Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

July 2024 Forums General discussion Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

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  • #192174

    David Attenborough 5 Park Road, Richmond Surrey, United Kingdom


    An open letter too to Greta Thunberg?


    “An open letter too to Greta Thunberg?”

    Yes, Greta, change is necessary but radical change


    Again, how is she going to see it?




    Maybe we should post him a copy of the February SS and draw his attention to the letter.


    Maybe we should post him a copy of the February SS and draw his attention to the letter.

    Comrade Stafford does this activity of writing to people mentioned in the Standard every month.




    Countering a threat to the system

    1. Call them names
    “Uncooperative crusties”, “tree-huggers” or, in Greta’s case, “brat”, name-calling is the first port of call for those wanting to dismiss environmentalists.

    2. Out their hypocrisy
    Greta Thunberg’s yacht crew flew to New York; Prince Harry and Meghan took a private jet. Calling people hypocrites is an excellent tactic used to divert attention away

    3. Take them to court
    No one wants to end up in prison – Peruvian authorities have recently begun to reinterpret laws to punish opponents of mining projects.

    4. Encourage infighting
    Do you support deep green resistance, or do you want to divert Doomsday within our current political system?

    5. Kill them
    Needless to say, the most sinister and increasingly popular technique for ridding your country of climate unrest is to eliminate those creating it. The Philippines currently ranks as the most dangerous country in this regard, with 30 land and environmental defenders killed in 2018,



    Who said the capitalist class would do nothing about climate change:

    Bank of England to set up climate change stress tests



    I wonder if they’re going to include the ‘brown assets’ of the armed forces in their stress testing?


    As we all know, capitalism is a world system in which UK banks are but a small part.

    Following the Paris Agreement, globally,  $1.9 trillion has been invested in fossil fuel projects.

    Global governments plan to increase fossil fuels by 120% by 2030, including the US, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, Canada, and Australia.

    China is financing 25% of all new worldwide coal plant construction outside of its borders; e.g., South Africa, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

    India increased coal-fired power capacity by 74% over the past 7 years. The country expects to further increase coal-generated capacity by another 22% over the next 3 years.

    China has cut its renewable power subsidies by 30%. Likewise, Trump proposes slashing renewable budget.

    In the past 18 months alone, China has added enough new coal-based power generation (43GW) to power 31 million new homes.

    China plans on adding another 148GW of coal-based power, which will equal the total current coal generating capacity of the EU.

    Madrid COP25 proved an utter failure when it came to any solutions through carbon trading and carbon off-setting and carbon taxes. It equally denied sufficient assistance to those countries which are first in the firing line of climate change.


    Biosphere Collapse?

    As been said many times before – Business As Usual

    Or as others put it, “Capitalism is the cause. The solution – add more capitalism”


    We know that the various UN climate conferences always fail and for the same reason — the inability of the various capitalist states to agree on what needs to be done as some would suffer economically more than others, especially countries with fossil fuel resources which they use either for export or for domestic use as the cheapest energy source available.

    Australia is one of these as a coal exporting country. Here is their prime minister Scott Morrison explaining the other day why Australia is not going to agree to coal burning being reduced:

    Here’s the killer quote:

    What we won’t do is engage in reckless and job-destroying  and economy-crunching targets which are being sought.” 

    Actually, he needn’t worry as the International Energy Agency is estimating that coal burning in Asia is going to go up over the next five years, precisely the markets Australia exports its coal to:

    IEA: Global coal demand to remain stable up to 2024


    There is a demand for a “peoples assembly” on climate change

    France has now got one

    A randomly selected citizens’ assembly that has been promised more power than any other – the ability to set Emmanuel Macron’s policy on cutting carbon emissions. In the coming months, the citizens must draw up a series of far-reaching policies on how France can cut carbon emissions by 40% before 2030. Macron has vowed their policies will then be put to parliament “unfiltered”, transformed into executive decrees or even used as the basis for a referendum.

    “This is not a consultation asking for people’s views, we’re asking them to produce concrete, structural measures, that’s what’s original,” said Julien Blanchet, who is overseeing the process.

    The process is being closely observed from abroad – particularly by the UK, which begins its own form of citizens’ assembly later this month.


    That’s interesting but apparently it’s been going for some months now:

    It has already made some reports which can be seen on their official website (in French of course). Something to follow as its mandate is to find ways of cutting carbon emissions from France by 40% by 2030 implicitly within the context of capitalism. Their final report is due in April. Be interesting, and maybe revealing, as this is XR’s key demand here in Britain.

Viewing 15 posts - 571 through 585 (of 902 total)
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