Dissident Voice Articles

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Dissident Voice Articles

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    Dissident Voice have once again published an article by myself, this time on the topic of reformism.

    Re-forming the Reformers

    They say they will also later publish another on leadership and organization which I have in draft form which I will submit when this one disappears from its front page.

    This means that the WSPUS and SPC have been continually referenced on their website since late April now and potentially for yet another month.  Free advertising and we must try to gain that all-important name-recognition among an audience that may possibly be the most receptive to our ideas even if in the end they reject them.

    As I said I tried to down-play the party partisan side and suggest that for the moment such a strategy is more suited in drawing visitors to the WSPUS and SPC when it is not going to be direct promotion. (in hindsight, we should have submitted something on the OBU and the Winnipeg General Strike – a missed opportunity there. I might try a belated 100 yr commemoration of both in one article and see if they are interested.)

    Other members with possible articles may wish to consider sending them to DV.

    The downside  to DV is that they have no comments section for any online discussion and debate or feedback. My e-mail is available but so far no-one has availed themselves of it to critique what I have written. But in all honestly, the coverage of DV isn’t as wide as other progressive websites that may well possibly also publish our material. We should try and expand but without duplicating the message themes – we aren’t as influential as Chris Hedges or even Richard Wolff as yet who do get the same stuff replicated on a number of different websites.

    Both JanetS and myself have previously had articles published on the India-based Countercurrent website –  https://countercurrents.org/   – which is also very welcoming and is another which may well be worth considering submitting to, if you have something sitting in your documents file. Again it has limited traffic but when it comes to laying down links in online exchanges. It is a shame WSP (India) have not posted on it.

    I find it is sometimes more fruitful to use neutral website than be seen as “spamming” our own. It is a judgement call and other members may well disagree and think direct links to our webpages should be the primary goal. (i’m not talking about buying space in this respect but article submissions)




    I will have a think of places who might post similar material.

    I have written for a fairly large online publication but its editors operated as such. Nice enough people, but were only interested in the amount of reads it might get. An article on Thatcher, Keynes and the Paris Attacks was all I got through. Even then I was hacking away what I really wanted to espouse, reducing it to just presenting arguments to the reader, rather than my own (albeit without explicitly endorsing them). A pointless escapade but was a bit of journalistic experience I suppose.

    Another option is a blog I used to edit , generic broad left blog but you could post just about anything. Sadly the Brexit and Corbyn articles sent in got the reads. I’m not sure if it’s still active. I’ll ask the founder, who was quite ill back then if I remember rightly

    Will give your piece a read and some form of share.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by JClark96.

    Once again I managed to get links to the WSPUS and the SPC into an article published by Dissident Voice.

    Power to No One but to Every One

    I think I have now overstayed my welcome although the DV editors assure me I haven’t but I think the readers may think differently. I will give it a rest until something occurs to me that is another unique contribution to the political discourse in North America.

    I did get one direct response via e-mail giving me some book recommendations.

    And another suggesting some sort of future project which was rather vague…I await clarification

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