
October 2024 Forums General discussion Coronavirus

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  • #207749

    The personal doctors of Donald Trump are similar to the doctors who signed JFK autopsy, they said that Trump  was completely healthy but now it is known that he has cardiac problem, hypertension and he is  taking aspirin, probably he has blood coagulation problem, and he does not carry a good healthy diet, he only eats hamburgers and french fries and he has obesity


    The problem is not the clown, the problem is the circus


    Why the reference to JFK’s assassination autopsy? It has been reviewed and confirmed since.

    There has always been medical cover-ups of  JFK’s Addison Disease. Others were the extent of FDR’s polio. The seriousness of the  wounding of Ronald Reagan. Woodrow Wilson had Spanish Flu but his doctors said it was just a common cold


    As said before,  the elderly were neglected. Now Amnesty International reports it as a denial of their human rights

    The same neglect was reported in Sweden, NY, Australia and elsewhere


    Report: States With More Coronavirus Hospitalizations Received Less Remdesivir

    We need a world society without Patents and without Copyrights. The medication that they are using for Donald Trump is an exclusive medication that only the rich peoples can have and there is a shortage of the same medication in the USA  hospitals. In Cuba, there is a  similar medication that only cost a few dollars and it was used in Italy by a team of Cuban doctors. Cuba is graduating more medical doctors than Harvard, Yale, UCLA and USC

    L.B. Neill

    The percolation of anti mask and scientific disregard continues regarding COVID safety…

    I know it was warm yesterday- but really!

    When leisure is primacy over lives: freedom is spent using the currency of a life- I am so pissed off at this act of ‘personal freedom’ with such disregard for the health of our community.


    We are living in an age of retrogression, and I most peoples do not care, I have never seen anything like this in my entire life, my generation of young peoples  with certain progressive political education  is gone with the wind.

    Donald Trump knew that he was infected with Corona virus and he  did not care and he exposed thousands of peoples to continue on his reelection campaign and his supporters do not care either, and they continue supporting him  despite the deaths of thousands of peoples including children and  he also knew that this disease was very dangerous and there is book which shows the evidences of his conversations

    It is not a matter of being white only, because the head of one of the white supremacists group is a Cuban mulato, and there are thousands of  Latinos, Asians  and blacks who support Donald Trump, and many are willing to die and to kill for him, It is like a cult. Trump said that he can kill one individual on a widely trafficked  street of New York city  and he would not lose one voter

    This shit about personal freedom it is only a mythology because nobody in this world is free, we are just a bunc of modern slaves who are following their masters, peoples are free to drive, or walk to the point of production to produce for the capitalist class, our only freedom is to choose our own masters, it is a privilege that the classical slaves did not have


    I don’t know whether this is good news or bad news. Good news for the animals anyway:

    Researchers rush to test coronavirus vaccine in people without knowing how well it works in animals

    Animal testing is self-imposed by pharma companies in order to minimise the chance of being sued. I am not sure that it is strictly necessary. Better to test on human volunteers. Fortunately there are plenty of them.


    The government of Venezuela has received hundred of COVID 19 vaccines vials from Russia to be tested on the population.

    The first heart bypass was done on a dog by a black man who never attended any medical school, and then the procedures that he created was applied to a human being ( he invented and designed the instruments and he was a carpenter, he operated with his eyes closed )  and it was successful, thirty years later he received a doctoral degree in jurisprudence instead of a doctoral degree in Medicine and he was a teacher at the same university for several years, and he trained surgeons from Harvard, and Yales. Everybody became famous except him after he saved the life of thousands of children He had the salary and classification of a Janitor when he worked at the laboratory. His boss who was a surgeon was not able to operate without him, he had to whisper on his ears the steps of the operation and the name of the instruments because he memorized all them, as well he memorized everything about General/Clinical  Anatomy , Human Physiology and Surgery


    The cases of thalidomide in Germany was partly due because they conducted no animal experiments which only began once the doctors noticed the deformities arising from its use.


    If I was another type of animal I think I’d prefer to be tested on for Covid than polio.


    The quick recovery of Donald Trump is very strange, it breaks all the medical parameters and all the rules of Internal Medicine. Most patients affected with this disease have spent weeks and months in the hospital,  and some have died in a few hours. Was he sick with COVID 19, or was it just a severe cold?


    The Great Barrington declaration, an open letter that is calling for a herd immunity approach to Covid-19 which was said to have been signed by more than 15,000 scientists and medical practitioners around the world  contain numerous false names, as well as those of homeopaths  and therapists in massage, hypnotherapy and Mongolian khoomii singing.


    The emergency Nightingale hospitals in Manchester, Sunderland and Harrogate are being asked to get ready to take patients. Government advisers say admissions are rising, with more elderly people needing urgent treatment for Covid.

Viewing 15 posts - 946 through 960 (of 1,593 total)
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