting all 8 English areas.Nothing interesting in his unreadable (too small print) manifesto except:

    We support closure of the Welsh Assembly.

    with no explanation why. But it could explain why AIP is not standing in Wales.


    Here are the results of The Isle Of Wight County Press' recent poll:Of the 810 people who responded to the online poll, which closed on Thursday morning, 677 said they would be heading out to vote next Thursday, while 43 were still undecided.The CP asked two questions — did people intend to voice and which party would they be voting for.The Green Party came second to UKIP with 88 votes, while the Conservatives were third with 77.Labour polled 58 votes, the Liberal Democrats 33, the British National Party 15 and An Independence From Europe secured nine votes.Two votes each were cast for the Christian People’s Alliance, English Democrats and the Socialist Party of Great Britain, with a single vote for Liberty GB, Peace Party, Roman Party and YOURvoice.The Harmony Party were the only party in our poll not to receive a vote

    ALB wrote:
    Got a leaflet from another of our opponents "An Independence from Europe", a party set up by deselected UKIP MEP Mike Nattrass who, besides wanting to get re-elected an MEP for the West Midlands (strange how these anti-EU politicians are keen to stay in the European Parliament), is out to spoil UKIPs chances.His party name, beginning with an A, was chosen so as to be the first on the ballot paper and the variant of its name which will also be on the ballot paper is "UK Independence Now". It will be interesting to know who is behind and financing this spoiler party which is contesting all 8 English areas.

    I don't know whether she is "behind and financing" this Party, but Laurence Stassen, formerly of the Dutch 'Party for Freedom', which she left earlier this year, is the 'lead' candidate in the South East England region. i.e. one of the areas we are contesting.


    Yesterday we were out in the western part of the region, in Hampshire and in Oxfordshire.Six members (4 from West London branch and 2 from West Midlands) held a literature stall at the Levellers Daty event in Burford, which is in Cameron's safe Tory constituency of Witney. Besides giving our election leaflet to the 100 or so attending, we distributed some door-to-door in Burford and in Witney. A bit surprised to find quite a few Labour posters in Witney, where local elections are taking place, but then not everybody in the area can be toffs.When they sang the Red Flag (twice) at the Levellers event, we sang the version which starts "The people's flag is pinkest pink; it's not as red as you might think". The Internationale was no problem. Many of those at the Levellers Day event had already seen our leaflet, which Royal Mail had delivered in both Oxford constituencies. Some told us they had or would be voting for us even if only as the only "left" list standing in the South East. At the same time members of the Oxford Communist Corresponding Society had a stall in Oxford where they were handing out our election leaflet.Meanwhile, in Basingstoke, 3 members of South West Regional branch distributed some 1000 leaflets door-to-door.


    In the eastern part of the region Kent & Sussex Regional branch have had two more literature stalls in Canterbury on May 10th and Deal on May 17th.Members have also been out distributing leaflets door-to-door in Ashford, Broadstairs, Burgess Hill, Folkestone, Hythe, Margate, Ramsgate and Sheerness.


    Even though we are not standing a list in the London Region we have been invited by Lewisham People before Profit to this European elections hustings this evening:

    Mon 19th May: Election Rally: Meet LPBP Candidates at Hill Station Licensed Cafe, Kitto Road, SE14  7.30pm. European Hustings with representatives from minor parties also invited. 8.30pm.   Bus 484, 343 or train to Nunhead, Brockley or New Cross Gate (5 – 10 min walk)

    We shall be there with a literature stall and to answer questions on why we think those outside Wales and the South East Region who want socialism should cast a write-in vote for it by writing "WORLD SOCIALISM" across their ballot paper,


    Danny Lambert interview on today's BBC2 Daily Politics programme. Begins from 28:30.


    Just  watched it. Excellent!  Danny did a great job!   

    Mike Foster

    Here are a few words from Jonny of the Communist Corresponding Society, who has kindly been helping to promote the SPGB in Oxford. "Ah, it's great fun doing stalls for SPGB. Obviously, I often advocate communism in CCS meetings and articles, and in conversations with friends and colleagues, but I rarely have the opportunity to call out "Abolish money! Vote socialist!" at random passersby in the street. We noticed that there was relatively little interest from punters when we were just saying things like "Vote socialist" or "support the socialist party", but once we started talking about the abolition of money, the wages system, capitalism, and making all goods free, we got quite a lot of reaction, some of it positive, some of it argumentative, some of it amused.We particularly enjoyed proclaiming "If you agree that money should be abolished, support your local Socialist Party candidates in the European Elections; otherwise, do not!""The Communist Corresponding Society is a discussion group which runs always-interesting meetings in Oxford. The format and approach is very similar to SPGB meetings, with an opening talk by a speaker and then discussion with the audience. Their meetings are definitely worth going along to.


    I saw Danny on the Daily Politics today and I agree with Vin, he did a good job.Well done Danny.I noticed the interviewer made a sarcastic comment about human nature. It always boils down to that in the end. Just shows that there is little in the way of substance among mainstream politics when they wheel out the human nature card.  

    steve colborn

    Couldn't agree more SP. More facile prevarication from our broadcasting betters, or so they see themselves!!!


    The organisers of the hustings at Southampton University on 1 May at which we were represented have sent us various other links about it than their video recording: In case anyone wants to check them (not looked at them myself).

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