Designs for proposed new Head Office signage

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Designs for proposed new Head Office signage

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  • #90304

    Looks much better. Are the letters in white protruding or do they just look like that on my phone?

    DJP wrote:
    Looks much better. Are the letters in white protruding or do they just look like that on my phone?

    They're protruding about 30mm on locators.  If you look at two of the other pictures you will see the locators in position prior to the fixing of the letters.


    Looks great. Well done to all concerned.   


    Looks like an improvement.


    Now that the HO facia is sorted, why not use the design on other party sites and publications – at the head of this forum for example? And the Facebook page?Wouldn't that be logical and in line with all other organisations?  


    No, it wouldn't be logical. It's a one-off just for the fascia of Head Office. What would be logical would be to adopt a completely different logo for general use. We've already got perfectly adequate headed notepaper and compliment slips.In any event, the Head Office fascia is terrible. You can't even see clearly what's in black behind "Party" in white. Is it a 9 or an S? All you can read clearly is GB as if we're proud of that. Terrible. Best confine it to a minor high street in south London so it won't be seen by too many people. Actually, Gnome, I think it would be technically possible to get rid of SPGB: isn't it done on a separate sheet?  Pity those who wanted it in didn't think of doing this by putting our website there instead:, this is a subject that bores me, so I'm not going to launch a campaign against it. Just complain whenever somebody says they like it and get on with real socialist activity and discussion.


    The design committee did consider inclusion of the website address but not sure it is the design committee you are talking about.I agree that what might be appropriate for the fascia, is not necessarily appropriate for a website header.


    Well, we got there in the end…

    ALB wrote:
    In any event, the Head Office fascia is terrible. 

    The point is continuity and consistency as opposed to chaos and allowing personal choice to take over.Different logos used for different occasions for the same organisation is logical?I wouldn't mind if the party was called dooobledoo as long as we used the same name and design consistently 


    Just for the record…1) The design was the choice of the Ad-Hoc Fascia Committee (set up at the recommendation of 2013 Conference) which considered 33 designs submitted by members.2) The design was unanimously approved by the Executive Committee.From the March 2014 EC minutes:Item 6 (a) Motion 12: Buick and Foster moved "That the EC provisionally accepts the Ad-Hoc Committee's recommended design subject to the vote on the Conference motion and that the designer prepare mock ups in line with the report, one with “of Great Britain” and one without."  Carried (9-0-0).From the June 2014 EC minutes:Item 6 (iv). “In furtherance of the resolution of Conference 2008 this Conference resolves that the full name of the Party be included on the HO fascia”. (2014 Conference resolution)The EC had already accepted (Motion 12, March Minutes) the Ad-Hoc Committere’s recommended design subject to the vote on the Conference motion.Motion 12: Mann and Craggs moved “That the Ad-Hoc Fascia Committee and the Project Officer go ahead on the basis of the design with the full name”. Agreed.3) The "minor high street in South London" referred to in #82 is, in fact, the A3 London to Portsmouth road, one of the busiest highways out of the capital, both for vehicles and pedestrians alike.4) The acronym SPGB is sprayed directly on to the base sign tray.5) The new sign has met with almost universal approval (see our Facebook group and elsewhere) and the Head Office Organiser has reported several members of the public calling at the premises and giving favourable compliments.


    I never said it wasn't chosen democratically (if we hadn't accepted the recommendation of the adhoc committee the affair would have dragged on and on, wasting more party time), only that in my opinion it is terrible. In other words, I don't agree with LBird that the majority is always right.


    Oh, please don't bring driBL into it…

    norm_burns wrote:
    Oh, please don't bring driBL into it…

     here, here 


    I have noticed that the design is being used on other party sites as well as on my own branch's. am pleased to see that it is also used by the Party's meetup site. would like to see the EC encourage its use in other areas.Forget personal preference, consistency is the important thing.  C'mon comrades, help us get noticed

    Vin wrote:
    I have noticed that the design is being used on other party sites as well as on my own branch's. am pleased to see that it is also used by the Party's meetup site.

    And here:

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