Conservatism: ideology or pathology

July 2024 Forums General discussion Conservatism: ideology or pathology

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    A comment here goes into the modern American conservative mindset under Trump – or as the commenter calls is "conservative authoritarianism"


    From the Reddit comment:"The studies listed below help illustrate the manner in which the brain is susceptible to demagoguery and the principles of authoritarianism. As demonstrated, conservative youths develop more grey matter ('shorter' or preferred neural pathways/behaviors) around their amygdalas (fear processing center of the brain), whereas liberal youths develop more grey matter around the Anterior cingulate cortex (the reasoning center of the brain )."Does this imply that conservative adults can't change into liberals and vice versa? Can the adult brain be changed? If not, that would give some bad implications about the socialist desire to make people in general adopt a socialist mindset.Also, this quote is gold:"Furthermore, they all went out and voted for a malcontent snake-oil salesman who lives in a golden tower with his name written on it in caps lock. An abusive, spray-tanned, affluent egomaniac in a baggy suit with no redeeming qualities as a man, husband, father, and leader. The kind of adult you can't bring around because you're too ashamed and too worried about his behavior. Donald J. Trump is a person so fraught with hypocrisy and scandal that reasonable people are questioning whether he has a histrionic personality disorder or degenerative brain disease without a hint of hyperbole."A bit harsh perhaps but nevertheless a great quote


    Most peoples from the USA believe that the world is divided between Conservatives vs Liberals, or viceversa, and that Liberalism is a leftwing and socialist current, the reality is that most peoples do not know the real definition of both, and the defition of leftism and socialism either, conservative and liberalism are bourgoise current and part of the bourgoise ideology and part of capitalism, and leftism is not part of the socialist movement or the liberal movement, on the contrary socialism stand in opposition to any bourgoise ideology and any type of ideology which are class based.In my dictionary since I was very young our definition of convervatism was a reactionary, recalcitrant and counter revolutionary trend, and we were not proud of supporting any liberal or conservartive trend,  liberalism was part of the capitalist ideology and the proponent of a society without the intervention of the state in the economic affair of the capitalist society. Some articles of the SPGB have indicated that Liberalism never existed in its purity in France or Great Britain which were one of the first proponent of Liberalism, and the aseveration is correct. What most peoples called Liberalism is state control or state capitalism, in the USA the typical case was Roosevelt New Deal which was also state capitalism when the state became the biggest capitalist corporation of the nation.The real division is between Proletariat and Bourgloise, and all society around the world are divided in two social classes and the so called middle class is a capitalist ilussion, even more, in England the capitalist class was to be called the middle class at the very beginning of the emerge of capitalism. Whoever has to sell his/her labour force in exchange for money is a proletariat. The expression: You are a member of the working class and I am member of the middle class is totally wrong and it has not economic base, it a stupidity based on false illusions, and it was proven during the crisis of 2008 when the so called middle class members lost their cristal crystal, their toys known as cars, and their credit cards, and stand to make lines for unemployment benefits, welfare, medical benefits, and they were forced to move to a small apartement or with their relatives. The whole capitalist society is based on fetichism

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