Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016

July 2024 Forums General discussion Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016

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  • #111974

    I read the link and although Pilger makes those observations on Trump, revealing the hypocris of the much of the "liberal" media, he stops short of actually recommending a lesser evil vote for him. Who knows, he may well be supporting Jill Stein of the Green Party. I have no idea from reading the link. However, a related article by Pilger on how he was censored for his views on Clinton places the article in more context. Raher than a pro-Trump piece, it is very much an anti-Clinton critique

    ALB wrote:
    Someone has sent us this. Apparently John Pilger sees Trump as the lesser evil — because of his isolationist position on foreign policy:

    Donald Trump is a symptom of this, but he is also a maverick. He says the invasion of Iraq was a crime; he doesn’t want to go to war with Russia and China. The danger to the rest of us is not Trump, but Hillary Clinton. She is no maverick. She embodies the resilience and violence of a system whose vaunted “exceptionalism” is totalitarian with an occasional liberal face.

    The same might be said of Farage and UKIP in this country as they too are opposed to overeseas military adventures.

    How many times have those seeking power promised this or that to trick the public into supporting them. I don't see Trump's (or Farage's) anti-overseas war stance any differently. Once in power the promises of not sending their soldiers to fight in overseas wars would soon be spun away once the needs of capital came a calling.


    Trump has told voters not to bother voting for him in the remaining primaries and promised to bring back jobs for miners

    Participant Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager

    A person seeking to be the president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way.
    jondwhite wrote: Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager

    A person seeking to be the president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way.

    It is nothing new, ( or B.S. )  in the South there were signs, poster and leaflets who asked for the killing of John F Kennedy, and most of the president of the US as soon as they take power they start to kill peoples in others countries, and they make their political campaign promising to take over others countries, and in order to take another country  they do not use candies, or chocolates, they use machine guns. Some of those party leaders suffer of historical amnesiaObama has a list of peoples to be killed, and most presidents talk about killing like Western head hunters. the drones operations is a system of systematic killing, they have killed their friends and their enemies, it is very rare to listen to presidents of others country publicly speaking about killing, on the contrary they try to keep as a state secretThey said that they are not racist, but there were signs in the South, and Texas who said: No dogs, no blacks, no Mexican, and in Miami in 1959 and 1963 there were signs who said: No dogs, no blacks, no Cubans. Those are invitation for violence, and black peoples used to be lynched and hanged in trees like dead animals.Who ever has not read the real history of the US will always live under illusions, and Disneyland fantasies, or fairy tales. They can not fool everybody

    jondwhite wrote: Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager

    A person seeking to be the president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way.

    Pure hypocrisy  two Republican Mafioso criminals and murderers known  as: Negroponte and the Chacal ( Jackal )  Henry Kissinger, are endorsing her, both were involved with dictators, paramilitary,  terrorists, drugs dealers, violence,  and criminals acts in South America and Central America.Negroponte was involved with the Death Squad of El Salvador, Honduras  and the terrorists of Nicaragua, and Henry Kissinger was involved with the dictatorship of Argentina, and the military coup of Chile. and Negroponte was an arms  dealer for those violent groups, and during the Iran-Contra scandals, and they also made alliance with Colombian drug dealersNegroponte after his criminal records was assigned as ambassador of Baghdad by the Republicans, approved by the US Congress,  it shows that Republican and Democrats are just the same dog wearing different collars, they are interchangeable, and it also shows that this society is not based on individuals or personalities, is run by economical interests, and both parties represent the same interests of the ruling class.On those criminal actions Oliver North and Polling Powell were also involved, and still many children and peasants in Nicaragua have lost arms and legs due to the land mines that they placed in that country. The Journalist named Gary Webb wrote a book named: The Dark Alliance explaining  their adventures, and the strange thing is that he killed himself with two bullets on his head. One bullet was not enough for himThis is just a small lists of the Curriculum Vitae of Negroponte, without including his collaboration with the CIA in Latin America  Now he is the chief of a Publishing company* 1964-68, political affairs officer at the US Embassy in Saigon;* 1969-71, aide to Henry Kissinger in the Paris negotiations with the Vietnamese;* 1971-73, officer-in-charge for Vietnam in the National Security Council, under Kissinger;* 1973-75, assigned to the US Embassy in Ecuador (he reportedly quit Kissinger’s staff, opposing the Paris settlement as too favorable to the Vietnamese);* 1980-81, deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific affairs;* 1981-85, ambassador to Honduras;* 1987-1989, deputy assistant to the president for national security affairs, reporting to Colin Powell;* 1989-93, ambassador to Mexico;* 1993-97, ambassador to the Philippines.During his stay in Central America the military aid in Honduras went from 4 millions to 77 millions. and they are talking against violence. In reality many peoples need binoculars instead of eyeglassesThe Curriculum vitae of Henry Kissing is  as long as the prior one including the mass massacres of Chile during the government of Augusto Pinochet, he has been canonized by both political parties leadership despite that many criminal lawsuits have been filed against him for Crimes against humanity.


    The latest political concept from the US is "ground game" is the idea that number of field offices determines election / political successPretty sure this runs contrary to one of our principles (that political success isn't based on class interests)Anyway Trump is said to be destined to lose for lack of field offices.Not sure this holds up historically …


    They are pitching the ball toward Russia again, it is the revival of the old cold war controversy. The USA politician always need a foreign  enemy to be elected. 


    Slavoj Zizek would vote for Trump

    Capitalist Pig

    I am from the us and I don't really appreciate the new cover for the spgb. What do you find so offensive about him other than the phrases taken out of context by the media? He wants to bring jobs back to the us, get fair and profitable trade deals, rebuild our infrastructure, and eliminate policies that cripple the economy. I feel like you guys are isolating yourselves from the rest of the world and its people by saying "everyone is evil but us". It is just really hard to call myself a communist and see the socialist standard demonize Donald Trump just because he wants to see America prosperious.


    You've missed the point as well as revealing your own prejudices.If you look again Clinton is given the same treatment too. And they were being gargoylised not demonised. See the accompanying article:


    The front cover depiction of Hilarity Clinton is scarcely flattering, CP Populists are … popular.  They say things what people want to hear and propose things that people seek to see. I don't view Trump as very different from any other politician, except perhaps in a matter of degree of his rhetoric and even then it is a debatable difference. Trump's anti-immigration posture can be seen as little different from Clinton's anti-Russianism – both are equally nationalistic and full of patriotic sloganising. Both brought out the generals for their convention endorsements. We have had our own versions of Trumps in Europe…Farage in the UK and across Europe others such as Hungary's Orban and i could offer a long list of both left and right-wingers who scapegoat others for the real and genuine problems that people are suffering from. Trump can promise all he wants but it is simply not in his power to deliver. But we are world socialists. If Trump wishes to have America "prosperous" on the backs of non-Americans then we will indeed treat him as a demon. 


    I don't think everyone else is evil but us, and have said I don't like the cover but neither Trump nor Hillary's economic policies will be good for the working class. Even assuming what they say is true (which I don't). Protectionism tends to increase prices even if jobs were kept in America which trump doesn't do with his own products.


    I think you're all taking CP far too seriously.  It's patently obvious that the barking mad spoof comments in #41 are those of a troll.

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