Directly electing moderators

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Directly electing moderators

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  • #115339

    Fair enough Gnome. But that was a specific case being dealt with by the EC . Here we are talking about a sub committee member controlling a meeting of members and giving that member of that sub committee the authority to expel without EC resolutions etcOne person acting as judge and jury on the future contribution of other members.  


    Hmm, what we need perhaps is an amendment to rule five:

    Rulebook wrote:
    5. Members have the right to attend at meetings of Branches other than their own, and speak with the permission of the Branch, but shall not have the right to vote thereat. Central Branch members, however, shall be informed of a party vote and forwarded a voting paper and shall be allowed to vote through the post or at any one Branch meeting on production of membership card. All members may attend the meetings of the Executive Committee, Delegate Meetings, or Conferences, and with permission may contribute to the discussion.

    After "Delegate meetings"  insert: "Authorised online party forums,".Backed up with a conference resolution to the effect that a member may only be remopved pernmenantly from a forum via rule 31 and also enshrining the current forum standings orders at the same time (with an additional description of the appointment of moderators).

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    Hmm, what we need perhaps is an amendment to rule five:

    Rulebook wrote:
    5. Members have the right to attend at meetings of Branches other than their own, and speak with the permission of the Branch, but shall not have the right to vote thereat. Central Branch members, however, shall be informed of a party vote and forwarded a voting paper and shall be allowed to vote through the post or at any one Branch meeting on production of membership card. All members may attend the meetings of the Executive Committee, Delegate Meetings, or Conferences, and with permission may contribute to the discussion.

    After "Delegate meetings"  insert: "Authorised online party forums,".Backed up with a conference resolution to the effect that a member may only be remopved pernmenantly from a forum via rule 31 and also enshrining the current forum standings orders at the same time (with an additional description of the appointment of moderators).

    You seemed to forget that the I.C. ToR and the complaints procedure ensure that its the EC and not the I.C who enforce a permanent suspension from the forum.  And if it did come to that the probability is such a decision would entail a call for a special party meeting.Further you are failing to address the OP:  the election of a moderator.

    Further you are failing to address the OP:  the election of a moderator

    Sorry, I thought I'd covered that, in my mind clearly: the conf. res. endorsing the current procedures would also need to cover the appointment of moderators.  Apolgies for omission.  Although, the constitutional standing of this forum, generally, is germane to the question of how we select moderators.My main point was, though, that there does need to be some amendment to rule, currently nothing in rule about EC removing people from fora (and also establishing the rule 31 appeals proceedure was applicable), given to how central they are becoming.  Also, we do need to emphasise that party members have different rights to non-members when it comes to suspension, etc. since rule 5 already applies, in spirit if not in word.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    My main point was, though, that there does need to be some amendment to rule

    I disagree.


    I'll re-phrase, rule 5, and given the reason for its existence, might need re-examining in the light of the advent of online communications.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    I'll re-phrase, rule 5, and given the reason for its existence, might need re-examining in the light of the advent of online communications.

    I agree


    With regard to the OP, I feel sure that sometime in the future Mods will need to be elected and deselected, in fact I have no doubt. However in the meantime , interest in the forum and the party will need to grow. As has been pointed out, we have no volunteers.

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