Enquiry from somebody potential interested in the SPGB

July 2024 Forums General discussion Enquiry from somebody potential interested in the SPGB

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    I was speaking the other day to a friend, a socialist in favour of the abolition of money et cetera,  of mine about the party.

    He was interested in the party and asked a few questions about membership. The one I struggled to answer was about voting for other parties in elections, a question asked when I made the point that smaller parties often can’t cover all ground.

    I referred back to my rule book when I got home and saw about “or otherwise assist any other political party”. Would I be correct in asserting that voting for another party would come under this? Would this then lead to disciplinary action, or would that depend case by case?

    Just so I am passing on the correct information about the party, as a new member myself.

    He said he will be spoiling on Thursday, I have offered a sticker.




    “I referred back to my rule book when I got home and saw about “or otherwise assist any other political party”. Would I be correct in asserting that voting for another party would come under this? Would this then lead to disciplinary action, or would that depend case by case?”

    Yes, yes, and unlikely.  Voting for another party is considered, to coin a phrase, “a hanging offence”.


    Thanks, I will pass on the message with the relevant rationale

    Swear that happened to heseltine already a year back or so?


    Mind you, with the number of Tory councillors and other Tory party members planning to vote for the Brexit Party, they’re going to have to call in Judge Jeffreys.




    It’s a hanging offence in the Labour Party too as the case of Alistair Campbell shows, though it seems he might be reprieved on appeal. But there’s this from Wednesday’s London Evening Standard:

    A Labour Party spokesman said: “To be absolutely clear, the way Labour Party members vote is a private matter. But publicly declaring or encouraging support for another candidate or party is against the rules and is incompatible with party membership.”

    How could it be otherwise, even in our party, since how could you know how someone voted unless they said how they did?

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