Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

July 2024 Forums General discussion Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

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  • #219369

    The People’s Global Resource Bank Ecological Economic Money System is the solution to the climate crisis

    Money provides no solution.


    Matt is right.

    Remaining linked to a buying and selling exchange economy where the production of goods is for the creation of profit won’t address the fundamental problem of cost-cutting which leads to abusing the environment.


    A new draft international law – ecocide

    Ecocide is defined as “unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts”.


    Bangladesh has cancelled plans to build 10 coal-fired power plants

    When Bangladesh in 2010 produced an energy masterplan, “coal was cheap and the best option after gas”, Hossain said. But dramatically falling prices for solar power and somewhat cheaper natural gas have changed the picture, he added. “Considering all this, we thought we needed to be more renewable,” he said.

    About 3.5% of the country’s power comes from renewable energy, a percentage the nation plans to boost to 40% by 2041.


    The Amazon rainforest is now emitting more carbon dioxide than it is able to absorb, scientists have confirmed.

    The giant forest had previously been a carbon sink, absorbing the emissions driving the climate crisis, but is now causing its acceleration, researchers said.

    The emissions amount to a billion tonnes of carbon dioxide a year


    Giant livestock farms and privatised water firms accused of polluting the nation’s waterways are to be named in what is thought to be the world’s first livestreamed investigative documentary.

    The crowdfunded investigation Rivercide, which will be broadcast online at 7pm on Wednesday 14 July (TODAY – sorry for this short notice!), will be hosted by environmental journalist and Guardian columnist George Monbiot.


    EU proposes its climate change policies

    Greenpeace derided them as “a fireworks display over a rubbish dump”.

    “Celebrating these policies is like a high-jumper claiming a medal for running in under the bar,” Greenpeace EU director Jorgo Riss said.

    Greta Thunberg said that unless the EU “tears up” its proposals, “the world will not stand a chance of staying below 1.5C of global heating”.

    Campaigners are also worried about “accounting tricks”, such as the freedom for EU member states to use offsets – buying emissions reduction credits from a better performing country – rather than do the hard work at home.

    Greens are also alarmed by what they see as a failure to close a big loophole.

    Critics argue it is risking a backlash from low and middle-income earners who depend on cars, in a potential repeat of the confrontation between the French president, Emmanuel Macron, and the gilets jaunes (yellow vests) protesters over fuel taxes. The commission proposals could add an extra €429 to average household energy bills, and €373 increase in driving costs.

    But more importantly, business is not happy

    Corporate lobby BusinessEurope denounced the plan, saying it “risks destabilising the investment outlook” for sectors such as steel, cement, aluminium, fertilisers and electric power “enormously”.

    Willie Walsh, head of the International Air Transport Association, said: “We don’t need persuading, or punitive measures like taxes to motivate change.”


    The first of many more to come?

    Australia, one of the world’s biggest fossil fuel exporters, has strongly criticised the European Union’s proposal to enact a carbon border tax.

    Australia has argued that such a tariff would be “protectionist” and could breach trade rules.


    Such paucity of ideas and imagination. But what can you expect from the advocates of profits before all.

    After the flooding in Germany I wonder what token gestures the government will make there. The writing on the wall gets bigger and bigger.


    As the American natives are saying: Human beings do not eat petroleum. Everything on earth is going to be destroyed by capitalism and the only thing left would be petroleum. American natives knew more about sciences, geology, pandemic, and agriculture than all the scientists that exist nowadays. They knew the connection between human beings ( or life ) and nature, we should have learned from them but they have been underestimated


    Rod, I’m hoping that the political development of Europeans will be a bit more insightful than many in the American public.

    They may well associate the floods with climate change unlike the raging forest fires and drought in the Western states of America that many still fail to perceive the connection and view the upkeep of the forest floor and reservoirs as the main problem.


    Another ‘better down the reform path’ initiative

    The Global Alliance for a Green New Deal is inviting politicians from legislatures in all countries to work together on policies that would deliver a just transition to a green economy ahead of Cop26…The alliance wants governments to put measures in place that would boost the green economy as well as collaborating on global vaccine access for Covid and debt restructuring for the world’s poorest nations.


    Same old same old, isn’t it. Maybe we should invite the Global Alliance for a Green New Deal to a debate, and suggest they become the Global Alliance for World Socialism. They can’t think beyond governments and economics.

    Ten or twenty years from now, how much impact is a ‘Green New Deal’ really going to have on all the crap being spewed world-wide into the atmosphere, even if governments get serious about it?

    I read somewhere, or was told by a party member, that the biggest polluter of all is the armed forces. So maybe they’ll start dropping green bombs.


    What struck me about this story is that it was not a giant global corporation using hi-tech genetic engineering but the perseverance of ordinary farmers that made the break-throughs.

    Ten years ago, Tarafdar,started cross-breeding seed varieties that used to thrive in the southwestern Shyamnagar region but are now on the edge of extinction after farmers moved onto higher-yielding varieties. His new type of rice, called Charulata, tolerates salty soil and water-logging, stays standing in high winds and grows well without fertilisers or pesticides. His seed variety can produce up to 1,680 kg (3,700 pounds) of rice per quarter hectare (0.62 acres), more than double what he was getting from conventional varieties…

    …other rice farmers in Shyamnagar sub-district are also taking matters into their own hands, reviving ancestral varieties and creating new ones that can withstand increasingly frequent storms, floods and droughts.

    “Farmers in this disaster-prone area have done a great job in preserving local rice seeds and inventing rice varieties,” said the agriculture officer for Shyamnagar.

    Another senior scientific officer at the government’s Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), said the farmers’ work on new seed varieties was making “a significant contribution” to the development of agriculture at the local level.

    “Farmers have found solutions to their own problems,” explained the regional coordinator at BARCIK, which gives technical assistance

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