Ethiopia: 24 hours of mass executions and unspeakable violence

September 2024 Forums General discussion Ethiopia: 24 hours of mass executions and unspeakable violence

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    Warning ⚠️⚠️ Upsetting content ⚠️⚠️

    Ethiopia: 24 hours of mass executions and unspeakable violence, as told by witnesses
    Amnesty International says the allegations contained within its report may constitute crimes against humanity.


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by james19.

    ajj. I didn’t know that. Little bit surprised this was not on the BBC news website? I did a quick scan of Sky news, and found it. My inclination to try to look behind the scenes, only it leads me to see, or read things that are truly incomprehensible. A picture of a large room in Ethiopia, full of young men on their haunches, in neat rows, waiting for who knows what to? I’m using these images and posting news feeds about Yemen or Syria on our Twitter Account, in reply to someone who mentions that capitalism is some sort of beautiful paradise! Or when Venezuela is bought up. I also stress that US sanction, have played a major part in the collapse of Venezuela’s economy. A tweet from a Venezuelan, who lived their and experienced ‘socialism’ on the Party Twitter, who didn’t understand that his Country has gone from being awash with oil to having none!


    oops. Venezuela has gone from being awash with oil to having none, which is due to US sanctions, the embargo on buying Venezuela’s oil.
    This is the result of Venezuela wanting to trade its oil in anything other than the in Petrodollars, which it believes isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. Like Iraqi which tried but failed, it lead to war and the death of Saddam Hussein, it wants to trade its oil for much needed commodities or in Euros. If this were to happen it would spell the collapse of the US economy!


    Ethiopia: Hundreds executed, thousands homeless – the human cost of fighting in Tigray
    Allegations and stories of atrocities and human rights abuses have surfaced despite a government-imposed communications blackout.

    “The breadth and depth of human suffering in the Ethiopian region of Tigray is perfectly clear to humanitarian workers, human rights groups and the international diplomatic community,” writes Sky’s John Sparks


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.

    oops. Venezuela has gone from being awash with oil to having none, which is due to US sanctions, the embargo on buying Venezuela’s oil.
    This is the result of Venezuela wanting to trade its oil in anything other than the in Petrodollars, which it believes isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. Like Iraqi which tried but failed, it lead to war and the death of Saddam Hussein, it wants to trade its oil for much-needed commodities or in Euros. If this were to happen it would spell the collapse of the US economy!
    Venezuela does have plenty of oil, what they need is gasoline, their refineries are not working. It is not only a problem of the embargo, it is also due to the crisis of state capitalism falsely called socialism. Capitalism will not collapse by itself it must be pushed by the working class and at present most workers around the world are supporting capitalism. as well, most US workers do support capitalism, therefore it will not collapse. Iraq was not invaded because they want to trade with Euros, and the USA is not the only capitalist country that needs petroleum, world hegemony, and control of raw materials, that is the cyclops view of the leftwingers. The world is not controlled by banks, it is controlled by the market system



    Iraq was not invaded because they want to trade with Euros
    This may be deemed off topic.
    It was, but not openly. The Bretton Woods conference agreement established the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

    Venezuela tried to trade oil for food, with Mexico, this wasn’t part of US trade sanctions. The deal was for 200 million tons of food, which didn’t happen. As the US blacklisted the Mexican companies involved in the deal, which then collapsed, as it was a deal to trade in Venezuelan oil.
    Iran also wants to trade oil in Euros. US sanctions placed on Iran, are based on its Nuclear enrichment program, which Western governments fear is intended for developing the capability to produce nuclear weapons. Clearly the latter is a sop for the former.

    If Oil is traded in anything other than the petrodollar, the US economy would tank. The US, will use the threat of economic sanctions or impose economic sanctions, sighting the Bretton Woods Agreement (which ALL OPEC abide by) which gives the US total legitimacy.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.

    That is the argument of the left-wingers who never go to the heart of the economic problem of this society, and the right-wingers created the conspiracy theories and they propagate and support them

    Wars are produced by the market system, and the competition for markets, raw materials, spheres of influences, and resources, among the capitalists, it is not produced by bankers, by the monetary systems, or by banks, they are not productive, they are parasites, and wars among capitalists is something which does not concern to the working class.

    Peoples can go to the streets to protests and the capitalists will continue their wars

    The war of Iraq was another war for oil, and the USA was not the only capitalists group that wanted to take Iraq oil. The left-wingers always leave out of the hook the Russian and Chinese capitalists. Some wars have been carried over by the capitalists to control minerals and metals

    There were some left wings groups like the Trotskyists who were supporting Sadam Hussein because he was an anti-imperialist and he wanted to dump the dollar.

    Money is a commodity like any commodity which becomes capital, and the dollar is not the only monetary commodity, and money does not control the capitalist economy, it is the market system

    The USA will not collapse, and capitalism will not collapse by itself either ( that is another leftwing false arguments ) it must be pushed by the working class, and in the particular case of the USA, this past election showed that more than 150 million support capitalism, therefore, it will not collapse while workers are supporting capitalism.

    At the present time, the USA is switching from oil to another type of energetic resource. The USA has been placing sanctions on other countries since 1776, as well other European empires have placed sanctions, and China has been placing sanction in some African countries where they have large investments



    I didn’t say it was the only reason for war, in this instance it’s about Oil.

    Venezuela has not been invaded! Why has the US imposed economic sanctions on Venezuela? Ostensibly, Venezuela nationalised its oil industry (calling itself socialist and it “socialism”) and believed that it could trade its oil for goods and services, getting around Bretton Woods, to avoid being paid in US$. The $ which isn’t worth the paper it is printed on.
    Worthless, since the US ended the link with the gold standard and exchange of the US dollar, for gold.

    The US has imposed sanctions on countries that have tried to get around the Bretton Woods Agreement. Using a number of reasons, sighting Venezuela for ousting its rightful Leader in a ‘socialist’ coup.
    If any Country is of the belief that they can get around trading Oil in anything other than the US$, it will face the full wrath of (US) economic sanctions. It won’t be the US that tanks

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by james19.


    Nationalization is a bourgeoise concept taken over by the left wingers, it is not a socialist concept . Venezuela is not socialist and socialism in one country is a wrong conception created by the Bolshevik and the Leninists it must be a world phenomenon The so called bolivarian revolution is not socialist either


    In defence of the Ethiopian government, this leftist article

    Ethiopia: TPLF Terrorism Expands, Civilians Massacred


    Pleased that this month’s Socialist Standard covers The Tigray Tragedy


    The Tigray Tragedy
    ‘Ethiopia has 110 million people. If the tensions in Ethiopia would result in a widespread civil conflict that goes beyond Tigray, Syria will look like child’s play by comparison’ – Jeffrey Feltman, US special envoy for the Horn of Africa.
    SELDOM FEATURING as headlines

    Material World

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by james19.
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