Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016

July 2024 Forums General discussion Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016

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  • #112004
    Capitalist Pig
    Participant to the CIS, 47 percent of illegals use welfare; 39 percent use food assistance and 35 percent use Medicaid.  remind me again how illegals are getting nothing and stregthening our economy? I'm not demonizing immigrants I just don't want someone to walk into our country, illegally vote in our elections, and collect goverment benefits that our veterans don't even recieve. Is that too much too ask for?

    Capitalist Pig


    Capitalist Pig

    Capitalist Pig wrote:  Donald Trump has laid out his policies that include a strong border, fair trade deals, and national soveriengty. The allegations of the democrats that trump is a russian agent is based on nothing and is a false flag. We do have a problem with illigel immigrents coming in in droves, Trump proposes the strengthening of our border so criminals won't be able to smuggle drugs into our country and come over to claim numerious benifets our veterens don't even receive. Clinton wants OPEN BORDERS. so basically anyone can come and go as they please which would destroy our economy and put alot of people in America out of the job. Trump isn't trying to scapegoat immigrents, illegal immigration is a huge problem in our country and we need to deal with it not ignore it. How is wanting fair trade deals evil?? How is wanting to bring business back to the U.S. and put people to work evil? Capitalism in inherently inhumane but Trump does actually care for the american people or else he would just be living his former live-style without being bombarded with personal attacks by the media daily. If you can lay out 3 policies trump has proposed that would hurt the working class I would love it hear it but don't go and say that he is a 'demon' because he is a capitalist. Engels was a capitalist but do you call him a devil?   Have you noticed that only birds and workers migrate? A capitalist "takes up residence", but doesn't do any useful work.rodmanlewis…………………….ok?


    Again some facts might be welcomed here, CP.You may well cite CIS when past reports by the CIS have been deemed misleading by several leading non-partisan immigration-research organizations, the Migration Policy Institute, the American Immigration Council, as well as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. But best described as “a bunch of lefty, zero-population growth, pro-abortion, forced sterilization wackadoodles” by Liz Mair, a Republican consultant.The American Immigration Council (AIC), characterized one CIS report as “anti-immigrant fear-mongering at its lowest.”The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published reports in 2002 and 2009 connecting CIS to John Tanton, who helped found various other organizations, including the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and NumbersUSA, and alleging that he has ties to white supremacy groups and a eugenics foundation.The SPLC's 2009 report said “CIS presents itself as a scholarly think tank that produces serious immigration studies meant to serve "the broad national interest." But the reality is that CIS has never found any aspect of immigration that it liked, and it has frequently manipulated data to achieve the results it seeks.”The Wall Street Journal also charged that these organizations are "trying to stop immigration to the U.S." It quoted Chris Cannon, at the time a Republican U.S. Representative from Utah, as saying, "Tanton set up groups like CIS and FAIR to take an analytical approach to immigration from a Republican point of view so that they can give cover to Republicans who oppose immigration for other reasons."“John Tanton, a virulently anti-immigrant nativist who has associated with white supremacists and dabbled in eugenics. He and his allies also fear that human population growth—particularly in the First World—jeopardizes the environment. Thus, they also back pro-abortion groups. This fact has left many on the right deeply concerned about citing their research or affiliating with their leaders.” senior policy analyst Stephen Steinlight said in July 2014 said that the US should ban Muslim immigration because "Muslims believe in things that are subversive to the Constitution",called immigration reform "a plot against America" and Republicans who support it "psychotic", and of President Barack Obama that "being hung, drawn and quartered is probably too good for him."Next time try quoting the KKK for race equality

    Capitalist Pig wrote: to the CIS, 47 percent of illegals use welfare; 39 percent use food assistance and 35 percent use Medicaid.  remind me again how illegals are getting nothing and stregthening our economy? I'm not demonizing immigrants I just don't want someone to walk into our country, illegally vote in our elections, and collect goverment benefits that our veterans don't even recieve. Is that too much too ask for?

     CP.  Amerikkka is not your country in any meaningful possessive sense.  The workers "have no country" as the Communist Manifesto put it way back in 1848, "We cannot take from them what they have not got".  Why do you identify so strongly with the delusional abstraction you call your country? The nation state was an invention of capitalism and served the interests of capitalist class that required the intervention of a state in the affairs of society. Primitive accumulation that kickstarted capitalism would not have happened without the armed might of the state to enforce it.   Nationalism is just the the nationalisation of our sense of cultural identity in the interests of the capitalist class. But the capitalists themselves don't practice what they preach.  They invest their capital in whatever part of the world yields the greatest financial return.  They have no loyalty to their supposed motherland. Yet sheepishly you expect the workers display such loyalty. In era of capitalist globalisation nationalism is an irrelevance .  Its primary purpose is to sow divisions among the working class along so called national lines in order to more effectively rule over them.  If you identify with this thing you call your nation then ipso facto you ally yourself with the capitalist minority in this nation and oppose yourself to fellow members of your own class in other nations It is very sad to read a fellow worker extolling the virtues of this toxic abstraction called the nation state,  the identification with could conceivably reduce humanity to a pile of ashes through a nuclear war aided and abetted by the utterly stupid and misguided ideology that is nationalism.  By then it will be too late to discover that we have a common interest in opposing nationalism


    Sign of the times, while most cable news were leading with the US election, CCTV's main story was the talks Chinese Premier Li was having in Russia, making trade deals.Puts something into perspective for what might develop in the future

    Bijou Drains
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Sign of the times, while most cable news were leading with the US election, CCTV's main story was the talks Chinese Premier Li was having in Russia, making trade deals.Puts something into perspective for what might develop in the future

    According to that great historical study "1066 and all That" at the end of the First World War, America took over from Britain as "Top Nation" and history came to an en……Perhaps nearly a century later we are witnessing a similar event as the USA loses "Top Nation" status.Am I the only one who's worried that might bring the world to an en……….


    Tim, “According to conservative estimates, by 2017, China will overtake the United States as the world’s largest economy, and by 2050, its economy will be twice as large as that of the United States. Chinese influence will extend well beyond the economic sphere. The full social, cultural and political repercussions of China’s ascendancy will be felt sooner. In the coming decades, the West will be confronted with the fact that its systems, institutions and values are no longer the only ones on offer.” When China Rules the World -The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order by Martin JacquesI think this offers a different interpretation to that hackneyed phrase "new world order"

    robbo203 wrote:
    Capitalist Pig wrote: to the CIS, 47 percent of illegals use welfare; 39 percent use food assistance and 35 percent use Medicaid.  remind me again how illegals are getting nothing and stregthening our economy? I'm not demonizing immigrants I just don't want someone to walk into our country, illegally vote in our elections, and collect goverment benefits that our veterans don't even recieve. Is that too much too ask for?

    In reality I do not want to participate in this forum any more due to the lack of socialists publications and argumentation, and the spread of stupid bourgeoisie ideology, but distortions, ignorance,  and lies like the ones expressed above force me  to make certain clarification, and I know what I am talking about because i do not have my mind living in the clouds, or listening to the sweet music of the capitalist classIt is sad to see wage slaves, I repeat wage slave,  repeating and supporting the same lies and argumentation of their own exploiters and rulers, and supporting legal thieves,  they are called lackeys in the political world. It burns my blood, because I am not a capitalist loverFirst, the state is an institution financed and run by the ruling class, and it is financed with surplus value, from the bottom to the top and the top to the bottom, the so called workers taxpayers it is just a lie, and it shows lack of economical knowledge, the workers do not finance others workers,  and they do not provide social services, the slaves can not even support himself, or herself  therefore, Medicaid, Medicare, and welfare is not financed by the workers, it is only a lie to keep workers divided and against each other, even more, when the rulers asked us  to decrease the taxes, it is much  better to ask them to increase it . During the time of Roosevelt capitalist used to pay more than 60-70% on taxes, that is reason why the state had a large accumulation of capital. It was not a giftMost of the workers of Walmart they qualify for food stamps, welfare, and Medicaid because their  wages are so low that the  state will provide social benefits to them based on their guidelines, and most of the workers are citizen of the USA or permanent residents, they are not illegal, in any way , no worker over the earth is illegal, it is only a bourgeois propaganda spread by wage slaves repeating what their master have said, , it is the slave against the slave, it is what Malcolm X called the slaves of the house of the master.Workers do not own any country, it is just another capitalist lie, they are the real owners and the real patriotic, what country can have a wage slave who can not even pay his or her own  rent ?  At the present time  workers do not own the cemetery,  because they are real estate, and when  they die,  they must pay for the funerals.( my father must be a patriotic because he owns a big lot in the cemetery ) Patriotism is used to motivate peoples to kill others human beings for the benefits of  the ruling elite. Like my grandfather said:  Go  to war to fight for the rich,  and I will stay watching the girls until you come back, at the present time nationalism is an stupidity because capitalism is all over the earth, and there is not any  national bourgeois, they are all the same, and their interest are equals, left wingers also talk about national liberation and they are also out of the reality because with  the spread and expansion  of capitalism, the  national bourgeois do not exist any longer. Nationalism and patriotism is an ultra-reactionary trendMost peoples who have Medicaid, Food Stamps are not illegal, they are residents or citizens of the USA, and they do qualify because they have low wages, in fact,  the wages in the USA have been  in decline for many years, it is not a new phenomenon, and it will continue in decline until the workers wake up from their fantasies and stop  supporting the capitalist class, and eliminate wage slavery around the world.The statistic shown above are completely incorrect and they are  misleading too, and it  has  been proven that they are incorrect by capitalist economists, in order to qualify for social service the applicants must prove their so called legal status, otherwise it will not be approved, and most of the children of immigrants obtaining social services have been born  in the USA, and the citizen of the USA are not the white peoples only, and there is a great deal of European descendants receiving checks from the department of social services, and that situation started before the government of Ronald Reagan that it was created during the period of  the so called ghost town, and they were called like that  because most of the industry were exported to others places who had lower wages.The so called illegal are not voting in the elections, that idea started since the election of Barack Obama due to the fact that most Latinos and Asian voted for him, based on the false promises made by him,  and his election as a black man was due to the fact that most of them voted for him, the reality is that within several years the white population is going to be a minority group compared to the peoples from Latin America, and probably a person of Latin American descendant might become president of the USA, that is a  social reality that nobody can detain. The explosion is not from outside, the explosion is from the inside. In Texas they are talking about the retaking of the Nation of Aztlan.Many years ago any white person  was able to vote and they did not have to be citizens of the USA, and blacks, Latinos, natives and Asian were not allowed to vote, and Asian were not allowed to own any property. It is one of the few countries where prisoners are  not allowed to vote either, and most of the prisoners were blacks or LatinosMost of the peoples supporting Donald Trump are white workers who  are frustrated within  capitalism, but they do not know the causes and the real origin of their problems because they do not have the proper political education to understand their own problems, and they want to blame it on the Latinos, and the Muslim instead of blaming them on the capitalist class, and have decided to support a member of the elite class, a member of the capitalist class will never defend the working class, that is completely absurd.  Within a few years the US is going to be a nation of mixed peoples and they are going to prevail above the peoples of Europeans descendent, and many of those peoples will be from parents  with certain political formation and political revolutionary conceptions, and socialism is not longer a dirty word like in the period of the Cold War, like i said before the WSPUS has a hot potato in its handsMost of those peoples without social and historical knowledge,  do not mention the  emigration that is taking place thru the borders of Canada where a large emigration of Canadians, and European are emigrating to the USA for the same reasons that others peoples are emigrating from others countries, as well, they do not mention the large emigration of US citizens that are moving themselves to others countries in Latin America including Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Nicaragua, and they are moving for the same reasons  that motivate others to emigrate to the USA which is poverty and lack of income, a person living on a check from social security can not afford to live in the USA. There is also a large population of Puerto Rican moving back to Puerto Rico because their retirement check is not enough, and half of the population of Puerto Rico have emigrated to the US due to poverty and all of them are citizen of the USA, and there is also a large population of Mexican moving back to MexicoWar veterans are not receiving medical service because the emigrants are taking their benefits, that is just a fucking lie being repeated by idiots, the problems of the Veterans exist  since world war II, and many medical service can not be provided because they will prove that the US has created their own war horrors on the troops, and in the case of Iraq they used depleted uranium and mini nukes and the effect and diseases have also being reflected on the troops, in the same way that the poison spread in Vietnam also fell in top of the troops, and most of them had cancers, and mental diseases,  and also most of the benefits have been cut by the US Congress, which is composed of war criminals, and most of them are members of the capitalist class, or have accumulated large sum of capital, it is called the Club of the RichMany peoples have been forced to join the armed forces because they are not able to find jobs, it is a draft of poor peoples which are used to get killed defending the interest of the ruling class, the mortality is not so high because they have been using or employing  part  mercenaries from others countries and they are not of the statistic, that mercenary army is composed of criminals and paramilitary employed in Chile, Colombia and Honduras, and they do not have any benefits either, when they die they are not counted in the statistic of the Pentagon, and their relatives do not receive any benefits, or social services.Obama's doctor had a much better idea when he said that the best way was to provide Medicare to all the peoples of the USA instead of the so called Obama Care which only benefits the insurance industry, the hospital, and pharmaceuticals companies, but since Medicine is business like any other business, profits prevailed above the interests of the human beings. When social security was implemented they only submitted 8 pages and they had the names of all the workers, Obama care they submitted more than 3000 pagesThe US has 800 military bases around the war, and none of those military they do not have visas, or permanent residency in those countries, they are just landed in those countries like the owners of those places, it is like the case that Iran is a threat but just look at the nap and you will see that Iran is surround by US military bases armed with atomic missiles, so who is the threat ? Puerto Rico is a military base  with atomic bombs, and the Puerto Rican were used to fight in all the wars, and they are not called Americans,( Americans are the peoples from the American continents and the islands )  they are called Puerto Rican, and they are considered as illegal emigrants too, and the US corporations produced high profits, and they had tax exemption for more than 25 years, and when the period was over, the thieves left and placed their factories in others countries, and this is reason why the whole island is in bankruptcy, some peoples in Puerto Rico receive social services but they are smaller than the profits that the produced for many years working for a bunch of land robbers and legalized thieves.  There are more facts that I can write about, but I do not have free time History is history, and bullshit is bullshit.



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