Euroelections 2014: South East Region

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Euroelections 2014: South East Region

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  • #99456
    ALB wrote:
    Let's not get wires crossed or duplicate work. Two or three comrades are already working on the election video (and, contrary to what has been suggested, they do have experience of film-making and sound recording and access to animation). The script has been finalised and work has started on the story board.

    I can confirm that this is a pretty accurate description of the present situation regarding the film production. Though we are actually finalising the wording on Monday….Some of the bodies on the team have changed but the skills set remains adequate.FWIW That Google clip would cost thousands, stock footage like that ain't free and we are bound to copyright laws…


    Nobody is being snubbed or disingenuous. We are a democratic organisation and make decisions in an ordered and democratic way.The election committee made a recommendation to the EC (to drop the project), which the EC rejected. Two members came forward offering to take over from the stage that had been reached, i.e. where there was an almost finished script that had been worked on by a number of members on a dedicated mailing list (members of the audiovisual and election committees plus some members of South West Regional Branch). So the project is continuing. As I said, the script has been finalised and other work is continuing.It was always the intention that, after the election, the video should be adapted to be used as a general Party video. We are urgently in need of these. There exists a second script which was not retained but which could be used to make a general video. Somebody is needed to work on that.

    DJP wrote:
    we are bound to copyright laws…

    That's an important point. And it's not all a Party Election Broadcast is bound by. Here are the "production guidelines" for broadcasts for the Scottish Referendum in September. Those for the European elections in May will be similar, only substitute "Party" for "D.Org" (Designated Organisation):

    All broadcasts must observe the law – for example, on copyright, libel, contempt, obscenity, incitement to racial hatred or violence.All broadcasts must comply with the Ofcom Broadcasting Code , and the provisions of the BBC Editorial Guidelines, that relate to harm and offence (Chapter 5 of the BBC Editorial Guidelines) and fairness and privacy (Chapters 6 & 7 of the BBC Editorial Guidelines), having regard to the political context of the broadcast.Subject to the matters set out above, accuracy is the responsibility of the D.Org making the broadcasts.The D.Org responsible for the broadcast will indemnify the broadcaster for all legal or regulatory actions resulting from the contents of the referendum broadcast.Impartiality is achieved over the series of RCBs as a whole, according to the designation of the Electoral Commission. There is, of course, no obligation on the D.Orgs to achieve impartiality within each broadcast.An extract of recordings of the parliamentary proceedings of Parliament at Westminster , the National Assembly of Wales, the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly may be used only if it features a speech by a member supporting that D.Org and the member's consent has been obtained. Wide shots of the chambers of the National Assembly of Wales, Scottish Parliament and Northern Ireland Assembly are allowed, but wide shots of Westminster are not.Extracts from party conference speeches featuring a supporter of the D.Org and with the speaker's consent may be used and can be bought in the normal way from the broadcasters.Archive or news clips of members of any other D.Org should not be included. This applies to both visual and audio material alike. Undistorted stills are allowed.No member of the public should be featured prominently or in an identifiable manner in a broadcast, without that person's explicit consent.  This includes the use of all footage (including archive or “stock”shots) where individuals are identifiable, to make or illustrate a specific political point or policy, or to suggest that such persons support that particular point or policy.  Broadcasters may require the D Org to produce confirmation of that consent.Shots which include broadcasters in vision or in voice are not permissible.The use of actors in a broadcast must be made clear to the audience if there is any possibility that the audience could be confused or misled by their appearance. The same applies to reconstructions.D.Orgsmust consult with individual broadcasters at least one week before transmission if they are planning to use any phone or text numbers. No revenue-generating telephone numbers are to be used in a broadcast. Appeals for members of the audience to contact the designated organistion at the end of the broadcast by telephone, e-mail etc are allowed but direct appeals for funds as in, “Have your credit cards handy”, are not.RCBswhich closely mimic the format of established programmes on any channel, particularly news programmes, run the risk of misleading the audience and therefore they must be clearly labelled throughout.Straight news footage featuring prominent supporters of the D.Org making the RCB may be purchased from broadcasters in the usual way but clips which identify the programme in which they featured, on screen logos, theme music or the voice or face of a presenter/reporter will not be allowed, nor will footage featuring supporters from the opposing D.Org.Format Broadcasts should be delivered on digi-beta tapes in widescreen format (16×9 full height anamorphic). The sound can be in mono or stereo. Two digi-beta tapes should be delivered together with two VHS or DVD copies

    As can be seen, producing an election video is a lot more complicated than producing something for Youtube. But the election  and audiovisual committees are on to it.

    DJP wrote:
     FWIW That Google clip would cost thousands, stock footage like that ain't free and we are bound to copyright laws…

     I have not suggested reproducing the google clip.The clip is just an example of the technical possibilities and would cost nothing. I thought the party was without an election broadcast and i would not like to see that.I have obviously offered my services in ignorance.  Please disregard my offer to the EC tomorrow. 

    ALB wrote:
    As can be seen, producing an election video is a lot more complicated than producing something for Youtube. 

     It  isn't. There are some brilliant videos on youtube.Including every election broadcast.  


    OK the google ad was not a good example, here are the 'greens' using the same 'technical possibilities' 

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    I thought the party was without an election broadcast and i would not like to see that.

    So did I and I wouldn't like to see that either.  But it's hardly surprising when this was being said just two days ago.

    ALB wrote:
    The election video is primarily concerned with the Wales Region if we decide to contest that too (but that depends on the video being done) because it's only there that it would be broadcast on TV. (emphasis added)

    Just go ahead Vin and make the video you want to see made. There are plenty of discussion forums and blog sites that it can be linked to so it won't go to waste even if it doesn't meet broadcast technical quality or used by the party as its official election broadcast.  "Broadcasts should be delivered on digi-beta tapes in widescreen format (16×9 full height anamorphic)." i have no idea what that means

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
      "Broadcasts should be delivered on digi-beta tapes in widescreen format (16×9 full height anamorphic)." i have no idea what that means I can't see this still being a requirement. Of course, I will still produce some videos.   


    If the digi-beta tapes are mandatory then they are VERY expensive recorders/cameras

    ALB wrote:
    And it's not all a Party Election Broadcast is bound by. Here are the "production guidelines" for broadcasts for the Scottish Referendum in September. Those for the European elections in May will be similar, only substitute "Party" for "D.Org" (Designated Organisation):
    Format Broadcasts should be delivered on digi-beta tapes in widescreen format (16×9 full height anamorphic). The sound can be in mono or stereo. Two digi-beta tapes should be delivered together with two VHS or DVD copies

    If this is indeed a requirement for Party Election Broadcasts in the Euroelections then it effectively rules out the Party making its own video for the reasons already given.


    I agree that anyone who has the time and the skills, or even just wants to learn on the go, should go ahead and produce some video material.  There are countless online outlets for promotional video online.  The videos don't need to be polished and professional.  My son loves to watch funny, experimental animation online.  Let's get creative. Entertaining and interesting video has the potential to be seen by millions.  The party political broadcast doesn't need to be conventional either.  Here's an example of a Green Party election broadcast that just uses animation. to time constraints and limits to resources, the party broadcast is likely to be a voiceover/stock footage affair, which is likely to be rather dull (no critcism of the production team intended).  Lets just get it made, and then look straight to the future. So that we don't end up in this predicament again we need to start planning for future broadcasts now.  The general election is coming up fast.Good luck to the production team, I hope they are able to produce something on time that meets the broadcast specification.


    Re copyright. Does anyone know how Wikipeadia avoids copyright problems and would using references from it breach copyright.  For example statistics/graphs on wealth production. I am not specifically referring to election broadcasts as the are obviously very strict and limited. but even then it would be easy to create and present simple graphs/cartoons etc.

    gnome wrote:
    Format Broadcasts should be delivered on digi-beta tapes in widescreen format (16×9 full height anamorphic). The sound can be in mono or stereo. Two digi-beta tapes should be delivered together with two VHS or DVD copies

    If this is indeed a requirement for Party Election Broadcasts in the Euroelections then it effectively rules out the Party making its own video for the reasons already given.

     This is not necessarily true. I am sure the video could be converted for a fee without buying all the equipment. simples


    Using wiki should not be a problem. The legal position is at the link. You just need to cite thm as a source in the video credits and also give permission to let others use your video, as long as they too acknowledge you as the source.  "Wikipedia content can be copied, modified, and redistributed if and only if the copied version is made available on the same terms to others and acknowledgment of the authors of the Wikipedia article used is included (a link back to the article is generally thought to satisfy the attribution requirement"


    Thanks Alan. and: "The licenses Wikipedia uses grant free access to our content in the same sense that free software is licensed freely."  "Copied Wikipedia content will therefore remain free under appropriate license and can continue to be used by anyone subject to certain restrictions, most of which aim to ensure that freedom. This principle is known as copyleft in contrast to typical copyright licenses." 

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