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October 2024 Forums General discussion Discussion on Shields Gazette letters site.

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  • #82831
    steve colborn

    Oh dear! I am quite sure, that in the past, we have discussed the meaning of Socialism. That being the case, you will be aware that my reading of this, does not conform to yours. When people talk about Socialism/Communism, Socialists/Communists, in terms of a different way of running "this" system, not a totally different way of running society in toto, it adds no credit to their argument whatsoever. What has existed, since the 1917 Russian revolution, has been "State-Capitalism". As evinced by the existence of every economic determinant, that exists in so-called Western Capitalism, existing in these countries you and others, call Socialist/Communist. That the economy of Russia et al, are organised centrally, through the auspices of the state, is not an indicator of a "different society entirely", merely another way of organising the present one.
    I come to debates of this type, not as some "Johnny come lately", or as a historical revisionist but as a member of a political party, The Socialist Party GB who, in 1917/18, said at that time, in our Journal The Socialist Standard, precisely what I am saying now. The summation of the situation, at that time, by SPGB, was correct. As is our continued use of the term State Capitalism, today.
    Here is a link to our Journal web site. http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/socialist-standard/2010s/2014/no-1316-april-2014.A Journal, published every year since our formation in 1904.



    10:30 PM on 10/04/2014

    Steve it was a attempt at humour in that I repeated what you had already said in a earlier post. You make a sensible case, but no political party in this country would stand a chance if they ran on this ticket.



    6:25 PM on 09/04/2014

    It would appear to me, that William Morris is indeed the classic Socialist. Ie, inherit wealth, then, make some more, as a Capitalist, then, begin telling everyone they have it all wrong, and should embrace Socialist, whilst of course, keeping the hands on their wealth. Sound familiar?



    6:54 PM on 09/04/2014

    I "use" the terms Socialism/Communism, as they were intended to be used phillo. To explain an alternative and totally different system to Capitalism. Not as most use it, to name a different way of running Capitalism but Capitalism, nonetheless!
    Banished, being a Socialist/Communist, does not mean giving all ones wealth away but rather working for and advocating an alternative to a society, (Capitalism) which is in the personal control and under the purview, of less than 1% of the worlds population, and where billions live in varying degrees of poverty, want, destitution and fear!



    12:00 PM on 14/04/2014

    phillo, it may be as you say, no political party would stand a chance at election time, if it were to run on a "ticket", advocating Socialism! However, The SPGB are contesting the SE region, as well as Wales, in the forthcoming Euros. We are not trying to be "all things to all people", as Labour and "left" groups do, we are advocating Socialism and that alone. One thing is certain, millions will get a chance, for perhaps the first time, to vote for Socialism, not merely variations of Capitalism, offered by the above party's!
    The SPGB, make not a, "sensible case", but a case for Socialism! An alternative way of organising society, in the interests of "all".

    steve colborn

    Here a the responses from bohemianblogger, someone who posts on the Shields Gazette site, in response to my posts. What do comrades make of them? The sites address is; http://www.shieldsgazette.com/opinion/your-letters/are-we-all-in-it-together-1-6548623#comments-area As you have decided to insult me on this site with the following;bohemianblogger7:10 PM on 16/04/2014Sounds very familiar, Milibands Dad was a devout Marxist and theyre not short of a bob or two. Colborn probably thinks that was the wrong type of Marxist/communist/socialist &c.bohemianblogger7:09 PM on 16/04/2014Colborn doesn't do humour, or sarcasm, or anything that requires leaving 'the script' ;)bohemianblogger7:07 PM on 16/04/2014Don't hold your breath for a reply Banished ;) Colborn doesn't have answers, just reads from the script ;)I want to offer you an opportunity to debate your incorrect assertions at a Public Debate, at a venue of your choice. I am sure that the editor of the Gazette would consent to officiate at this event.My email address is stvclbrn@yahoo.co.uk.I await your acceptance at your convenience! It appears bohemianblogger has trawled through even more of my posts and answers to the same from other posters, here's a sample;bohemianblogger7:23 PM on 16/04/2014http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/articles/b/biography-of-william-morris/ according to official biography he was a radical Socialist, get your facts straight Colbornbohemianblogger7:24 PM on 16/04/2014William Morris, Socialist! Rowntree – Capitalist. Banished is correct, Colborn is wrong!bohemianblogger7:28 PM on 16/04/2014Spot on again Banished, haven't seen any supporting evidence from Colborn other than his own rhetoric. Pick a country, any country, that is successful as a Socialist country. Colborn hates Capitalism, yet chooses to live in a Capitalist country? Something seriously wrong with logic like that.bohemianblogger7:18 PM on 16/04/2014page not found! So Charlemagne not Socialist, nor Stalin, nor Hitler? People far more intelligent than you or me, with real printed books, PhD's and lots of respect have said Stalin and Hitler were Socialists so… (Rhetoric only gets you so far Colborn, I work with facts).bohemianblogger8:02 PM on 16/04/2014So I am guessing you are 'de-centralist' and Follow Sit Thomas More's 'Utopia' example? I know you Socialists have more socialist party's than Socialists, but I'm guessing your in those two camps.Of course compared to you I don't know what the heck I'm talking about do I Colborn?Take care ;)Obviously and reading my posts, it proves the point, bohemianblogger is not referring to my posts but what he imagines, or would like them to be. As I have said, I offer you a debate on a public platform. You have my email address, all I need is your acceptance, a contact address and we can get things moving!What do you think?

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