Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

July 2024 Forums General discussion Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

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  • #159780

    The Trump administration plans to set up a side-event promoting fossil fuels to highlight the benefits of technologies that more efficiently burn fuels including coal at the annual U.N. climate talks next month. It is a repeat of what it did at the 2017 Bonn conference.


    The children of our elite even recognise we are heading towards global collapse.

    In 1987, the U.N.’s Brundtland Commission produced the “Our Common Future” report (pdf), which declared, “Sustainable development seeks to meet the needs and aspirations of the present without compromising the ability to meet those of the future.”

    The U.N. General Assembly, in turn, passed a resolution calling on member states and U.N. bodies to pursue sustainable development.

    In 1992, all U.N. member states adopted the Framework Convention on Climate Change (pdf), a treaty stating that the ultimate objective of all signatories is the “stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.”

    The students, in their letters, outline the world’s past, present, and projected future failures to meet both objectives.


    Speaking at a Guardian Live event, at Central Hall in London,  the former US secretary of state John Kerry said: “We are heading for catastrophe unless we respond to some life-threatening challenges very rapidly. We have a climate-denying president that pulls us out of the Paris climate change agreement at a time when literally every day matters.”

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    Ernesto Araújo will become the foreign mininister for Brasil.  His appointment, confirmed by Bolsonaro on Wednesday, is likely to send a chill through the global climate movement.

    He claims unnamed leftist politicians have hijacked environmentalism to serve as a tool for global domination.

    “This dogma has been used to justify increasing the regulatory power of states over the economy and the power of international institutions on the nation states and their populations, as well as to stifle economic growth in democratic capitalist countries and to promote the growth of China,” he wrote.

    Bolsonaro’s pick as agriculture minister is the head of the farming lobby, Tereza Cristina Dias, who conservationists have nicknamed the “Muse of Poison” due to her enthusiastic support for relaxing controls on agro-toxins. She and her colleagues are said to be gutting the responsibilities of the environment ministry before its new head is appointed.

    The latest deforestation figures showed a sharp rise in deforestation during the election campaign, suggesting protections for nature and indigenous land are already weakening.


    What are capitalism’s chances of a fix?

    China, Russia and Canada’s current climate policies would drive the world above a catastrophic 5C of warming by the end of the century, according to a study that ranks the climate goals of different countries. Fossil fuel lobbies in these countries are so powerful that government climate pledges are very weak, setting the world on course for more than 5C of heating by the end of the century.
    Only slightly better are the group of countries that are pushing the planet beyond 4C. Among them are the US, which has huge emissions from energy, industry and agriculture somewhat offset by promises of modest cuts and more renewables. Australia, which remains heavily dependent on coal exports, is also in this category.
    While the EU is on course to more than double the 1.5C that scientists say is a moderately safe level of heating. Authors of the paper say their actions lag behind their promises to set a positive example


    He claims unnamed leftist politicians have hijacked environmentalism to serve as a tool for global domination.

    “This dogma has been used to justify increasing the regulatory power of states over the economy and the power of international institutions on the nation states and their populations, as well as to stifle economic growth in democratic capitalist countries and to promote the growth of China,” he wrote.



    Donald Trump part 2, or the Latin America Donald Trump. The USA played a heavy influence in the election of this guy in Brasil. The question is,  how is possible that a country populated by African descendant and mestizos voted for a man that promotes white supremacists ideas? Something is wrong in the mind of the workers in our time, every day the world is moving backwards or the workers are in retreat. In Mexico, a similar movement is growing within the workers


    Sussex was sceptical that the capitalists will come on side when they realise the impact of climate change upon them becomes evident.

    Some may, some won’t,  but we can be assured that their response won’t be the same as we poor punters.

    To protect their mansion worth $60 million, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West hired private firefighters, which are often used by the ultra-wealthy and insurance companies.

    The singer Pink’s husband, Carey Hart, posted a large group of white men wearing bandanas and masks, carrying guns and a sign, “LOOTERS WILL BE SHOT ON SITE! P.D.C. POSSE.” His caption was hashtagged #DefendYourLand and #2ndamendment. Actress Shannen Doherty  posted a similar image of a gun and threatening harm to looters.  the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and Ventura County Sheriff’s Department both announced that they have dispatched at least 200 officers to further militarize the area and arrest looters.

    “We are entering a dystopian future in which class-privileged white people are using privatized systems and their obscene wealth to avoid the catastrophic environmental effects of the racist capitalist system that they forced upon the world. “


    What’s the Green New Deal?

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called the Green New Deal proposed in Obama’s 2008 platform a “half measure” that “will not work.”

    “The Green New Deal we are proposing will be similar in scale to the mobilization efforts seen in World War II or the Marshall Plan,” she said by email. “It will require the investment of trillions of dollars and the creation of millions of high-wage jobs. We must again invest in the development, manufacturing, deployment, and distribution of energy but this time green energy.”

    But what it is other than reforms and legislation, i have not the foggiest.


    Great post Alan, highlights exactly how it will be. They’ll retreat into their mansions, we’ll suffer.


    Another link for you, Sussex, on the protection of the privilege.

    insurance giant AIG offers wealthy homeowners access to their Wildfire Protection Unit, certified through authorities to respond to fires that threaten million-dollar homes. Their program served 2,700 customers in California, Colorado and Texas last year

    Chubb’s “Wildfire Defense Services” are available for properties in wildfire-prone areas in 18 states. The company automatically sends its own “professional firefighters” to help protect homes before, during and after wildfires.
    <p class=””>”Our specific goal is to work with policyholder structures,” Torgerson said. “We’re only allowed to access the properties that we’re given permission to access by policyholders,” he said, meaning that unlike publicly funded fire agencies, WDS makes determinations about which homes in a neighborhood it will defend from fire.</p>


    Something to cheer you up, Alan. Maybe a volcanic eruption will save us:

    Scientists have identified the worst year in human history

    Talk about a lesser evil.

    Dave B

    I went to a lecture on the sun a couple of years ago by one of the world’s leading experts.



    She is really amusing.


    The basic state of theory was that they had no idea at all about how it works or even why it is hotter on the surface of the sun than the inside.


    Thus this sun spot data based on very limited ‘correlations’ on a relatively limited time scale and between sun spots and global temperature is highly conjectural.


    I think current ideas of periodic mini ice ages is now being attributed to massive volcanic eruptions well away from Europe.


    And detailed information on that or what was going on in Indonesia or Philippines in 1690 can be surprisingly difficult.


    They tracked at least one down to a large volcanic eruption out there somewhere with the help of the gravel monkeys and radio carbon dating burnt trees etc.


    Along with spikes in sulphur dioxide in Greenland ice sheet cores etc.


    They can date the layers due to seasonal snow deposits and thus layers like tree rings.


    It was later that they matched it up with some original ancient text written on bamboo sheets strung together which the used as paper.


    The long term changes in climate is a phenomenon known about fairly recently.


    Which is due the instability or variability in the earths orbit when looked at in terms of circa 100,000 years.


    I remember stuff in the 1980’s about an impending ice age I think it was partly connected to that.


    There appears to have been a time when the earth was almost all under ice sheets except at the equator.


    Theories vary but most appear to see the cause as CO2 being removed from the atmosphere.


    It is all fairly well understood by the current climate change people.


    The current rate of change of CO2 in the atmosphere is unprecedented.


    They can track that back at least 100,000 years from the Greenland Ice Core Project.


    There are trapped air bubbles in the ice.


    Squirt a bit into a modern mass spectrometer and it will tell you loads of stuff.


    I really think it is too late to worry about it anymore the ship has struck the Berg and is sinking; might as well party on now.


    It will probably start to really kick in in about 20 years.













    “I really think it is too late to worry about it anymore the ship has struck the Berg and is sinking; might as well party on now.”


    Was already too late in the 60’s-80’s (19thC, 18thC, take your pick 😃) when the 1st warnings, science was given, done on it.

    “It will probably start to really kick in in about 20 years.”

    Don’t know if I’d be that optimistic about it. The day after the UN report came out, more “news” emerged saying sea temperatures are hotter than previously thought.

    You can’t mess with a chaotic system  (the climate/capitalism- take your pick🤣) as long as “we” have and still expect to get away with it.

    “Doomed. We’re all doomed!”

    (“We may have lost. But, something’s all we can do.”)

    Party on! 💃🏼🕺🏾💃🏿🕺🏾💃🏻

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