Conspiracy Theories and how big business-aka -your government won the propaganda war

October 2024 Forums General discussion Conspiracy Theories and how big business-aka -your government won the propaganda war

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  • #83495
    duncan lucas

    UK/US government -How do we stop the  the 99 % believing the truth that they  find out on the web–thinking  I know ! to stop our lies from being found out we will say they are a prawn short of a barbie. –10 years or  more  later  – Great !! it works they are all brainwashed. -latest news =Madonna brings out a song ridiculing conspiracy theorists what a good establishment figure big business likes this. Lets start with the "king" of conspiracy theorists== 9/11 -IRaq did it -Kill  all Moslems  -latest figures over 1 million Iraqis dead from -Desert storm -US ? a few 1000 -not  counting the ones that died  from cancer due to the armour piercing shells that hit Iraqi tanks DEpleted Uranium . I have tried for years to get an answer to the FACT that the twin towers collapsed BEAUTIFULLY VERTICAL in all my years as an engineer I have never seen this I put it to US citizens on another site asking for a civil engineer (US) reply to me giving engineering details of how a tower with a supposed aeroplane sticking out of it  collapsed  this  way . About 4 years ago I was in contact with a US  Professor of a US college  who lost his job for speaking out . On the day of the event the 14 minute standbye of fighter jets were STOOD DOWN -The staff in the emergency centre were told -DONT answer the phones ,the janitor was not called to the inquest  although he heard explosions  the co-ordinator of the US forces emergency room who would co-ordinate the reply to attack-was out hepling the wounded(photograph). THe steel framework was built round the lift shaft in the centre of the building to allow maximum open plan offices this gives inner strength anything hitting the top of the building might cause it to twist but NOT collapse beautifully vertical . REcently found a certain number of people were told not to go to work. But what I am looking for is an intelligent reply no cursing and swearing as that shows a lack of wisdom. If you can dig up a civil engineer or a structual engineer so much  the better to explain to me  how in engineering terms this is possible  unless it was a martian flying saucer with a death ray as in INdependence  Day  -the movie . THis is just one I have many more.    


    I think conspiracy theories are put out there by the government to hide the REAL truth, which is that we're all in Matrix style pods, feeding the Queen's massive lizard brain like piggies at the teat. 9/11 never happened – show me a civil engineer who said it did, and I'll show you a stooge of the lizard Queen.


    Here's a message received at Head Office from somebody in Japan:

    To socialist party of GB: Break off relations with Rothchilds promptly 21 Feb., 2015 tatsmaki (Japan)     According to a space information from the Creators of the Space blocks control world, the Socialist Party of GB is a tool bribed for the purpose of self-protection of Rothchilds being shapeshifters of draconians of the Draco to avoid sanctions by the Creators. Draconians of the Draco are the official emblem of London city. They are bosses of leptilian-humanoids of the Lizard being the dictator-ruler of the USA. They are invaders-rulers of the Earth since the ancient times.     The GHQ of draconians and leptilian-humanoids in Agarta of inner world of the Earth was liquidated by the Creators on Aug. 17, 2014. But Illuminati, G20 leaders, ruling layers of each nation and activists elements of it's various fields are continuing wrongdoings all over the world.       The Socialist Party of GB has raised a slogan of "Abolish money! ", but it is not for social justice and is for such an ugly selfish purpose of Rothchilds.     The Creators gave them an order so that the Socialist Party GB breaks off with Rothchilds promptly and becomes the independent political party of the British people.      The Earth will be disappeared from our Space as the last general cleaning of the Earth in 2015 by the Creators.

    Come to the meeting this afternoon when all will be revealed:   

    ALB wrote:
    Here's a message received at Head Office from somebody in Japan:

    To socialist party of GB: Break off relations with Rothchilds promptly 21 Feb., 2015 tatsmaki (Japan)     According to a space information from the Creators of the Space blocks control world, the Socialist Party of GB is a tool bribed for the purpose of self-protection of Rothchilds being shapeshifters of draconians of the Draco to avoid sanctions by the Creators. Draconians of the Draco are the official emblem of London city. They are bosses of leptilian-humanoids of the Lizard being the dictator-ruler of the USA. They are invaders-rulers of the Earth since the ancient times.     The GHQ of draconians and leptilian-humanoids in Agarta of inner world of the Earth was liquidated by the Creators on Aug. 17, 2014. But Illuminati, G20 leaders, ruling layers of each nation and activists elements of it's various fields are continuing wrongdoings all over the world.       The Socialist Party of GB has raised a slogan of "Abolish money! ", but it is not for social justice and is for such an ugly selfish purpose of Rothchilds.     The Creators gave them an order so that the Socialist Party GB breaks off with Rothchilds promptly and becomes the independent political party of the British people.      The Earth will be disappeared from our Space as the last general cleaning of the Earth in 2015 by the Creators.

    Come to the meeting this afternoon when all will be revealed:   

     Hilarious.  Maybe conspiracy theories are themselves  part of a wider conspiracy to entertain , distract  and generally lead  folk up the garden path – a paradox if there ever was oneIn any case whats wrong with lizards? I rather like them  – although I prefer geckos here in sunny Spain as they are better at catching flies


    Perhaps Duncan should go to this meeting this afternoon at HO

    duncan lucas

    THank you fot your satorial comments  I thought going by  John,s  posts of a higher  intellect  into the Zen of Marxism that all the  posters were the same high intellect level. I am not disapointed  because I understand  as  Stuart  has in a sense pointed out  by mentioning the Matrix (said in jest )  that even though you think of yourselves as  pioneers " in Socialism  and therefore radical you are no such thing and swallow the government line -hook -line and sinker because in reality you are scared stiff to oppose the government as you have your morgage-family-work to think about  and (quite rightly ) they  come first . So you are not really sincere in being radical but only play a kids game at it . You leave the real radicals to lose their jobs -and be constantly harrassed by the Government via GCHQ  and jailed as happens in the US . It is you that live in a fairy land of  non-reality and that is why the  SP of GB will never attract the 99 % and you know it but wont admit it  living in dreamland permanently  maybe you think you are being brave posting here but HEr Majesties Government    is laughing its head off  at you -WHY ?? -because you present NO Danger to them but just a talking shop while real radicals like me and others are consrtantly attacked  for our point of view . Your website isnt attacked nor are your members so really you are bedroom anarchists no better than a bedroom hacker while the "big boys " deal with reality . Stay in your self imposed  dreamworld and leave real politics to adults. 


    I watched the whole seven so cheers for posting them up. I had a reputation at my work for disputing the conspiracy theorists on the JFK shooting. I'd ask them for their most convincing piece of evidence which proved to them  that it was not Oswald alone and then i provided the answer to that "evidence"…that was they asserted was not actually true, (usually the magic bullet , or the timing of the shots) …that it was based upon wrong information…or it didn't happen the way they said it did…that contrary statements and evidence have been offered that are more plausible ..but every time i answered their "definitive proof" ….they'd produce some other so-called fact to be answered…irrelevant factoid after factoid..and the same process was repeated and repeated and repeated…Until it simply got to the stage that it was a conspiracy because it was so successful in being covered up and we'll never know the truth …I end up saying if we took their demands for degree of proof required for a conviction, there would be not one person found guilty of any crime at all and they'd be obliged to open the cell doors in every prison…Strangely during the build up to the Iraq war pre-2003…i was the conspiracist when i said the evidence for Iraq's WMD was not conclusive or even convincing  and what there was were forgeries and deliberate deceit…it never took over  50-odd years to discover that there was indeed a conspiracy over the claims ….and the fact that we found the truth should actually give credence to the debunkers of conspiracy…as the video said…the US could even cover-up spunk stains on Monica Lewinsky's dress. ..(.or i might add  arrange a convenient "accident" to happen to her especially since they are conspiracies that Bill and Hilary murdered Foster, an arkansas collaborator of theirs for having an affair with Hilary) I should add my scepticism about conspiracies stems back to my schoolboy days when i fell hook, line and sinker for Von Danikens God is a Spaceman books…only to realise …facts are not always the facts they claim to be. …I believe the most effective debunking of the Bermuda Triangle was when books said it was calm sea conditions …simply check the Coastguard's met report…and discover there was a raging storm at the time…. 


    "To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead." – Thomas Paine 


    Hi DuncanSuppose you're right and 9/11 was an American government conspiracy acted out on it's own citizens for some nefarious purpose and the Twin Towers were brought down deliberately. And lets go as far as supposing Icke like lizard overlords are in control of earth and have enslaved humanity. The question then becomes, "What you gonna do about it?"I'm being serious here, I'm not taking the piss or being sarcastic. What's to be done?The fact is, conspiracies do exist. They go on all the time. Take the invasion of Iraq in 2003. A host of half truths, distortions and lies were told in order to justify the invasion of Iraq by "The Coalition of the Willing". Take the many banking scandals that are emerging of late, bankers and financiers conspired to rig and bypass the "rules" of the financial game. Then there's the Extraordinary Rendition cases, with the previous Labour government of Britain misleading Parliament and the public about its role in American government kidnapping during its "War on Terror".Most conspiracy theorists are no different to the classic doom monger walking up and down the high street wearing a sandwich board with "The End is Nigh" written on it. In other words they have nothing to offer other than a sense of helplessness. Contrast that with what the SPGB/WSM say. That the majority, the 99%, hold the power without realising it. The power to change the system from one of minority ownership ie capitalism, to one of global common ownership and democratic control, that would once and for all put an end to inequality, poverty, starvation, war and all the injustices currently used to maintain the status quo.The SPGB/WSM can't change the system any more than you or I can. It has to be the work of the 99%. I would also say that once we, the 99%, have control of the worlds resources, only then will we uncover the true extent of the real conspiracies and be in a position to deal with those responsible in a manner befitting their crimes against humanity.

    stuartw2112 wrote:
     the REAL truth, which is that we're all in Matrix style pods, feeding the Queen's massive lizard brain like piggies at the teat. 

     Thanks for that post Stuart, I thought I was the only one that new about it. Do you think anyone will believe us? Or will we just be labelled 'nuts' 

    duncan lucas

    It is obvious that  "reason " to you is the neo-con government line which was was lies from the beginning and is lies now. BY believing big business lies you condemn yourselves to be a part of that government  and a willing suplicant to its will -how the mighty have fallen !! in the space of 40 or 50 years socialism has gone from a cutting edge radical group beloved by the working classes to a version of the paid posters who inhabit websites like Russia Today as that is the next "take-out target if they cant win an argument by logic and reason they resort  to childlike comments just to try to bring down a Russian website like they did to Press TV  . I didnt realise the schools in the UK over 50 years now pedal a government line and have brainwashed  so much of the public . You are the "safe " version of socialism  ,the government accepted and approved  version so much so I would not be suprised if  some GCHQ  part timers (paid )  post here. I remember several years ago when the NSA thought I was a US citizen I got an application form over the web to become a "propagandist " against  the "evil " Russia . On visiting the application site I fell at the first post I was not a US citizen but many joined as they have been thrown out of their homes in the US by the Banksters and had a family to support  along with the Soldiers  of the Jerusalem POst (not my quote but theirs ) who defend the atrociaties of the IDF against the Palestinians (have look on the web of the baby with the rear of its head blown off  by a IDF sniper or a wee boy  whose body skin is completly  removed by a phospherous bomb thats reality ! not -hear no evil-see no evil -speak no evil  head in the sand tactics   . I understand that and dont mind opposition as long as it  doesnt go down the road of -well I have run  out of answers so I will just slag him off -so there ! 


    I think that even if there are conspiracies, and SP is quite right to point out that there are,  the point is surely that the overall pattern of events or the essential structure of society itself, its outline, and the way in which it basically functions, is not at all a conspiracy.   To claim that it is is to vest far too much power in a tiny minority of conspirators and to overlook the  divisions that are almost certainly going to arise amongst them.  By the same token, a conspiratorial perspective can have a disempowering effect on the majority who are the supposed victims of some conspiratorial plot. But more than that, conspiracy theory taken to its logical conclusion presumes that "the system" can indeed be controlled and regulated from above.  It feeds into the same kind of arguments that inform reformists and left wing advocates of more state involvement in the economy -the illusion that politicians can control the system when the system clearly controls the politicians.  The system – capitalism – operates according to its own generic "laws" and no one actually controls it in the way some conspiracy theorists seem to imagine


    Duncan, you've received a few less than patient replies but I'm not slagging you off or taking the piss. I'm just interested in what can be done to bring an end to capitalism and bring into existence a system whereby, the  99% of the global population, us the working class, own and control the worlds resources together, for our benefit.What are your ideas on how that can be achieved?Do you even want an end to capitalism?

    steve colborn

    I wish I'd have seen posts like Duncans years before I joined the Party, then I would have joined the Party, years before I actually did!!!I'm glad that we have the likes of Duncan Lucas, who are actually "real" revolutionaries, not like us, who are merely the "armchair" variety. I'm pleased that the years of going to demos, rallies, putting up posters, writing letters, speaking at meetings, doing debates, arguing with opponents, confronting our class enemies, was all just a Matrixian otherworld. If it had been "real", I woulda been knackered marra.But by being an armchair revolutionary, I at least I left all the "glory for you and yours, mate : ) Ain't I considerate?

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