
October 2024 Forums General discussion Coronavirus

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  • #208159

    WHO chief condemns herd immunity policy

    “Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it,” he said. “Never in the history of public health has herd immunity been used as a strategy for responding to an outbreak, let alone a pandemic. Letting Covid-19 circulate unchecked therefore means allowing unnecessary infections, suffering and death,” 

    L.B. Neill

    “Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it,” he said. “Never in the history of public health has herd immunity been used as a strategy for responding to an outbreak, let alone a pandemic. Letting Covid-19 circulate unchecked therefore means allowing unnecessary infections, suffering and death,” 

    “Letting Covid-19 circulate…” is the same as letting money rip right through the community in spite of a pandemic.

    There has been so much economic analysis that the science of late seems subordinate to it. Payment and piper.

    The r or reproductive rate of this thing, and its mortality, is high.

    In many jurisdictions this economy over health still plays out. The health of profit over their ‘dying consumer’ continues.

    This response is emotive- yet an emotion based on observation.

    Herd immunity is stubborn wistfulness on this one- covid will claim so many with that thinking.

    Is capital seeking to inoculate its capital, its very own profit.

    Let it rip- really.. what the ‘f’.

    WHO has said ‘suffering and death’ in relation to people…  because some are acting like it relates to the ‘suffering and death’ to profit.

    The science still says: do not let Covid rip…

    It is the first time I nearly posted the ‘f’ word.

    Can you imagine a black death policy of letting it rip!

    L blooming B


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by L.B. Neill.

    How viruses walk inside your body.


    That’s a bit of a coincidence. John Oswald drew our attention to this here on 11 April. Did you get this from him?

    Bijou Drains

    There’s an interesting contribution about three posts down from that post, fortunately for the good people of Clapham High Street the prediction was correct.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Bijou Drains.

    An interesting example of problem solving during the corona-virus from fellow workers  dealing with a specialised medical job.




    What a nasty opportunistic piece of shit that mayor of Manchester Andy Burnham is. While some Tories want to put profits before health he wants to put votes before health, in fact before some people’s life. No doubt he considers this a price worth paying to win back the red wall constituencies to the Labour Party.


    Who will pay the pandemic price?

    the pensions triple lock to be scrapped, the aid budget to be cut and child benefit further limited , cut jobs in the public sector, sell council houses and replace with cheaper housing, as part of £30bn worth of spending cuts designed to spare the UK from post Covid-19 tax increases

    Who is to pay? Us.


    The politicians are always saying that we are engaged in a war on Covid-19. In a sense this is true. Certainly there are COVID-war profiteers just as there are ordinary war ones, as George Monbiot exposes in today’s Guardian:


    Virus upsurge due to British not generally wearing masks.


    Yesterday they were saying it was “socialist”. Today they are doing it themselves;


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by ALB.

    A Socialist in New Zealand has asked to circulate her comment on how coronavirus pandemic has been dealt with there. She is referring to a talk and discussion on “Covid and Civil Liberties” on Discord last Friday.

    Great talk this morning, thank you. Sorry I had to miss a bit of it because my phone rang and I had to answer it.

    I was on the speaking queue and was disappointed that I didn’t get a chance to tell you all about how New Zealand is coping with the pandemic.

    It was alarming and saddening to hear how people overseas have resisted the lockdown and see it as a restriction on their freedom. Don’t they want to be kept safe? It is also very upsetting to hear about how some governments have imposed very strict and aggressive penalties on those who break the lockdown.

    We never had anything like that over here. I think the difference is because of the way the Prime Minister and the director of health, Dr. Bloomfield, handled the situation and kept us all well informed every evening on the television. We were told to be kind to one another and help our elderly neighbours with shopping etc. We were told that we could go out for walks during the level 4 lockdown but had to keep social distancing and wear masks. People living alone could have another person in their “bubble” as long as that person was not mixing with anyone else. People who were struggling financially, like small-business owners to had to shut down for the duration were given Government subsidies to tide them over.

    “Help” and “kindness” are the key words to describe our level 4. Our Prime Minister, Jacinda, told every child in New Zealand that the Easter Bunny was an essential worker but that he might not be able to get to everyone’s house this year. She suggested that we all draw pictures of Easter Eggs and put them in our windows to wish our neighbours a Happy Easter. She also told all the children that they could go out for walks with their parents and play on the sports fields as long as they didn’t get too close to another family. She asked everyone to put a teddy bear in their window so that children could spot them when out having a walk.

    We went into level 4 lockdown before we had any fatalities and therefore we have fared better than most other countries.

    My daughter’s partner, who is from Argentina, works for the Argentine embassy. When we went into lockdown there were 400 Argentinians stuck here. They had come over here for a summer holiday and then couldn’t get home. They had run out of their holiday money and couldn’t pay for food or accommodation. The Argentine government put money into their accounts to tide them over until we were out of lockdown when a plane was arranged to take them all from Auckland back to Argentina.
    We are in level 1 now which means that most things are back to normal. There are some isolated cases in Auckland and Christchurch but they are contained in hotels which have been set aside as isolation units. We are being very careful not to let the virus escape around the country. Our borders will remain mostly closed but if overseas visitors want to come in they have to pre-book a place in one of the isolation hotels where they will have to stay for 2 weeks before they can start their holiday.

    I hope you can please circulate this information to those who were listening in to the talk this morning (Friday evening for you), as I would like them to understand how we are handling the pandemic in New Zealand.


    L.B. Neill

    Hi Moggie,

    I share the same timeline with you- I am in Australia. I know how it is to join meetings with am and pm out of sequence.

    In Melbourne we have reduced the daily Covid reproductive rate significantly during lockdown.

    The labour government under Daniel Andrews had been chastised by business groups and the liberal opposition over this long, long time.  And towards the end of austere social distancing, anti mask and ‘freedom groups’ still created street scenes- and their influences appear right wing- and very anti science, and very economy over health.

    There have been other nation’s nationals locked down here too- with little support. Local organisations helped. No matter what some say about the provision of aid: that aid meant a lot on an empty belly.

    I have seen demonstrations, have been spat on by anti maskers who raised their finger to my mask, and have had anti science statements abound- and its rhetor is from those same people “won’t be ruled and can’t be ruled’:  in the sense that personal freedoms ‘trump’ over health the of others. It is anti vax on steroids, but with a pinch of bi partisan monger.

    “Help” and “kindness” are the key words to describe our level 4″

    Value based activity is certainly helpful. To conduct our behaviour and keep us and others safe is crucial in managing this pandemic- But alas, some will follow that ‘my freedom’ is greater than ‘my consequence’ is leashed in the public discourse.

    We are leaving lockdown soon here, and may people follow the science of reducing the r rate. We need to sign the science and the freedom as one- we are not free to behave and infect- but some see it that way… I am reminded of ‘my kingdom for a horse’: not good science.

    Moggie, stay safe… and see you around.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by L.B. Neill.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by L.B. Neill.

    Just been reading in the latest number of the Skeptical Inquirer about poor “Typhoid Mary” who was an asymptomatic typhoid carrier (ie had typhoid but showed no symptoms or effects of it). In the end, she had to be locked away until she died.

    Apparently there are hundreds of thousands of asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers out there. They can only be discovered by mass testing but nobody knows for how long they are carriers, at least according to this from the early days of the pandemic.

    Let’s hope for their sake that they can get rid of it. Otherwise they could end up being treated like Typhoid Mary or like lepers used to be.

    Incidentally this is one good reason why for the moment everybody (else) should wear a mask—not to protect themselves but to protect others. That doesn’t apply to me of course since I’ve not got it and I doubt if I’m asymptomatic.


    Most of those quick testings do not work, the results are obtained in 15 minutes, like a pregnancy or diabetes test using the urine. The proper and effective testing is thru the Nostrils or the saliva and the results are obtained after several hours.

    The type of mask that I wear it provides 96% protection and it is made by 3M and it is much better than the N95, those surgical masks, or cloth masks do not provide any protection either, they are used for surgery.

    When I go inside of a closed area I wear a pair of goggles because the virus can also penetrate thru your eyes.

    Some peoples only cover their mouths only but the virus can penetrate thru the nose.

    The Nostrils must be disinfected with iodine swab stick almost every day

    This disease is not a joke or a political game as some peoples want to present it, the problem is not that they will get sick themselves, the problems is that they are going to infect others peoples, if they want to be a suicidal that is fine, go ahead and kill yourselves,  but do not affect others peoples like those who go to the stores to fights with the employers, and also children are carriers of the disease.

    This is not a China virus, as Donald Trump and his Clooney are saying, or the conspiracy theory of the left-wingers and the Chinese that this a biological bomb,  this is a virus spread from animals to humans and deforestation also  contributed to the spread of the virus,  and scientists  have found traces of it in Italy since 2019, and in Spain, and California before 2019,

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