Communist University 2013 (Weekly Worker)

July 2024 Forums Events and announcements Communist University 2013 (Weekly Worker)

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    Communist University 2013 (Weekly Worker)

    Our annual school will be 12-18 August in South London, and is open to all. CU is different to most schools on the Left, encouraging the open expression of political differences.

    The crisis of global capitalism rumbles on, but the Left is still stuck in the mires of sectarianism and opportunism. Given its explanatory power and practical programme, Marxism has huge potential in this period – a potential being irresponsibly squandered by the Marxist groups existing today. Communist University points a way out of this mess.

    Over seven days of intense and open discussion, comrades from a variety of left political backgrounds teach and learn from each other. Differences between comrades are debated in fiercely partisan ways – but without the fear of excommunication that characterises the confessional sects of much of the rest of the left. The aim is political clarity, and to show the relevance of contemporary Marxism to the huge battles the workers' movement will soon be squaring up to.

    Come and join us this year and make your contribution to the job of politically tooling our side up for war.

    Details and booking

    Time & Location
    Monday 12th – Sunday 18th August (timetable TBC)

    Glenthurston Apartments, 30 Bromley Rd. London, SE6 2TP (map)

    5 min walk from Catford railway station – trains leave London Bridge Station every 10-15 minutes.

    Accommodation on-site is available for the whole week- as is cheap, collectively prepared food. Our apartments consist mainly of double and triple rooms- if you would like to share with somebody in particular, please let us know. There is a heated indoor swimming pool & garden at the venue.

    Full week, including accommodation in shared rooms – £170 (£110 unwaged, £200 solidarity)

    Full week, no accommodation: £60 (£30)

    Final weekend, incl. one night's accommodation – £35 (£20)

    Day – £10 (£5)

    Session – £5 (£3)

    Please note that you can turn up on the day and pay for your ticket then (unless you want to stay over, in which case you must book beforehand). Some comrades on low wages have taken up standing orders to pay for CU – let us know if you’d like to do that and we’ll send you the details.

    Book your place with Paypal CLICK HERE.

    Alternatively, send a cheque or postal order (must be for a minimum of £30) to BCM Box 928, London WC1N 3XX (please mark the back with 'CU 2013').

    We are investigating the possibility of organising a creche at this year’s event – if enough people are interested. Please let us know if and when you would require this facility.

    Introduction to Marxism and the CPGB
    In addition to the normal programme, we will again be running a number of more informal meetings specifically designed to give an introduction to basic principles of Marxism and the politics of the CPGB. Especially younger comrades and those new to the CPGB are encouraged to ask questions, raise disagreements or any other points arising from the sessions at CU.


    Not a bad deal on the accommodation, particularly the final weekend price , No meals though.


    I think there is food made in a communal kitchen.


    Yes , i read,  that but my point was the cost  was for lodgings not for board, food will be extra on top.It is still good value for a week stay in London, and if in the UK i would seriously consider attending since they appear to say they welcome argument and contrary opinions and views at their talks.Presenting the SPGB case from the floor is the second best thing to having a speaker at the event.I think any London member going should have their fees re-imbursed by the party.  


    At their next business meeting, the question of their attitude to fringe events this year will be raised.


    Their latest Summer Offensive states

    We received a very encouraging email this week about Communist University, our annual school which begins this coming Monday, August 12. A comrade from a Trotskyist group whose members have been pretty regular attendees at CU over recent years writes that they will be coming this time too and “look forward to seeing you all again, so we can engage in some useful discussion and argument”.And the argument is the thing, comrades. In CU, the comrades chairing are given briefing notes making it absolutely clear that we want to forefront the important disagreements that divide the revolutionary left and – it is underlined – they must prioritise those who have serious political disagreements in the debate, no matter the order in which comrades have indicated to speak. Mike Macnair’s piece in last week’s paper is worthwhile recalling in this context: “At the level at which education in Marxism has to work, which is education for adults, that means confronting them with unresolved and debated problems: learning through dialectic. By contrast, training drills into the recipients by endless repetition a single practice.” Put in more prosaic terms, there’s nothing more educative than a bloody good argument.Communist University is the week-long event when the Weekly Worker ‘goes live’, as it were. In contrast to other organisations, we are looking to educate our comrades rather than train them in the party line. It is an event that participants – whatever their political backgrounds – generally find educative and inspiring.

    Here's a session recorded from CU 2013, still trying to get my head around it

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