May I respectfully ask, is it within the remit of the party to put together a stepped programme, clearly defining our goal of a moneyless society that would include a cost analysis/budget for those wishing to stand in local elections, or a second General Election that may or may not occur?
As superb as the party policy is, it is rather a complex notion to an electorate desperate for an alternative united party of the workers to comprehend, and thereby unappealing at the ballot box.
May I go as far as to suggest a possible first step? something along the lines that as Socialists, in a world powered by an economy of greed and fuelled by debt, we should avoid supporting the banking system by not taking on loans,finance,credit ect. Thus reducing the illusionary concept of created money, whilst encouraging utilisation of need above want, or to give it a modern spin, environmentalism and self sufficiency.
Over to you.