CPGB-PCC Notes for Action, March 4 2016

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    CPGB-PCC Notes for Action, March 4 2016

    An apocryphal story has it that the Socialist Party of Great Britain, upon discovering that its membership had risen considerably in the last year, decided that there could not possibly be so many true socialists in the country and expelled a bunch of them. Such seems to be the life of the Labour Party at the moment, which – having doubled in size in the ten months since the leadership contest began – is busily expelling people.

    Two victims catch our eye – one, Jill Mountford, is on the steering committee of Momentum and a long- time supporter of the Alliance for Workers Liberty. No prizes for guessing why she finds herself outside the Party. The other is Nick Wrack, formerly of the Militant, the Socialist Workers Party, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, Left Unity, etc; suffice it to say, a late but welcome convert to the idea of fighting within the Labour Party. Both will fight their summary exclusions, and so should we.


    Reminder: here's the definition of "Apocryphal":

    Writings or statements of questionable authorship or authenticity.

    You can say that again, especially as the story was only made up earlier this week by a member of the most despicable Leninist sect in Britain.But what's interesting is the case of Nick Wrack. I think he will only have joined the Labour Party because a majority of his group (the Independent Socialist Network)  voted to do this, against his advice. Here he is last September putting a (good) case against  joining Labour (or, in his case, rejoining):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQHmEj5Ja7g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2jH3kCeIQk The bit at the end of the first one is particularly good about those who join ending up distributing leaflets for Labour candidates at national and local elections.

    Bijou Drains
    jondwhite wrote:
    CPGB-PCC Notes for Action, March 4 2016

    An apocryphal story has it that the Socialist Party of Great Britain, upon discovering that its membership had risen considerably in the last year, decided that there could not possibly be so many true socialists in the country and expelled a bunch of them. ..

    typical Leninist, can't even manage a very good attempt at humour. Perhaps Jack Conrad should watch this and get an idea of how irony really workshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGh8gsjlAuQ

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