Douglas Carswell currency crank

January 2025 Forums General discussion Douglas Carswell currency crank

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    I've not seen it mentioned anywhere but Carswell who has just defected from the Tories to UKIP is a currency crank who wants to turn banks into safe deposits. See this from the Positive Money site:

    Douglas Carswell MP Introduces Bill to Stop Fractional Reserve Banking

    Of course UKIP is fuill of them too. So he'll be in good company.

    The other openly currency crank MP is Austin Mitchell who sits on the Labour benches and supports Social Credit. But I can't see him defecting to UKIP.


    As a result of the defection I was reading up on Carswell. I wondered if the bloviate Daniel Hannan had discussed the Tory defection to UKIP and found that libertarians are quite sympathetic to Ukip (more pity for ukip). Anyway, it turns out Hannan-Carswell have written a number of works together including a popular print-on-demand book The Plan: Twelve Months to Renew Britain.


    i remember Austin Mitchell being something of the media favourite, always on tv getting interviewed…then he suddenly was off the screen…i simply assumed he left politics or died…your mention of him reminded me of his absence. 


    Speaking of Positive Money, did their newer book "Modernising Money" ever get a once over in the Standard?

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