Democratic Socialists added 1000 members in 2 days following election

July 2024 Forums General discussion Democratic Socialists added 1000 members in 2 days following election

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  • #123249
    gnome wrote:
    Marcos wrote:
    By the meantime, What is the WSPUS doing in the USA ? 

    Doing its best, notwithstanding all the distorters and detractors, in keeping alive the real meaning of socialism in the US.

    Are you sure about that ? Just look  at their websites and you will see that their last post was at the beginning of 2016. The party from Africa is newer and they are posting messages almost every day, and they have a long contact lists. What we need is a real World Socialist Movement organization instead of having companion parties

    The party from Africa is newer and they are posting messages almost every day, and they have a long contact lists.

    I am not sure who you are referring to here.We have our blog Socialist Banner that is updated daily but sadly the involvement of any individual socialist from Africa is negligible apart from the occasional article. We continue the blog in the hope of merely keeping the seat warm for someone with more connection with African politics.The Blog Committee at one time did consider re-vamping the SOYMB blog and did a rough prototype of the possible blog with different pages divided into geographic regions with expected input from members of the companion parties but in the end thought it not feasible at this moment in time and the project was dropped. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    The party from Africa is newer and they are posting messages almost every day, and they have a long contact lists.

    I am not sure who you are referring to here.We have our blog Socialist Banner that is updated daily but sadly the involvement of any individual socialist from Africa is negligible apart from the occasional article. We continue the blog in the hope of merely keeping the seat warm for someone with more connection with African politics.The Blog Committee at one time did consider re-vamping the SOYMB blog and did a rough prototype of the possible blog with different pages divided into geographic regions with expected input from members of the companion parties but in the end thought it not feasible at this moment in time and the project was dropped. 

    I was mistaken, it thought that it was a group from Africa, since it is labelled as African Socialist Banner, and I received messages almost every day

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    The party from Africa is newer and they are posting messages almost every day, and they have a long contact lists.

    I am not sure who you are referring to here.We have our blog Socialist Banner that is updated daily but sadly the involvement of any individual socialist from Africa is negligible apart from the occasional article. We continue the blog in the hope of merely keeping the seat warm for someone with more connection with African politics.The Blog Committee at one time did consider re-vamping the SOYMB blog and did a rough prototype of the possible blog with different pages divided into geographic regions with expected input from members of the companion parties but in the end thought it not feasible at this moment in time and the project was dropped. 

    Why don't create something similar for the Virgin Islands, and the  Lesser Antilles? Most of them speak English.  We had a group in Jamaica

    Why don't create something similar for the Virgin Islands, and the  Lesser Antilles? Most of them speak English.  We had a group in Jamaica

    We'd like to but as always just maintaining daily updates for our current blogs…we have three on the go…is fairly demanding on time.With more volunteers from around the world willing to submit news items, we could create a global blog, which was our general idea…but alas…we struggle as it is to interest other members into even visiting the blogs, much less contributing.Even this discussion forum seems to be lacking traffic right now.


    Broken link to the WSPS on this page when i had a request for a link to provide further information.  the WSPUS is an attractive – looking site but as Marcos said, its front page requires re-freshing

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Broken link to the WSPS on this page when i had a request for a link to provide further information.  the WSPUS is an attractive – looking site but as Marcos said, its front page requires re-freshing

    Do you mean WSPUS ? They have two pages on Facebook, and one blog in Spanish. The SPC needs a more modern website


    If we ourselves struggle to keep our website improved it is no surprise our companion party lacking the resources have a greater problem.If we are willing to pay professionals to help our own website, i think we could subsidise our own companion parties to seek paid-help to make changes to their websites. As i keep saying, money right now is not our problem. We should be spreading the cash around the WSM. The SPC has a problem that you cannot provide links to specific articles which makes promoting it a bit more difficult.We won't be able to challenge the DSA if we do not have an effective online presence, much less a physical one.I cannot comment on Facebook but SPC appear to have a stronger presence on Twitter feeds. A comrade tried to invite their blog to be again active but so far no success.I'm known for my doom and gloom outlook, but there is a real cause for pessimism. I want to be proved wrong. As Gnome says we have survived to advocate the message of real socialism but we cannot guarantee that will continue in the future. We have seen many strong seemingly healthy political parties wither on the vine and disappear. We are not immune to extinction ourselves…Jamaica group…Australia…African groups…Ireland…And within the UK, new branches are not appearing but old ones are vanishing.No-one wishes to join a fading party. If they seek socialism they seek to be active in achieving it and they will settle for something lesser if it nevertheless gives an expression and an outlet for their socialist ideas. People need to feel they have an impact…even if it is keeping alive the memory of what socialism once was …and keeping the hope alive for what it could become in the future…We are losing the battle on both these fronts. And what happens is that others like the DSA or Socialist Alternative fill the vacuum.Yes, I have a rather negative expectation…show me I am wrong, comrades. Suggest a strategy where we can survive and thrive.


    We need and injection. If we  do not become an international/world organization we are going to die, we are going to vanish from the face of the earth like the SLP. . I have seen bigger and large organizations in the past who have died, they are gone with the winds. Actually,  there are many groups that are very active such as the RCPUSA, the CPUSA, N&L, MH initiative, MH international, WSP, CPCML. Some of those groups are providing classes and conference thru the internet, and they are trying to recruit new members, and they are providing political education to their prospect members. We need more participation at the WSM forum, We must initiate a campaign to recruti more members and to eliminate the requirements of the geographic locations of the potential members. If any companion party is in trouble or in crisis, we must help them

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    If we ourselves struggle to keep our website improved it is no surprise our companion party lacking the resources have a greater problem.If we are willing to pay professionals to help our own website, i think we could subsidise our own companion parties to seek paid-help to make changes to their websites. etc

    I second that but how do we propose this to the membership? Suggesting it on this forum will probably go nowhere fast.What about an online branch? 


    I know many will see the urgency in the matter but we have waited 114 years so let us wait for a bit longer and see what structure is suggested by the investigation into becoming organised as a national party and not one based upon branches.You are right about going nowhere fast via the forum, Vin, but truth to be told, we'd still be going nowhere fast even with the EC or Conference taking the initiative. You know that only too well yourself.My point is always that we may not have the actual membership to accomplish what we wish…but we do have the money to pay people who can. But perhaps wiser minds than mine are to be heeded counseling prudence when it comes to our legacies…Although i wonder what legacy we will leave behind to the socialist case, in the end, if the party expires. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    You are right about going nowhere fast via the forum, Vin, but truth to be told, we'd still be going nowhere fast even with the EC or Conference taking the initiative. You know that only too well yourself.My point is always that we may not have the actual membership to accomplish what we wish…but we do have the money to pay people who can.

    It may not be fast enough for some but the EC has been responsible for several initiatives including using the services of professional companies to assist with the production of two videos (in 2014 and 2017) as too is the case with the website upgrade which is now anticipated to be completed by February 2018.  The current EC, by using the services of a professional proof-reader, is also partly responsible for ensuring that the 'Centenary of the Russian Revolution' book is a publication of which the party can justifiably be proud.  In addition the EC this year initiated the 'insert' campaign in several national publications which has so far resulted in over 200 enquiries.  This campaign will continue into 2018.


    I recall you once called change within the Party happens at glacial speed. It is a description i often use myself, now,  Gnome. And over the years you, yourself, have voiced disquiet about Party procedures and actions.  But you may treat my criticism as unfair and unjustified, (perhaps even as unwelcomed meddling from an "outsider" as it often appears to those living abroad and recently expressed rather bluntly)  and come to the defence of our committees but i am trying to make comrades note the serious and increasingly deleterious state of the Party. We do no favours to the case for socialism by ignoring current trends. Acknowledging them is one thing but a reluctance to address them is quite another.I am happy enough to accept that there are signs that we may well be adapting but there has to be a systematic approach to reforming (dare i say it,  re-forming) the party. I am hoping the committee looking into a national organisation structure will take the necessary first steps. I should point out in your message the glaring facts that it was 3 years between producing videos, that the webpage upgrade was delayed, that our book suffered from a lack of promotion since two committees (publications and media) appeared to be not in contact with one another to coordinate its launch, a more fundamental failure than crossing the t and dotting the i. As for being proud…reprinting past articles, all available in our archives…you and my understanding of accomplishment are greatly different. As for the insertion of leaflets in the press perhaps you can keep s all appraised on the number of enquiries and the increase in membership due to the campaign so far. And in case there is a misunderstanding…i am all for spending money on advertising…Each branch should be allotted funds to place ads in their local press…just to show they are still going, if not particularly active.


    Your cynicism is received loud and clear.  ^^^  Over and out.


    I'm not so sure i am a cynic…but perhaps someone who has come to accept that things change and we require to adjust to new situations and conditions. Nothing stays the same, does it?I have never claimed to know the answers but repeatedly suggested we defer to the collective knowledge of all the party in an organised exchange of views which is capable of enacting decisions made, not this piece-meal dribs and drabs approach which we appear to have adopted. 

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