Euroelections 2014: South East Region

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Euroelections 2014: South East Region

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    The hustings in Southampton will also be streamed live on Southampton University Student Television here:susu.tvA recording too will published later.So, if you're free this Thursday afternoon from 3pm to 5pm you can follow this hustings on your computer.

    ALB wrote:
    The hustings in Southampton will also be streamed live on Southampton University Student Television

    Thanks for that, ALB 


    And while Danny is there, make sure you get him to ask for a few quotes on producing future videoes…..i reckon they will be fairly reasonably priced…perhaps…..never pass by a the possibility of a bargain , comrades…


    I assume you will be able to watch it in India or wherever you are. Don't know what time of night or day 1500hrs BST will be there, though.


    Our candidate from Oxford Claudia's interview with BBC Radio Oxford will be broadcast between half 8 and half nine on Thursday morning (1 May). You can listen to it on your computer here: you'll have to be quick as it only lasts a minute (though there is a "Listen Again" facility).


    Report of a publicity stunt staged by one of our nastier opponents, the openly fascist "Liberty GB" list: was reported in all the national newspapers so Weston must be well pleased with himself.


    But again it is a sign of how they use the Right to restrict free speech. We ourselves may well one day face similar charges with our anti-religion…anti-all religion…responses. It seems he was trying to drum up a meeting on the steps of the town-hall.But like Farage, his personal circumstances exposes him as a hypocrit, a migrant worker, himself and he may well have a Romanian wife but i'm betting they won't be sympathetic to the Roma's plight in Romania and admires the Iron Guard history of the country if he is openly fascist as you say.Just what did Churchill say , we can use it against the worship of him because i very much doubt as the spokesperson for the Muslim Council assumes it woud be retracted by him these days. Many historians still hold him personally culpable refusing to let Australian food ships supply aid during the Bengal Famine and i don't recall any sign of regret in later years

    steve colborn

    Hi Comrades, just thought I'd drop a line to say how impressed I am, with the activity of comrades in the run up to the Euro elections! Well done to all. It just goes to prove that even such a "relatively small party" can, with astute use of resources, have a fairly large impact. Keep it up and good luck : )

    ALB wrote:
    Our candidate from Oxford Claudia's interview with BBC Radio Oxford will be broadcast between half 8 and half nine on Thursday morning (1 May). You can listen to it on your computer here: you'll have to be quick as it only lasts a minute (though there is a "Listen Again" facility).

    Did anyone catch this?  (What time in the programme was it?)


    Another personal statement of the socialist case by one of our candidates, Howard Pilott, for sending to the local papers in his area (Lewes, Mid-Sussex):

    Bored of elections? Try voting for a change.Euro elections are here and your ballot paper offers you a dozen versions of the same old stew. But wait: there’s something a bit more tasty: you can vote for the abolition of capitalism…The Socialist Party/World Socialist Movement is contesting the euro elections in the South East.  This time you can say yes to forever scrapping this cockeyed system that takes from the poor and gives to the rich; that preaches austerity for the 95% whilst the elite get yet richer; where millionaire leaders shed crocodile tears over poverty as they live in luxury. Somehow it has been sold to us that this is usual – moreover it is the only way to organise society, and it is good and healthy.  You could not make it up.I am a candidate for the Socialist Party but it could be anyone.  I am not important, you are.  It’s not about me, or my group of cronies, it’s about all of us: we could share all the world.  Scrap capitalism, abolish the monetary system and suddenly the playing field is not so uneven. We will not have achieved salvation but many of the idiocies of the current system will have gone: life will not be quite so problematic. No longer would the accountant who finds havens for the rich to hide their wealth to avoid tax earn a thousand times more than the carers looking after the health of your old aunt – because there would no longer be wages.  No more wages slavery, just imagine.  You’d be able to do what you do and be able to take what you need.You will no doubt be told it’s mad and totally unachievable.  But think what would have been said about the internet or triple heart bypass surgery 50 years ago. Human beings are incredibly intelligent – just look at how much and how quickly we can achieve things when we set our minds to it – and we in the Socialist Party are simply saying the world can be organised in a more intelligent way.  It cannot be seen as either intelligent or necessary that most of the wealth of the world is given to so few.All the other parties offer you some variant of what we have already – possibly a few more checks and balances. Sadly history shows that, whatever the government, the rich come out on top.  We are here to say it need not be like this.  Join in this election and vote for a change.
    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    Did anyone catch this?  (What time in the programme was it?)

    According to someone on our facebook page it's 2:42:40 (or a little earlier for some of the other candidates) into this:


    Not bad, at least we were the only ones not demanding control of borders: I hope a few Oxfordshire types spat their breakfast out when they heard her…


    Yes, what Claudia said (in answer to a specific question on this put to all candidates) was that we are in favour of open borders,  that we are an internationalist party so don't discriminate between members of the working class, and that if a worker from another country came to Britain to work we wouldn't support British workers who saw it as being in their interest to favour discrimination.


    The Socialist Party's Election MessageAlthough the socialist vision is presented clearly in the leaflets, I don't think the reason for revolution is explained sufficiently.Every other political party believes that capitalism can be reformed and made 'better' .  In this sense the Socialist Party is unique.  I cannot understand, therefore, that  given this unique opportunity to address millions of workers the party decided not to explain how the horrors of capitalism cannot be reformed away.I recognised that it is implied but it is not fully explained. Why should the 'electorate' accept the vision of socialism when you have yet to convince them how and why capitalism cannot work?What is capitalism and how does it cause the horrors we see around us?'Utopian'  has been used in the party's propaganda as if it is already recognised  that the proposition will be seen as such. May I  congratulate the SPGB members on their efforts in these elections and I wish you all the best..   


    The UKIP election address for the South East Region (where the man-in-the-pub himself is standing) has been distributed by Royal Mail. Its message can be summed up as "Immigration. Immigration. Immigration" but it is also full of illogical arguments and conclusions that don't follow. For instance:

    Outside the EU, our economy could grow faster, creating more jobs.

    Yes, it could (= theoretically possible) but it "could" equally do so inside the EU. Who knows?

    If we leave the EU, we can also withdraw from the European Court of Human Rights.

    True, but, since the European Court of Human Rights has nothing to do with the EU, Britain could withdraw from it even if it didn't leave the EU.But of course you don't expect to get an informed argument from someone propping up the bar in a pub.Our election address is due to be distributed by the Royal Mail on 7 May (next Wednesday) in the 20 selected areas within the region. So, if you live in one of these (Milton Keynes, Oxford, Reading, Slough, Southampton, Portsmouth, Brighton, Crawley, Hastings, Dover, Canterbury, Dartford, Gravesend, Chatham, Maidstone and various other towns in central Kent and the Medway) look out for it and let us know that it has been distributed.

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