Cyprus – the lost innocence

October 2024 Forums General discussion Cyprus – the lost innocence

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    The world financial crisis – it is by far no longer just a Euro crisis – reached with Cyprus its next climax. Although, with a mere 17 billion Euro needed, financially a rather small and solvable problem for the Euro group, it became a true Armageddon for the world financial system: the day the TRUST died. Trust, the last bastion for the moral defence of our monetary system, crumbled to pieces. There is no financial safe haven for anybody anymore. Not only can you loose your job overnight, but also your life savings are from now on object of any despotism. The fact that the government restrained itself from stealing a share from the savings under 100,00 Euro doesn’t change a thing: the idea, it was an option to do so, will never get out of the working classes and all decent people’s memory and the trust in any of the financial institutions – if at all still existing –  is gone for good. It seems high time to get rid of the monetary system and to put some serious thoughts into implementing a resource based economy (RBE) which would give us the chance to live a life in peace, health and equality without money and the beautiful “side effect” of saving our planet from further destruction due to exploitation at all cost. The way we deal with our resources isn’t (and wasn’t) tolerable. By promoting consumption in order “to create or save work places” we destroy the very foundation of our living, starting with about a billion people not having access to clean water, not to speak about breathing clean air! That is among civilised peoples under no aspect any longer acceptable. Technology is so far advanced, that we on one hand don’t need certain skills anymore ( you can call it “technological unemployment”) and on the other hand all basic needs – including sufficient food, water and good medical care –  can be fulfilled at no cost to the general public, provided one is willing to waive profit, the “God of the 21st century” and other "lovely things" like warfare. If we don’t find a way to stop the insanity of producing useless stuff or items, that have to fall apart when warranty expires, planet Earth will cancel humankind’s “residence permit” pretty soon. So let’s try in a joint effort to use common sense and advanced technologies to make this world a better place – before it is too late.

    Alf Recon wrote:
    It seems high time to get rid of the monetary system and to put some serious thoughts into implementing a resource based economy (RBE) which would give us the chance to live a life in peace, health and equality without money and the beautiful “side effect” of saving our planet from further destruction due to exploitation at all cost. The way we deal with our resources isn’t (and wasn’t) tolerable.

    Welcome. You'll find the same sentiments expressed in the other thread here discussing Cyprus: don't need banks and we don't need money. They are part of the profit system that is holding back the application of technology to provide plenty for all. To do this, all we need are resources, technology and human skills. Which we've got. But we won't be able to use these to benefit everybody on the planet until the Earth's resources have become the common heritage of all.


    Banks too big to let fail or to jailCyprus too little to care

    Alf Recon wrote:
     It seems high time to get rid of the monetary system and to put some serious thoughts into implementing a resource based economy (RBE) which would give us the chance to live a life in peace, health and equality without money and the beautiful “side effect” of saving our planet from further destruction due to exploitation at all cost. 

     Well said!I know an organisation that has been saying this for more than 100 years.Capitalism is a childish way to run a society and it is well outdated.

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