
October 2024 Forums General discussion Coronavirus

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  • #210566

    “A search warrant issued against scientist and whistleblower who published the real data about Covid 19 in Florida”

    That Sun-sentinel link goes to a holding page that says this:

    Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism.

    I would have said this story looks like fake news anyway. If it’s not, you should be able to find the same story from a reputable and verifiable source.


    Reminder that that there are risks to everything from a letter in Monday’s Times from some law professors:

    ”The government announced last week that Covid-19 will be added to the vaccine damages payments scheme so that in the extremely unlikely circumstances that serious side-effects occur, compensation can be granted via this no-fault scheme covering people who have become severely disabled as a result of vaccination.

    ”There are, however, numerous problems with this scheme : the severe disability threshold requires a 60 per cent disability which is too high and not well adapted to potential vaccine damage injuries; the £120,000 payment under the scheme is inequitable in cases of serious injuries, and below comparable court awards.”

    Of course this is not an argument against vaccination (any vaccination). But it would be a publicity disaster for the anti-Covid vaccination programme if some prominent person such as the minister of health who has offered to be filmed being vaccinated was to turn out to be the one in a million or more to suffer a severe side-effect.


    Oh dear. Bad side-effects seem to be more widespread than the above suggests:

    But if you haven’t got a history of allergic reactions you should be ok to get vaccinated. But the anti-vaxxers are going to have a field day over this.


    Well they’re already making hay with this ‘foot-rot’ story, about a woman who took part in a vaccine trial (but only got the placebo) and then developed a nasty looking foot condition – as told by the BBC’s ‘Specialist disinformation reporter’, no less.


    I think the most common question asked in a visit to the doctor or the dentist that i think everybody has been asked at several points in their health history is…

    “Are you allergic to penicillin?”


    The word Vaccine is wrong, the original virus came from horses instead of cow, it was horsepox instead of cowpox


    “The word Vaccine is wrong, the original virus came from horses instead of cow, it was horsepox instead of cowpox”

    Someone, somewhere is probably setting up a campaign right now to have the word changed, on the ground that it’s unfair to horses.


    It does not matter whatever they do, the important thing is to show that virus can travel from animal to another animal, and from animal to human beings or vice-versa. That is the main point, and that virus does not have any nationality. It is just news, nothing else.


    Anyway, it was still Edward Jenner who made the breakthrough:

    i liked this bit:

    “A late 19th century engraving shows a calf, tethered in a little tent behind a much larger tent where fashionably dressed Parisians are receiving their vaccine straight from the “skin blisters” on the calf. The Anti-Vaxxers of the day drew cartoons showing people with cow horns growing out of their heads!”

    The level of argument of the anti-vaxxers hasn’t changed.



    “Anyway, it was still Edward Jenner who made the breakthrough…”

    For a different take on this, see Pathfinders, May 2010: “Jenner arguably got the credit for somebody else’s discovery, in this case the Dorset farmer Benjamin Jesty.”

    Pathfinders:Thinking Outside the Pox


    Anyway, it was still Edward Jenner who made the breakthrough:

    That is the main topic. If you study the history of medicine ( which is a class for medical students in some countries  ) it shows that other doctors and scientists have been the biggest opposition of new scientific discoveries. Louis Pasteur had a large opposition. Many doctors graduated from Harvard they were saying that nobody was able to touch the heart because it was a creation of god, and the research of Vivien Thomas produced the first heart bypass who saved thousands of children. The Egyptian before the Greeks they already had discovered the cause of hypertension and they had medications for hypertension. My grandson had a Wilms tumour and my wife, myself and a hospital nurse were the ones who noticed the tumour, and the symptoms,  and his paediatrician did not catch it and she has a post-graduate degree in Medicine. In Medicine 2X2 is 5

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