
September 2024 Forums General discussion Coronavirus

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  • #212846

    Just a thought but if what the article below says is the case would this not make the need for a vaccine – at least for those who have had the virus – somewhat redundant? I have a strong feeling that my partner and I have both had the virus way back in February last year but a proper test for antibodies is a bit pricey as I understand it

    Mind you, there is also this

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by robbo203.

    “these cells may persist in the body for a very, very long time.”
    A lot of hope hanging on a ‘may’. Only time will tell.


    Would you believe it — a government minister in Ceylon has been advocating, and actually took, a quack remedy against covid, the minister of health no less.

    How do idiots like this get into such a post?

    The end of this story is that she has now got covid. Hopefully, this will discourage others from taking snake oil from a shaman.

    Bijou Drains

    “Would you believe it — a government minister in Ceylon has been advocating, and actually took, a quack remedy against covid, the minister of health no less.

    How do idiots like this get into such a post?”

    The working class elect them, unfortunately.


    But, BD, it is the prime minister who hands out the government departments to particular MPs or as we currently see Biden appointing non-elected government officials.


    That was my point. Why didn’t the authoritarian leader there appoint her minister of superstition or religion or culture rather than of health. He must have known that she was a bit of a nutter.

    By the way didn’t know that Buddhists were into shamanism.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by ALB.
    Bijou Drains

    But, BD, it is the prime minister who hands out the government departments to particular MPs or as we currently see Biden appointing non-elected government officials.

    I guess we’re lucky to have Boris Johnson then, he would never choose idiots to go in his cabinet, (apart from Gove, Hancock, Williamson, Truss, Sunak, Raab, Patel, etc.) or idiots for non elected government officals (apart from Cummings, Dido Harding, etc.).

    I know capitalist governments look after the interests of the capitalist class, but I do really believe that the present bunch are amongst the most inept, ill informed and incompetent bunch of politicians I have come across. They might have just have been acceptable as committee members of the local allotment society, if it was a bad year for applicants.


    Deleted and moved to spopen


    Just read it and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be from what you said. It’s only saying that this explanation is “plausible” ie not entirely unreasonable and so possible. It is not saying that it was the explanation.

    I can see, however, why vegetarians and others opposed to meat-eating might want to dismiss it out of hand !


    The Tory rebels, I think, didn’t want a lockdown because it was bad for business? At least Johnson snubbed them.


    I think they represent more non-food shopowners in provincial high streets who have been particularly hit by the lockdowns rather than Big Business.




    It’s interesting to compare the current pandemic with previous ones.
    Asian flu in the late 50s (which I remember very vaguely) – an estimated 1-4 million deaths worldwide. A vaccine was developed within a few months. Lasted a couple of years and then went more or less dormant until it morphed into
    Hong Kong flu late 60s (which I don’t remember at all actually) – again lasted a couple of years with an estimated 1-4 million deaths. A vaccine was again developed after a few months. Eventually changed into a weaker form and was dealt with from then on by the annual flu vaccine.
    I don’t remember much fuss in the UK about those two though.
    So we could well see Covid lasting for another year or so and then going quiet…until the next one.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by rodshaw. Reason: Spelling

    Gorilla in US recovers from COVID-19 by antibody treatment. And no, it wasn’t Donald Trump! 🙂

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