Euroelections 2014: South East Region

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Euroelections 2014: South East Region

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  • #99546
    ALB wrote:
    Can't someone turn Danny's 5-minute speech into a separate video clip that we can put on Youtube too as it's a good presentation of our case? More time than he/we are going to get on BBCTV South East Region or any other TV or radio programme during the election, longer even than our Party Election Broadcast

    I've just made a trimmed down version and posted it here: you want this trimmed version, I can upload it to WeTransfer from where it can be downloaded and then posted on YouTube from the worldsocialism YouTube account.Max

    maxhess wrote:
    I've just made a trimmed down version and posted it here: you want this trimmed version, I can upload it to WeTransfer from where it can be downloaded and then posted on YouTube from the worldsocialism YouTube account.Max

     Thanks Max, you beat me to it I can get this version direct from youtube and put it on the Party's account and on here.


    Click here to go direct to what Danny says:


    Danny’s clip is now available on this site at and on our youtube channel


    Danny Lambert has had election coverage on BBC South East Today twice today (in the 1:30pm news bulletin, and again in the main programme at 6:30pm).It may, or may not be shown again tonight at 10:25pm.The video here on YouTube is not brilliant because I just pointed a camera at the TV to record it.


    Letter published in yesterday's Surrey Advertiser:

    Can you publish Euro election lists?I agree with the suggestion by John Morris of the Peace Party (Surrey Advertiser, May 2) to give in your columns at least the websites of the various lists (there are 14) standing in the Euroelections in the South East Region on May 22.That will help ensure that voters know who is standing and what they stand for before they enter the polling station.Our list's election manifesto can be found here: Buick, Election Agent, The Socialist Party of Great Britain.

    Yesterday at 11.25 am we received the following pompous email from the president of the students union at Reading University:

    Reading University Students' Union would like to hereby provide you with
    notice that a European Debate shall be held on Friday 9th May 2014 at 7pm
    in 3sixty, Reading University Students' Union, Whiteknights Campus,

    We have spoken to the Electoral Commission regarding their advice for the
    hosting of events involving election candidates. Whilst their advice for
    'best practice' activity includes inviting all candidates to take part,
    they acknowledge that there are good reasons why some host venues may
    choose to take a different approach and are supportive of this. On this
    occasion, due to space and timing restrictions, Reading University
    Students' Union is able to offer panel spaces one representative from each
    of the five parties that currently hold a European Parliamentary seat in
    the South-East England region.

    However, we would be happy to reserve a prominent set of seats (for
    practical reasons, I'm afraid these cannot be on stage) for all parties
    who have candidates in the South East. Reading University Students' Union
    will acknowledge all candidates present and will reference additional
    parties represented in the election at the start of the debate. The Chair
    will be taking questions from the floor during the Question Time-style
    debate and this will allow parties the opportunity to partake in the
    debate as members of the audience.

    We replied saying that we disagreed with the Electoral Commission interpretation of equal time but that one of our candidates would be there, adding that Southampton University students union had no problem inviting all the lists (sending them a link to their recording of their hustings).

    Sean Deegan went and reported that he was not even called on to ask a question. He did hand out 200 leaflets (which some recognised as having received through the post earlier in the week). He made some contacts and was interviewed for the student radio station.

    We will be taking up with the Electoral Commission their interpretation of equal time


    Text of a letter (with minor variations) sent to a number of local newspapers in Kent including:Herne Bay Gazette, Whitstable Gazette, Isle of Thanet Gazette, East Kent Mercury, Faversham News, Kentish Gazette, Sittingbourne News, Kent Messenger.

    Their world or ours?In the world today, the resources, technology and skills exist to feed, clothe and house every man, woman and child on Earth. United Nations agencies confirm this.So, why do people waste their time arguing about nations and borders in the columns of your paper?Whether they are for or against the EU, all the UK Parties in the current parliament are united on one thing: one way or another all support a system of society (capitalism) which puts profit before people.Does anyone really believe that the problems of the working people of this or any other country (“the 99%” who do all the work but see little to show for it) will be solved while the wealth of the world is controlled by a small minority?There is one Party standing in this election which really wants to change things. We propose the establishment by peaceful means of a truly democratic society in which the majority determine how human needs are met.Working people everywhere already run society from top to bottom, but we run it for the people who own it, rather than for ourselves.If we owned the world in common, we could provide plenty for everyone. No need for buying and selling, just sharing and free access. Instead of spending our time fighting over scraps, we could work together to make life better for all.If you agree with such a society, please vote for the Socialist Party/World Socialist Movement list. Don’t waste your vote supporting politicians who promise to solve your problems but never do.

    A couple of weeks ago this piece appeared in the Canterbury Times:


    I shall be recording a 30 second interview in Tunbridge Wells tomorrow for BBC Radio Kent.

    steve colborn

    Excellent, both the short letter and the longer response. : )


    I saw a statement from another of our opponents, the English Democrats, in a local newspaper. I hadn't realised they were that bad, but thought they just wanted a separate English Parliament. They do, but they are opposed to "mass immigration" and call for "English jobs for English workers". Which makes them worse than UKIP as they want to keep out the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish as well as everybody else.


    I’m not sure if this is meant to happen or not, but if you go to you currently get a Dreamhost page with the message " is almost here!"Max Hess


    We are mentioned, along with every other party fielding a list in at least one region, on the BBC's site here: is how they attempt to summarise our policy:

    On its website, the party says it will be campaigning for common, democratic ownership of public services, the abolition of property rights and an end to inequality. Candidates: Fielding candidates in south-east England and Wales only.

    Not too bad as a first attempt I suppose and at least they provide a link to our website.

    ALB wrote:
    Another personal statement of the socialist case by one of our candidates, Howard Pilott, for sending to the local papers in his area (Lewes, Mid-Sussex):

    Howard's statement has been published as a letter in the Sussex Express:

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