Euroelections 2014: South East Region

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Euroelections 2014: South East Region

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  • #99501
    ALB wrote:
    This should put you in a better mood (perhaps):

     Since the above image was devised by a member of Kent & Sussex and is a very close variant of similar logos already in use in many places including this website, the party's Wikipedia page (, the party's election blog (, the party's Meetup group (, as well as on many of our fabric and plastic banners, past and present, it does give me cause for some cheer. However, my mood certainly doesn't improve when I see a drab and dreary grey 'blob' at the head of our election leaflets which lacks the correct name of the party (see post 56 of this thread) or when a majority of EC members, who could be arsed to give an opinion, voted against the appearance of any distinguishable, identifiable image in the very first video made by the party for use in an Election Broadcast. 


    The logo is an admirable improvement and i will be using it in future . Indeed,  it is a pity it was not depicted on the election leaflets. But why those dots duplicated from the older version? A whole world image a revolving 3D image for our websites? And also why not  for our videos? Members will know that i have been a persistent proponent of an official logo, whether incorporating a globe or not.But as part of the WORLD SOCIALIST MOVEMENT , not including one in the design certainly doesn't emphasise our global perspective and aspirations. There are literally hundreds of globe designs to choose from and a bit imagination when it comes to add-ons can turn it into an effective representation of ideals. 

    steve colborn

    I wish comrades would get over themselves! So much hard work and endevour already expended, yet still bitching unabated! WTF is going on?I think the image, on post 59, posted by Adam, is what I remember and brings a sense of closure and inclusion to the Movement. The logo isn't outdated, nor does it represent, "half the world"! For goodness sake, what do you want, a 3D image?One name, one logo, one fecking world, how difficult is that to comprehend? Now pass the fecking JD : )

    steve colborn

    Irish comrades, sorry for stealing ur fecking thunder : )


    As a non member, I have to say I do like the text of the election leaflet.  Simple straightforward and direct.  It will be interesting to see what sort of response it elicits.  I dont think the graphics is too much of an issue even if it could be improved upon, I guess.  The main thing is what the leftlet says


    Tried to post this but image is too large. Edited Manifesto in photoshop.


    Thanks. This of course is the leaflet for London local elections, but Kent and Sussex branch have used the same text for a leaflet they are distributing for the Euroelections in the South East.


    Literature Stall report – April 26th in Maidstone

    Rob Cox wrote:
    There was a stage being set up for a band concert in Jubilee Square opposite The Muggleton Inn so we had to find an alternative area.The site we chose was just on the corner of Week Street, in sight of Jubilee Square. It’s between a council information board and a phone box. It was a good site, close to a major bus stop, although most other passers-by were very young.We had a handful of people stop and speak to us. Although Jacqueline did well when I suggested she go round the corner and leaflet the Chequers centre and the bus stop. She got into some debate there.The weather didn’t help: it was a bit too windy and cold to expect people to hang around chatting. Apart from the kids, most people passing were loaded down with bags, prams etc were heading to/from the bus stop and walked behind the stall.I got a bit worried when one of the police support officers came over to us, but it turned out that was because he was “a socialist” so we had a good conversation with him and he took some literature.Obviously it was too windy to use the display stand but I had a couple of “Vote World Socialist” posters copied onto bright yellow card and managed to fix these to the front of the stall which attracted some interest.We didn’t sell anything but handed out a couple of hundred leaflets. We packed the stall up just after 3pm, when the wind got a lot worse and we couldn’t really carry on.At least we had a presence, but it’s a shame the weather wasn’t better.
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    If there is not a plan to set up a blogsite as we have with i suggest one is created so it can be linked to from various discussion lists and as a useful place for up-to-date info for non-members.

    But why can't the link be to this thread and the one for Wales?Anyway, to complement the report from Maidstone (Kent) the first few leaflets were distributed in Surrey today. At least I think they were as I thought I was in Long Ditton, the first habitation on the Portsmouth Road outside Kingston. On the way met some Labour Party canvassers and was introduced to the Labour candidate for Kingston, which made me worry where I was. But checked since and it was Surrey even if the postcode was the same. Can't say it looked good territory for us as many of the houses (converted workers cottages) had a couple of cars parked outside. At the last local elections here Labour got 7.7% of the votes. But you never know and we do say that the middle class is part of the working class.


    Busy day. Request from a Kent newspaper group for 600 words, a Sussex newspaper group for 100 words, BBC Radio Oxford for a short interview, invitation to a webcast hustings at Southampton university. Not complaining though as this is what we wanted.But we have complained about being described here together with the SLP as a "far-left Eurosceptic party" and have demanded a correction to a "party standing for neither British nor European capitalism but for world socialism".


    Canterbury Times link for election statement blogged. Await the other paper's link . Try and record the BBC interview. 

    ALB wrote:
    But we have complained about being described here together with the SLP as a "far-left Eurosceptic party" and have demanded a correction to a "party standing for neither British nor European capitalism but for world socialism".

    This has now been corrected, as per our request.


    Danny Lambert is looking for a volunteer to go with him on Thursday 1 May to this hustings at Southampton University (only an hour-and-a-half from London).The afternoon will start at 3pm with each candidate given 5 minutes to talk about their key policies in the European Election.SP/WSM – Danny Lambert Conservative – Marta Andreasen Green Party – Alexandra Phillips Labour Party – Rowenna Davis Lib Dem – Catherine Bearder UKIP – Ray Finch Your Voice – Julian James Steve Uncles – English DemocratsThen the meeting will continue with a set of pre-submitted questions asked to all candidates for a further 30-45 minutes.With the last 45 minutes for open questions from the floor. We have allowed specific questions so long as one candidate or party is not singled out.The hustings should be finished by 5pm sharp.

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