
October 2024 Forums General discussion Coronavirus

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  • #210650
    L.B. Neill

    And more misinformation by Karen (becoming a global name for racism, anti mask and alt right expressions):

    Did this coronavirus flyer get dropped in your letterbox? Here’s why you shouldn’t trust it – ABC News

    This time it is a letterbox drop- offline- must check my letterbox!


    LB, the worse thing is a good conspiracy theory has a basis in some half-truths and it is true that a number of authoritarian regimes are using the pretext of the pandemic to impose draconian controls over protests and demonstrations.

    We witnessed that even our own members are prone to accepting the narrative that the government is exercising too much policing power, relative to the threat of the spread.

    There is also the unintended consequences of the lock-downs and social distancing and quarantines…the mental health problems, the family abuse rise, the economic pain, etc.

    The government have expended far less resources in minimalising those side-effects of policy and this exacerbates peoples perception of what the government’s priorities are.

    Apart from the very politically prejudiced, we need to be receptive to peoples lack of confidence in the government and provide an answer for genuine concern and unease.

    L.B. Neill


    I know. We need science to be… science.

    A socialist narrative of vaccine will have no hidden spin. Science for its sake. Response to it for its sake.

    I am aware and work in the effects of lockdown. And it has been on my toes since Feb 2020.

    There has been increase in Family Violence, substance use risks, mental health, and so on. I wish a whole of science, social and bio-med, could have planned things better to reduce the impact of this pandemic.

    We should make all side effects open, not conceal it- but we should focus on the science and not what uninformed debate says- Socialism is about truth and mutual trust… this needs a science and not a spin of this current regime. Pure facts and informed choice.

    The current regime produces split uncertainties and narratives- these antagonisms have gone on for too long, and I tingle with anticipation for the time to come- then we will have a response to these critical health responses without ideology, nor the need for spin.

     authoritarian regimes are using the pretext of the pandemic to impose draconian controls over protests and demonstrations.

    And yes. There have been civil protests, cancel culture movements, and so on- and directly impacted by the lockdowns. It is complex.

    One thing is clear- the current regime is now open for discussion (Sadly left/right extremes)- and we need to cut to the chase: centre a voice on why these voices under COVID have erupted, why they shout each other down… and offer the historical reality… a societal transformation and an end to history and to end being managed as a herd, as cattle…

    We do not need vets- we need fantastic health with no apex- the erupting voices are the proximity and howls from the electric fence.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by L.B. Neill.

    This is another source, I do not publish fake news


    I’m not anti-vaxx; just someone who thinks we should ask, reflect, find out and observe. That goes for life in general.


    We are coming back to the times of the middle age and the inquisition we just need another Torquemada


    How did an idiot like him ever get to be appointed a Chief Justice?


    As the article reminds us…it is an echo of HIV/AIDS denial that South Africa’s president and health minister promoted which meant tens upon tens of thousands died needlessly prevented from accessing treatment drugs.



    I thought i lost this quote but it was in my personal blog archives

    In March 2000 Mbeki’s spokesperson, the late Parks Mankahlana, gave this blunt justification to Science magazine as to why the South African Department of Health will not provide a relatively inexpensive shot of Nevirapine to 100,000 pregnant, HIV-positive women to prevent mother-to-child transmission:

    ‘That mother is going to die and that HIV-negative child will be an orphan. That child must be brought up. Who is going to bring the child up? It’s the state, the state. That’s resources, you see.’


    I was going to post that the islamic  fundamentalists were worse than the christian ones as they actually killed people giving the vaccinations. They have done but, when I looked up the news reports about this, the objections of the Taleban leaders was practical rather than religious— in their hunt to track down Ben Laden the CIA used an immunisation team in Pakistan as a spy unit ( rather like using a Red Cross van to transport arms, which I am sure they will have done too). As a result the Taleban is suspicious of all such teams. The CIA got Ben Laden and dumped his body in the sea (no loss that), but thousands of kids in Pakistan and Afghanistan got struck down by the poliovirus.

    All the same, some islamic “scholars” have produced nonsense arguments against vaccination.





    Another unfair comparison with the “Middle Ages.”

    Torquemada was not medieval. Neither were the Middle Ages obsessed with satanism.


    There is something odd about this news item about AstraZeneca collaborating with Russia. After all, it was only a few months ago that the government here (and in Canada and the US) were denouncing dastardly Russian government for hacking into vaccine research in particular in Oxford.

    It’s probably a commercial decision now that AstraZeneca’s bungled tests and attempt to fiddle the result will delay if not prevent them selling their vaccine in the US. A deal with Russia could open new markets.

    Of course it’s good that scientists are collaborating rather than competing (as would happen as a matter of course in a socialist world) but I suspect the motive will be commercial.



    It is a just a commercial venture combining two types of research with Sputnik IV which is going to sell large quantity in Latin America. Probably, the USA is only going to use Pfizer and Moderna based on the so-called American First, instead of Human beings first, the new administration is going to continue with the same conception



    Another unfair comparison with the “Middle Ages.”

    Torquemada was not medieval. Neither were the Middle Ages obsessed with satanism.


    Personally, I do not support any class society, it can be called Classical slavery, Feudalism, or capitalism, the only society that I support is Socialism/Communism

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