
September 2024 Forums General discussion Coronavirus

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  • #212648

    This, by Adam Kleczkowski at Strathclyde about ‘herd immunity’ is perhaps pertinent.


    Sounds a bit like what we need to get socialism. We don’t need everyone but just a substantial majority. Don’t know what we do about the recalcitrant minority though. We know what we’d have to do if they take up arms but what if too many refuse to offer their arms?


    Just to give a source of the 50% claim. It is the review of its efficiacy in Brasil

    There is a whole variety of stats from other countries on how good it is, it seems.

    Just to say, i’m in the camp that socialism will be brought about by a substantial minority taking into account that not everybody will engage in the political process. I suggest that we are aiming at effective political power.

    “we use terms such as “majority” and “majoritarian” this is not because we are obsessed with counting the number of individual socialists, but to show that we reject minority action to try to establish socialism – majority as the opposite of minority….a majority (yes, but in the democratic rather than mere mathematical sense)….”

    As ALB elsewhere at another time reminded us, it should be remembered that when the SPGB was formed, women did not yet possess the vote and many men did not qualify for the vote.


    “Just to say, i’m in the camp that socialism will be brought about by a substantial minority taking into account that not everybody will engage in the political process”

    A misprint surely? Otherwise you could well be in a minority of one in the Socialist Party. Unless you mean that those who actually join the future mass socialist party will probably only be a minority of the working class. But a majority of workers will still need to understand and want socialism for it to be established.

    But this is not the thread to discuss this. I was only making a passing reference to this in a not entirely serious way.

    In any event, it will require more than a “substantial minority” to be immune before the “herd immunity” can be achieved.

    Bijou Drains

    Without being called an anti-vaxxer for asking this, which I am not, I want to ask you, ALB, if, knowing that this is capitalism, where profit directs everything, had you absolutely no trepidation in being vaccinated at all, in case of any reactions? Do you have an informed or a blind faith in the medical establishment today?


    Woman’s severe reaction to Pfizer COVID vaccine prompts investigation
    Fears over the vaccine’s safety were prompted by a video of a woman suffering convulsions after receiving a Pfizer coronavirus jab in Louisiana. In an exclusive interview with RT, Brant Griner, son of the affected person, says that she hadn’t experienced any health issues before taking the shot, and added that the response he’d received to his video about it suggests his mum’s case isn’t a one-off.


    Israel who’s roll-out has been the most effective now warns that that the single dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine may be providing less protection than originally believed.

    While the first dose can take several weeks to promote an effective antibody response, the second dose can trigger different responses, supercharging the protection. Pfizer itself says a single dose of its vaccine is about 52% effective.

    Some countries such as the UK have delayed administering their second doses to try to maximise the number of people given a first dose.

    Bijou Drains

    To put the vaccine allergy story into some perpective, the article above states:
    COVID-19 vaccines can cause side effects such as fever, chills, headache or fatigue, which is a normal reaction and a sign that the body is building immunity. Severe reactions are rare, and anaphylaxis occurs in about 1 in 100,000 people.”

    That means that if every adult in the UK (roughly 52.5 million) had the vaccine, 525 would have an anaphylactic shock, the death rate from anaphylactic shock is about 5%, so that would lead to about 27 deaths. Covid now approaching 100,000 deaths in UK.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Bijou Drains.


    I’m suffering side effects presently from another treatment and my auto-immune system is vulnerable now, I have to take booster injections each day for that, but it is all still, in the round, aggressively tackling my intitial problem so, Boo hoo..

    When the vaccine is said by my G.P.or consultant to be ready for me I’ll be seizing the opportunity to have it.

    On ‘the wing of a prayer’ or a ‘cuss and a swear’.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by PartisanZ.

    I want to ask you, ALB, if, knowing that this is capitalism, where profit directs everything, had you absolutely no trepidation in being vaccinated at all, in case of any reactions? Do you have an informed or a blind faith in the medical establishment today?

    Sorry for the late reply, TM, but I got the answer to 18 minus 13 wrong and got denied access for 24 hours.

    I have no faith whatsoever in so-called “complementary” or “alternative” “medicine”. So, all that is left is the evidence-based medicine that has proved it works despite being applied under capitalist conditions but that applies to lots of things we have to use today under capitalism. It is best of course to be careful about all these things and weigh up the available evidence.

    When offered the jab I jumped at it, partly because if you refused you’d be unlikely to get a second chance.

    As I don’t like needles being stuck in me, the only trepidation I felt was about this. But it didn’t hurt.


    I’m worried about side-effects, being diabetic and sorely overweight (worse since lockdown I).


    I’d get proper medical advice. I think I read somewhere that people with diabetes are more vulnerable if they catch the virus.

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