Euroelections 2014: South East Region

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Euroelections 2014: South East Region

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  • #99605

    Just seen the results for London: see that No2EU, supported by SPEW and the CPB together, got 3804 votes, or 0.17%. Confirmation that London is less xenophobic than the rest of the country, but surely this must mean the end of this organisation as I can't see Bob Crow's successor as RMT General Secretary wasting any  more of the union's political fund on it (and SPEW never really believed in it anyway but were just going along with it to get Crow's money for TUSC). 


    One other obvious way to follow-up this election is to seriously consider contesting Oxford West & Abingdon and Brighton Kemptown in next May's General Election. We've got members and now supporters and contacts in both.


    What you seem to be saying is that the better we put our case across the lower the vote will be!


    I agree ALB about contesting Oxford and Brighton but in the intervening year we should be busy advertising our presence and intentions. This means the Election Committee making an early decision to stand, and Campaigns holding meetings and lit stalls, coordinating with these members and sympathers to do so, and Media Committee targetting Oxford and Brighton's local media (including it seems the student media ) with press releases. It means these committees being proactive right now. It may mean spending money for what some will think is meagre returns. But we have witnessed the openings that are available if we ourselves are available. I hope we can now ask for submissions for new script/story-board for next years election video, and although it may not be eligible for official election broadcast , it can be circulated through internet.


    Maybe we should also be more generous/ambitious in our advertising, and target the local media in those areas where we’ve performed relatively well. I’m thinking in terms of the Standard and our free 3 issues offer – a full-page or half-page ad in local newspapers, with smaller regular follow-ups…?


    Here is the result from the Oxford Local Counting Area: that, as well as us getting more votes than the BNP and the equally nasty "English Democrats" ("English jobs for English workers"), even the LibDems got more votes than UKIP as Claudia pointed out. Sounds like an oasis of sanity where parties lose votes if they shout "immigrants out".

    steve colborn

    I must echo the sentiments of Alan in post 169 above. His view on how to preceed are spot on. Lets be pro active for a change. After what members did during the Euros, this appears the perfect time to do this!


    Here's another place where we did much better than average (in fact more than two times better): Hastings on the South Coast. is one of the areas where Royal Mail distributed our leaflet to all households and is the scene of Robert Tressell's The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists (though he called it Mugsborough).


    Here's the result for Brighton:'s not actually our best in terms of percentage (Oxford was) but it's the best-looking one, in terms of absolute numbers and beating the three main nasty minor parties (BNP, Christians, English Democrats).


    And here's our next best after Oxford, Brighton and Hastings:Southampton: (beat the BNP again) is particularly impressive as this was not one of the places where we had Royal Mail deliver our leaflets, only a couple of thousand distributed by a member (one of our candidates) and a sympathiser.After that it's Dover, Shepway, Eastbourne (!), Milton Keynes. Reading was a disappointment.


    Can i ask how much we spent – the cost of standing, the leaflets and video and how much each individual vote cost us. (exclude the candidates travelling expenses to hustings etc).


    Apart from the abstentionists the Party topped this particular poll: again to Robbo and The Idler for their invaluble contributions to the thread,


    Can you tell those of us who are not subscribers to RevLeft what the result was (it says you have to register to see it). Did the ICC recommend spoiling the ballot box?

    ALB wrote:
    “Can you tell those of us who are not subscribers to RevLeft what the result was (it says you have to register to see it). Did the ICC recommend spoiling the ballot box?” Labour Party35.00%Liberal Democrats00%Green Party of England & Wales813.33%No2EU46.67%Socialist Party of Great Britain1016.67%Peace Party00%Animal Welfare Party00%National Health Action Party00%Socialist Labour Party11.67%Pirate Party00%YOURvoice Party00%Socialist Equality Party00%Plaid Cymru00%Scottish National Party00%Other party, please state23.33%Spoil ballot, describe below711.67%Abstain, explain below2541.67%60 people voted in the poll and whilst nobody, as far as I can see, advocated spoiling the ballot box, a majority (53%) thought that either the ballot paper should be spoilt or the entire election process ignored.
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Can i ask how much we spent – the cost of standing, the leaflets and video and how much each individual vote cost us. (exclude the candidates travelling expenses to hustings etc).

    We spent about £15,000 in the campaign in the SE Region (£10,000 for 984,000 leaflets + £5000 deposit) and about £11,600 In Wales (£2750 for the election video, £3850 for 342,000 leaflets + £5000 deposit).Standing entitled us to free postal distribution of our election leaflet and, in Wales, to an election broadcast on BBC and ITV (on different days).

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