Digital Technology and Socialism

September 2024 Forums General discussion Digital Technology and Socialism

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  • #216240

    By coincidence, following on from a discussion here about the uses of digitable technology to make books, paintngs and other works of art much more widely available, the Louvre in Paris has just announced that it is making its entire collection available online and for free. I think we can see this, can’t we, as an anticipation of the what can be done on a much wider scale in socialism. Of course this doesn’t preclude looking at the original or the publication of exact copies of books and paintings for people to handle.

    Here’s the news item:

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by PartisanZ.

    That old press cutting (found no doubt by using digital technology) shows precisely why the possibility taken up by the Louvre will never be fully used under capitalism and won’t be able to be till we get socialism when, of course, there will no longer be ownership rights over books and other works of art.

    Incidentally, nobody here (and as far as I know noboy anywhere) has suggested that physical books should disappear. I don’t think that’s going to happen even under capitalism. They talk of paperless offices but that will be the case in socialism too, even if for a different reason — most of the paperwork today has to do with money in one way or another and that won’t exist.


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    Thomas Moore may have been slightly annoying but when there’s only four people posting to a forum do we really have to worry about derailment? Not that I particularly care, this is really just a form of procrastination for me.


    What has been happening on this thread? Why have some posts been deleted?


    The thread is as stated,DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIALISM.

    12. Moderators may move, remove, or lock any threads or posts which they deem to be off-topic or in violation of the rules. Because posts and threads can be deleted without advance notice, it is your responsibility to make copies of threads and posts which are important to you.

    There is a Topic for concerns.
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    Also a procedure.

    15. Queries or appeals relating to particular moderation decisions should be sent directly to the moderators by private message. Do not post such messages to the forum. You must continue to abide by the moderators’ decisions pending the outcome of your appeal.

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    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by PartisanZ.

    Just idle musing, but if socialism had been established before the digital age happened, I wonder if it would ever have come about? After all it’s almost totally a response to the commercial demands of advanced capitalism. Though it would have come in useful for say large scale referendums.


    “Thomas Moore may have been slightly annoying but when there’s only four people posting to a forum do we really have to worry about derailment?”

    I didn’t find TM the slightest bit annoying and am very sorry that he seems to have left/been driven from (?) this forum as apparently has P.Abelard (TM‘s alto-ego by any chance). Now we are left once again with “four people posting” including one clearly unable to resist doing so on each and every conceivable topic.

    On other fora of which I’m a member, individuals are restricted to the number of messages they can post in a given time period.


    “including one clearly unable to resist doing so on each and every conceivable topic. On other fora of which I’m a member, individuals are restricted to the number of messages they can post in a given time period.”

    If this is in reference to myself (apologies if it is not), it is compensation for the majority of Party members including office holders who distain from posting on the forum for whatever reason they may hold.

    It is not a particularly well visited popular website compared with many others but for those who do drop by, it should have amply coverage to retain their interest and attention.

    I view this forum as an alternative news outlet for the members use of on their own social media. For the SOYMB blog i do an extensive survey of websites and inevitably come across items of interest.

    I also seek to update older posts when more recent information very often contrary to my own personal positions which i still post here so that the forum looks and feels contemporary and relevant to current affairs.

    Another purpose of the forum is to encourage debate and discussion among members and sometimes posts should be purposefully provocative.

    An older now redundant discussion list we once hosted did have posting limits for individuals. I felt it interrupted the exchanges and interactions. If the frequency of my contributions annoy, they are very free not to click on to them or read them.


    I found this article and the blokes research field interesting.

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