Debate with Peter Tatchell

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Debate with Peter Tatchell

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    Just over four weeks now… scroll downVolunteers are required to set out the hall (incl. putting up banners and other display material), setting out literature on chairs and looking after the literature stall(s), assist with taking a collection midway through the debate, being responsible for the roving radio microphone during the audience participation period, and act as stewards, etc. The aim is to get access to the hall as soon after 5.30pm as possible.  Contact the Campaigns Committee at the usual email address.Plans for advertising the event are well under way as is the press release.  We are still awaiting a design for a flyer-cum-poster.


    Excellent leaflet/poster! If I understand correctly, if it is placed on a new thread it could be shared/tweeted by members/sympathers with twitter accounts. 


    Sara Passmore of the British Humanist Association will chair the debate. 


    “Peter Tatchell has been a tireless and brave campaigner against human injustice over many years and several continents. There is one campaign, however, which he has always declined to join. The campaign to actually END world capitalism. And, after all, that is the system which inevitably continues to generate the denial of human rights he abhors.” “In this debate I will be setting out the case against world capitalism and in favour of an immediate democratic revolution across the world to create a genuinely socialist system of society.” “The time is now ripe for putting an end to the profit system with all of its obscene contradictions, its class division, its constant creation of poverty, misery and conflict. Any attempt to solve social problems without removing capitalism is doomed to fail over and over again, because it is the capitalist system which automatically continues to generate those problems.” “It is time for us to stop treating socialism or communism as taboo words. Both of those terms simply mean a commonality, a sharing, a joint control of the planet’s resources by all of humanity, democratically organised. That is the only practical, desirable or noble goal to proclaim in the world today, and it becomes more and more viable the more people talk about it as our immediate goal, now, rather than relegate it as a nice ideal for the distant future, as idealistic reformers like Peter Tatchell have been doing for generations.” Clifford Slapper – the Party’s representative in this debate

    steve colborn

    Concise and to the point!



    gnome wrote:
    "Peter Tatchell has been a tireless and brave campaigner against human injustice over many years and several continents. 

     Let's hope that Clifford can tip him over the edge and convince him that reformism is a dead end. Socialism needs people who are tireless and brave.  


    Comrades, Volunteers needed to help distribute advertising for the Tatchell debate, meet outside Goodge Street Tube station (Northern Line) at 12 Noon on Friday 28th February 2014. We will leaflet in nearby Malet Street, home to the University of London Student Union (ULU), RADA, Senate House, Birkbeck College, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (so lots of undergraduates milling about), also University of London Halls of Residence in Malet Street: College Hall, nearby other Halls of Residence in Tavistock Square (Connaught Hall), Lansdowne Terrace (International Hall), Cartwright Gardens (Garden Halls). Cask Ale and food to be had at the Museum Tavern, 49 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1B 3BA, the British Museum was built in the 1760's and the pub changed its name to suit. The Museum Tavern was expanded in 1855. Past customers include, J.B. Priestley, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Karl Marx. Map showing Goodge Street, Malet Street and Great Russell Street: For Socialism Steve Clayton Campaigns Committee


    Eight comrades did their bit in Bloomsbury today… 


    Anyone back from the debate yet? How was it?


    Yeah, just returned.  No great surprises, though.  Tatchell thinks we can transform capitalism into something nicer by taking 'baby steps'.  Clifford won the debate hands down but who can tell how many in the audience of just under a hundred were convinced either way.However, over £30 of literature was sold, seven new email addresses were obtained for our mailshot list and a collection of almost £150 taken. There will be a film released of the debate in due course.

    gnome wrote:
    There will be a film released of the debate in due course.

     Will it be uploaded to Youtube?  

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    There will be a film released of the debate in due course.

    Will it be uploaded to Youtube?


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