
October 2024 Forums General discussion Coronavirus

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  • #210696

    The USA government is going to buy a large number of vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Pfizer has had a lot of criminal and civil lawsuits including its heart valve

    failures. Pfizer vaccines must be kept at very low temperature





    These are all the medical products manufactured by Pfizer several of them have produced many medical problems and many lawsuits have been filed against the company


    Movimiento, I don’t support class society either, and to support a dead one is impossible anyway. It isn’t about supporting, but about ascribing the wrong faults and not the correct ones. Using “medieval” / the “middle ages” as an epithet deserved by a later, much lauded (“Renaissance”) era is both undeserved and tiresome.

    – As is the term “medieval” in the first place, assuming a period of stagnation between the two “civilised” ones of Roman empire and “Renaissance.”


    “– As is the term “medieval” in the first place, assuming a period of stagnation between the two “civilised” ones of Roman empire and “Renaissance.”

    A bit off-topic, but isn’t ‘medieval’ a reasonable description of a fairly dark western European period of migrations, invasions, wars, collapses, total loss of knowledge, and, er, multiple plague pandemics?


    You’re both forgetting the ‘Dark Ages’ that took place between the Roman departure and the arrival of William the Bastard in this country. With such shadowy figures like King Arthur and Ragnar Lodbrok it is one of my favourites although now much maligned by modern historians.


    “You’re both forgetting the ‘Dark Ages’ …”

    I wasn’t. My understanding is that historians nowadays don’t use the term Dark Ages, as it wasn’t particularly dark, in terms of historical records or in terms of what went on – much of it was quite peaceful.


    The Topic for the thread is Coronavirus

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    These are all the medical products manufactured by Pfizer several of them have produced many medical problems and many lawsuits have been filed against the company.

    But what can we do? We have to take the vaccine, on trust alone. We haven’t got socialism yet.



    These are all the medical products manufactured by Pfizer several of them have produced many medical problems and many lawsuits have been filed against the company.

    But what can we do? We have to take the vaccine, on trust alone. We haven’t got socialism yet.

    You do not get it, you are looking for the pubic hair in the soup. I know that we are not living in a socialist society. Karl Marx made a critique of capitalism and he was not living under a socialist society. Those are information about that particular company, as well   Zeneca and Moderna have their own history too,  I know about this vaccine and this disease because I have taken classes about the virus and the components of each vaccine,  and how they react in our body,  and none of them is completely safe, and most medications produce secondary effects,  in Medicine 2X2 is 5.   In my household, we are going to have the vaccine injected


    It seems that the jury has returned its verdict on Sweden’s policy of trying to encourage herd immunity on the advice of its home-grown mad professor, Anders Tegnell. An unwelcome verdict for Covid-deniers and other Covidiots.


    SOCIALISM OR YOUR MONEY BACK: Sweden’s Elderly Paid the Price of Pandemic Policy

    Nearly 90% of fatalities were of elderly at least 70 years old and half of them were in long-term residential care.

    Inactive (Reuters) – The global scheme to deliver COVID-19 vaccines to poorer countries faces a “very high” risk of failure, potentially leaving nations home to billions of people with no access to vaccines until as late as 2024, internal documents say.

    Urgently, we do nee a world socialist society



    Can anyone give me some info on the history of long-term adverse effects from vaccines. One of my neighbours, though not anti-vax per se, isn’t going to have a Covid vaccine because it’s unproven and there’s no way of knowing of adverse effects in the longer term. He would (quite sensibly) rather remain healthy than have tens of thousands of pounds of compensation lobbed at him years hence (assuming liability could be proved).

    Frankly I think he’s got a point.

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