Dead but not forgotten

December 2024 Forums General discussion Dead but not forgotten

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  • #225533

    David Graeber’s, The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity, co-authored with archaeologist David Wengrow.

    Review here

    Among the propositions of Graeber and Wengrow are these:

    We barely have the language to express what our remote ancestors were up to 95% of the time.
    The Agricultural Revolution wasn’t a revolution at all. The real story is much more complex – and interesting.
    Ancient peoples lived with a rich variety of social and political structures, even varying according to the season. (Very flexible, those folks).
    Humans aren’t just pawns on a chessboard of material conditions. We’ve been actively experimenting from the get-go.
    Inequality in large-scale human communities isn’t inevitable, nor is it a product of farming. Ditto, patriarchy.
    Past societies that valued women were happier places to live. (Duh).
    We can do better. We have done better.


    alanjjohnstone quoted:

    Humans aren’t just pawns on a chessboard of material conditions. We’ve been actively experimenting from the get-go.

    Spot on, alan. Marx’s viewpoint. Humanity as an actively conscious subject, changing its ‘material conditions’, not merely passively reflecting them.


    Other reviews (via Libcom) by Chris Knight

    All Things Being Equal

    by Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale

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