
September 2024 Forums General discussion Coronavirus

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  • #211319

    I find it incredible that there is no  expression of anger from across the wide spectrum of the people. Instead in the US we have the infantile pro-Trump voter fraud campaigns, while in the rest of the World engage in childish anti-lockdown protests.

    Where are the real protests about the State failing to provide for its citizens? Where is the class war mobilisation? A teenager was able to inspire millions over climate…and the unions can’t even raise a voice against lay-offs and miserly miserable compensation for our misery.

    If people accept the principle of free vaccine, the “People’s vaccine”, that now middle-income and  small business-owners are using food banks for free food. As one commentator said, surely we can recognise the seriousness when in America Mercedes and BMWs are in the long lines of vehicles waiting for a free hand-out. It isn’t greed but need.

    Now we know who are the essential workers and it isn’t the over-rewarded financial sector workers.

    We have seen the mutual aid and cooperative initiatives arise, the return to community awareness, where the individualism of the non-mask wearer is seen as anti-social.

    But nothing has translated into a genuine rebellion. The reaction has been more of one of fatalistic acceptance of que sera sera.

    Let’s make 2021 the year workers say enough is enough.


    They have been  anaesthetized by the capitalist class


    So they have a 5,593 page relief bill for the economic effects of the coronavirus, but as is the way with American so-called democracy hidden in the bill are many things that have absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic or assisting people financially from its effects.

    Recently we had Michael Moore’s movie removed from You Tube for copyright. Among all the clauses of the relief bill is one that says “…copyright holders could be awarded up to $30,000 if they find their creative work being shared online…” This threatens those of us who download an image and re-upload it or share memes.

    There’s a disturbing provision buried in the stimulus bill that could upend the way we use the internet –

    • As always on a relief bill they include funds to benefit the capitalist class ,

    They are giving money to the churches and the religious leaders,

    Money for the Mexican wall, they are placing money again in the hands of the treasures and fed reserve banks, which is going to be given to Trump friends and his business dealing

    Money for the movie industry and theater under the label of cultural help

    More money for the capitalist instead of being given to the working class.

    The same shit as the previous bill

    And 150 millions workers supporting their own robbers


    This is the breakdown of the new bill

    There is a provision for the restaurant industry it is a cover-up to benefit the hotel industry and Trump business is one of the beneficiaries.

    The last bill they  included a provision for the small business and most of the money was given to large corporations and they are going to do the same thing this time

    Roosevelt only submitted two pages for the social security act and Johnson submitted few pages for Medicare and this bill has more than 5000 pages and Obama care had 3000 pages

    More pages more cheating and the Democrats capitulated in this bill as in the previous one  and Trump is going to sign it with his eyes closed

    Workers are getting less in this bill and the situation is getting worst now

    The capitalists’ media is glorifying this bill when it is not even half of the benefits given to the workers on the  previous bill, and the amount that is going to be given to the workers does not cover one-quarter of the average US rental payment


    Who are the real Champaign socialists?



    Martini socialists, MS, or at least that is what they are calling the business expenses inside the Relief Bill which now provides for two-year period of  unlimited tax-deductible business lunches, the American perverted version of the UK “Eat out to help out” restaurant subsidy scheme.

    Tax break for corporate meal expenses inserted into coronavirus aid package – The Washington Post


    I was referring to the idea that a member of this forum said that we are Champaign socialists, and the ones who voted for the lesser evil are the real socialists, they are Pepsi Cola socialists.

    Voters knew that the Democrats were not going to support Medicare for all, that is the reason why the leadership did not support Bernie Sanders, and most African Americans knew that Joe Biden was not going to support Medicare and massively they voted for him in the primary and during the 2020 election,  and now they were expecting that Medicare for all was going to be included in the new bill. It is going to be business as usual

    The democrats along with the Republicans were together in this new bill and they approved everything, they even approved money for Trump wall which is a contradiction about the so-called campaign supporting the emigrants and the Latinos voters.

    The idea of moving the Democratic Party to the so-called left it is just an illusion, on the contrary, they re moving to the far right, and they are committing the same mistakes made by Barrack Obama, and probably another Donald Trump would be elected in 2024 if the Republican Party plays the proper card.

    This bill is another suppository in the rear of the US working class, by the meantime workers are fighting against  each other for  stupid leaders and willing to die and kill for a leader


    The US Green Party was counting with Medicare For All on this new bill. In what planet or bubble are they living?  Joe Biden very clear said: I am going to veto anything related to Medicare for All, or anything about Medicare for all passed by Bernie Sanders. I do not think he was speaking in Chinese, how the hell can you give the gun to the thief when he/she goes inside your house? How do you vote against your own interests?

    Warren Buffet said: There is a class war and my class is winning that war, and he is right. The capitalist class is winning the war, and the working class has been defeated


    If you get sick do not call an ambulance, call a Taxi or Uber, it is cheaper. If you get sick from Covid 19 stay home it is cheaper too, and you have a dead relative send the body in a taxi, it is cheaper too. Making America Great Again. Probably, the small island of Barbados has better medical services than the USA at the present time. The President,  and  his crooked  lawyer have the best medical service that nobody can have


    Money for rent relief was never given to the tenants. The money is going to be given to the correction depot probably handled by corporations like the private jail.  This is real ness


    Progressives Split


    Before November’s election Trump favoured a generous relief bill much higher than the original Democratic Party’s proposal but he faced opposition from both Republicans and the Democratic Party.

    Pelosi knew it would result in votes for Trump so she refused to even support a watered down version for political gain at the expense of  those effected by the restrictions and lay-offs. Nor did Trump  have the power to force the Republicans to support it in an election.

    The latest miserly relief bill has now been called by Trump as a “disgrace” and he is on this occasion 100% not fake news.

    Trump rejects Covid-19 relief package, calling it ‘a disgrace’ (

    Sadly, if his veto delays the roll-out of the relief it will only hurt workers even more, just as Pelosi’s opportunism did.


    Donald trump wants a modified with a stimulus check for $2000.00 for every individual

    Akexandria Cortez is on the right track when she said that pelosi and shumer must be removed.


    AOC is refusing to abstain from the vote for Pelosi to be leader of the House. Many say AOC should make her support for Pelosi conditional on a floor vote for M4A but she declines to do so.

    AOC doesn’t think the timing is right.

    This is an opportunity to use the leverage of the Justice Democrats possess. If not now…when

    AOC is talking the talk but not walking the walk. She has adopted the conventional real politik , power and influence, instead of principle.

    Chomsky and the liberal progressives said that they will push the Democratic Party left soon as they voted the lesser evil in but when the situation arises to use political pressure…the “wider”, the “long-term” picture becomes prioritise. No such shift.

    • Alexandria ocasió Cortez is politically ambivalent
    • The Democratic Party instead of moving to the left is moving toward the right
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