Democratic Socialists added 1000 members in 2 days following election

July 2024 Forums General discussion Democratic Socialists added 1000 members in 2 days following election

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  • #123219

    Comparing ourselves with the DSA is apples and oranges.There are various membership options – 8 of them, including family memberships. You can even purchase membership for other people to give as a gift. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Comparing ourselves with the DSA is apples and oranges.There are various membership options – 8 of them, including family memberships. You can even purchase membership for other people to give as a gift.

    Not even Bob Hope's gag writers could've come up with this one!


    Bob Hope, comedy's answer to Kissinger, ever-willing to entertain the troops on the latest US military adventure.

    Bob Hope was the establishment. Bob Hope was friends with Nixon. Bob Hope was speaking in favor of the [Vietnam] War. Bob Hope was expressing that kind of backward, suburban, WASP view of minorities, homosexuals, the women's movement. Even his comments on the women's movement were very condescending. He did a special in the '70s on the women's movement and it was so silly, so backward. And [in his act] the woman who had some big political office was dusting the chairs in between her meetings. It was just awful. He got mail … from feminists.He was clueless at that time. That was why that generation of comedians turned off to him. … It's hard to be [a] comedian and be part of the establishment because comedians, their job is to satirize and to poke fun at the powerful people. And this is something that Bob was — one of the powerful people. So just as a comedian, he became less and less relevant.


    And the winner of the membership gets a free airline ticket to Cuba or to Venezuela. I do not know what has confused more the working class, the capitalist class or the leftwingers

    Bijou Drains
    jondwhite wrote:
    Bob Hope, comedy's answer to Kissinger, ever-willing to entertain the troops on the latest US military adventure.

    Bob Hope was the establishment. Bob Hope was friends with Nixon. Bob Hope was speaking in favor of the [Vietnam] War. Bob Hope was expressing that kind of backward, suburban, WASP view of minorities, homosexuals, the women's movement. Even his comments on the women's movement were very condescending. He did a special in the '70s on the women's movement and it was so silly, so backward. And [in his act] the woman who had some big political office was dusting the chairs in between her meetings. It was just awful. He got mail … from feminists.He was clueless at that time. That was why that generation of comedians turned off to him. … It's hard to be [a] comedian and be part of the establishment because comedians, their job is to satirize and to poke fun at the powerful people. And this is something that Bob was — one of the powerful people. So just as a comedian, he became less and less relevant.

    The author asks who started stand up? and comes up with the answer Bob Hope?"I was always wondering who kind of started standup comedy," Zoglin says. "And I really think you have to say it was Bob Hope." Guess he's never heard of Mx Miller, who was way ahead of Hope, in more ways that one!


    Is this a shift to the left for the DSA or a shift to the right by the radical left.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Is this a shift to the left for the DSA or a shift to the right by the radical left.

    One thing is beyond dispute – the increase in the DSA's membership does not, unfortunately, represent a shift towards socialism any more than the recent increase in the Labour Party's membership does.

    gnome wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Is this a shift to the left for the DSA or a shift to the right by the radical left.

    One thing is beyond dispute – the increase in the DSA's membership does not, unfortunately, represent a shift towards socialism any more than the recent increase in the Labour Party's membership does.

     The Socialist Party of Venezuela has 8 millions members and that would not make any difference either. It is a reformist party like any other capitalist party. Its main purpose is to run capitalism in the name of the working class


    How does the DSA get this sort of press

    jondwhite wrote:
    How does the DSA get this sort of press

    I think that is obvious. 

    jondwhite wrote:
    How does the DSA get this sort of press

    Because, like Corbyn's Labour Party, the DSA, and its supporters, doesn't have the first idea about Socialism.

    A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

    Damn,I can't comment on the article unless I take out  a subscription.

    jondwhite wrote:
    How does the DSA get this sort of press

     What is that long history of socialists ideas ?  Most of the genuine sociaiists that existed in the USA came from another country, such as England, Canada and Germany. Daniel de Leon was from Venezuela. Eugene Debs stood for socialism, and then, he fell in the trap of bourgeoise reformismThere is a huge confusion in the USA of what socialism really is, anything that is different to the norm is called socialism, for most workers socialism is state capitalism, or whatever form of capitalism that existed in Russia, Eastern Europe, Cuba, China, or North Korea, and the new kid on the block known as Venezuela and Hugo Chavez. The same opinion of the corporate journalists who repeat like parrots the ideas of the rulers, they are just a bunch of cardboard readers.This is a totally reformist organization which want to implement a program similar to Roosevelt's New Deal, and it became more popular after the electoral campaign of a social democrat like Bernie Sanders.It attracts many young peoples because they are already used to reformism, and they are looking for something different, even more, the elderly  workers are already tired of the same, and they were looking for something different and they elected Donald Trump. Right wing and left wing political institution are the wings of the same birg, they come from the same nest known as capitalismThe only organization with socialist basis in the USA is the WSPUS, but it is also dead like I told them, and they threw me  out from their private-family forum. At the present time the WSM has not political future in the USA Proclaiming Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and the so called Cuban revolution will not conduct the working class toward socialism. It is like joining a social club


    18k views explainer animation in under six months; DSA What is Capitalism?

    jondwhite wrote:
    18k views explainer animation in under six months; DSA What is Capitalism?

    They offer capitalism as a solution to capitalism causing nothing but confusion. Organisations like that are a bigger threat to the workers than anyone else. You can receive 80k views per £1000 invested in promotion.Besides, we got 5k in a week  Do the mathand we didn't offer capitalism as a solution.Hope you've been sharing ours 

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