Ending the wars

December 2024 Forums General discussion Ending the wars

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    In these last 16 years, we’ve been spending money and resources fighting wars abroad that hasn't made the world a safer place and has been counterproductive.

    Every day we spend money and resources having troops station in the Middle East and Northern Africa. We spend money and resources conducting military operations and bombing missions in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya and other regions of the Middle East and Africa.

    This military strategy has only spread more conflicts, created refugee crisis and has increased more terrorist groups.

    There are more terrorist groups in Afghanistan now compare to pre-2001. Before 2003, Iraq had zero terrorist groups. After Iraq was invaded, it became a nesting ground for jihadist groups to emerge.

    Has this military strategy deter jihadist groups from rising. Has this strategy really brought democracy, freedom, and prosperity in Iraq, Yemen or Afghanistan. If this strategy has been productive and successful, why is it that we have more terrorist groups now than before 2001.

    There are smart strategies that could deter these jihadist groups from rising. One could be by stop creating conflicts that could lead to civil wars and crisis.

    One of the reasons why Iraq wasn’t invaded during the First Gulf War was because Bush Sr, his generals, and even Dick Cheney knew the danger of overthrowing Saddam.

    In 2011, Gadaffi was overthrown in Libya and what was the end result, Jihadist groups rising and a civil war breaking out.

    A second strategy that could be used in deterring jihadist groups is by stop arming them in fighting wars. We armed many groups willing to fight against Assad and what was the result, a civil war breaking out and refugees fleeing from Syria.

    What was the positive outcome of arming these groups in Syria willing to fight against Assad. Many of them joined these Islamic militant groups and have committed war crimes in Iraq, Libya and Syria.

    A third strategy that could be used in deterring these jihadist groups is by ending our military operations and start using humanitarian aid strategies. We have been conducting military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan for more than a decade, we have been bombing these regions and has this strategy worked.

    Rather conducting military operations in the Middle East and Northern Africa, why don’t we use the same strategies that was used in Europe after the Second World War ended. Germany was rebuilt thanks to our humanitarian aid and this strategy was a success. Can we use this same humanitarian strategy in Iraq or Libya.

    This so-called war on terror has not only affected people in the Middle East, it has also affected us socially, economically and politically. It has led to many social and political problems arising in Europe and abroad.

    We keep spending our money and resources fighting abroad with no end in sight. Will there ever come a time when this war on terror will come to an end and our troops will withdraw from the Middle East and Northern Africa. This war has not been productive, it has only created more conflicts domestically and abroad.

    Rather spending our resources fighting these meaningless wars abroad, why don’t we start using our resources in fixing our infrastructure, creating new jobs that could be productive and beneficial.

    We could use our resources an creating new jobs in building high-speed trains, bridges, maintaining our infrastructure, creating housing projects, new roads or other productive purposes like expanding the solar energy industry.

    It's unbelievable our resources is not being used for productive purposes, it's being used to fight against fundamentalist Islamic militants who live in caves and could easily be disarmed. We have to pull out of these wars because it’s been counterproductive and problematic.


    You should read our pamphlet The Socialist Party and War; you might then begin to understand why wars occur under capitalism.  I'll leave it to others to respond in greater detail.



    The expression 'WE" is not correct. Wars are carried out by the ruling class. Workers do not own an army, resources, state, bombs, money, it is money spent from the surplus value of the capitalists The correct expression is they. There are not any common  interests between capitalists and workers, we are placing our own exploiters and oppressor in powerEverything that you have written indicate that capitalism is our system, and that it can be corrected. Capitalism is like an incurable disease. The correct idea should be to eliminate completely the market system. The real terrorists are the ones calling terrorist to others peoples, they have been terrorizing mankind for many decades, and terrorism is an excuse to invade others countries, it replace the lie of the war against communism, it is like the war on drugs, it is the war to sell and produce more drugs, 


    Yes, 'Capitalism is like an incurable disease'. It's like cancer, and socialism is the…uhh,what cures cancer?


    Poverty absolute or relative and war by deed or proxy are inevitable twin concomitants of capitalism."War is the continuation of politics by other means". – Carl von Clausewitz".. If money, according to Augier,  “comes into the world with a congenital blood-stain on one cheek,” capital comes dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and dirt.(Marx Capital Vol 1 chapter 31)To get rid of poverty and war we require the ending of the causes of both abominations.

    Bob Andrews wrote:
    Yes, 'Capitalism is like an incurable disease'. It's like cancer, and socialism is the…uhh,what cures cancer?

    Socialism is not going to cure an incurable  social disease known as capitalism, on the contrary, it will kill it, (if it is incurable, it means that it can not be cured, )  and  a new society will be established. We are not capitalism reformers, it is already overdue, it is not dead because the majority of the workers are still supporting capitalism, and continue electing leaders of the ruling class, and continue supporting nationalism and patriotism, and attacking  the wrong enemy. Capitalism is worst than cancer, because there are certain types of cancer that can be cured, or go into remission

    Capitalist Pig
    mcolome1 wrote:
    The expression 'WE" is not correct.


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