Deconstructing The Socialist Party

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Deconstructing The Socialist Party

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  • #97029
    steve colborn

    Hi Brian,I do not think "transparency of the party decision making process", is all the lads were talking about. It is also about providing a "place", where the far flung members of Central Branch, can come together to discuss and confer, much as members of "branches" do at their regular meetings. To widen democratic inclusivity. Steve Colborn.

    steve colborn wrote:
    Hi Brian,I do not think "transparency of the party decision making process", is all the lads were talking about. It is also about providing a "place", where the far flung members of Central Branch, can come together to discuss and confer, much as members of "branches" do at their regular meetings. To widen democratic inclusivity. Steve Colborn.

    What would be great is if central branch could organize itself into a proper functioning branch. Holding monthly branch meetings via the internet. Putting motions to the EC, conference and ADM It's greatly needed imo. Although it is central branch members who will have to be responsible for maintaining it and no one is stepping up to do that, I wish they would.

    steve colborn wrote:
      It is also about providing a "place", where the far flung members of Central Branch…..

    ………and other branches!

    steve colborn

    Indeed Ed and Vin. Anything to get contact between members and sympathisers going. Overcoming any feelings of isolation. Steve Colborn.

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    Brian wrote:
     Yes it is possible.  That is if the membership decide further transparency of the party decision making process is required.  

     Surely the party believes, and always has believed, in the fullest transparency? Would a formal decision be required?

    O f course the party is in favour of the fullest transparency.  Vin democracy is all about formalities.  But even once these formalities reach a positive decision there is still the problem of the members who possess the technical skills finding the time to make the decision effective.   There is also the issue of deciding what technical tweeks are more important for the Internet Committee/EC/Membership/Non-members. For instance do we remain focused on extending the menu/functions/facilities, or do we look around for a server which can accommodate the bandwith what you are requesting (and more) and in the meantime put the present work on hold until then?Obviously if we had sufficient techies in the party most of these issues and problems would be quickly resolved. 

    Ed wrote:
    What would be great is if central branch could organize itself into a proper functioning branch. Holding monthly branch meetings via the internet. Putting motions to the EC, conference and ADM It's greatly needed imo. Although it is central branch members who will have to be responsible for maintaining it and no one is stepping up to do that, I wish they would.

    Why not take a page out of what TZM are doing? They hold monthly meetings on TS3 which are recorded and then a link of the recording placed in the description box to be accessed from google.  Imo its not the maintenance of the server which would be a problem but the election of branch officers and delegates.  But I do not see that as a barrier if members and non-members want a place to meet and have a chat.TS3 by the way is free to non-profit organisations.Most CB members are after a quiet life, and do not consider themselves 'active'. 

    Brian wrote:
    There is also the issue of deciding what technical tweeks are more important for the Internet Committee/EC/Membership/Non-members. For instance do we remain focused on extending the menu/functions/facilities, or do we look around for a server which can accommodate the bandwith what you are requesting (and more) and in the meantime put the present work on hold until then?Obviously if we had sufficient techies in the party most of these issues and problems would be quickly resolved. 

     Fair enough, Brian. If we don't have sufficient tech bods then we can't do it. Perhaps if and when the party grows…..I have offered my time but I have only low level qualifications as far as IT goes.  But I am willing to learn  

Viewing 7 posts - 46 through 52 (of 52 total)
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