Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

December 2024 Forums General discussion Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

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  • #190676

    Is it too late to prevent us from self-destructing? No, the GRB network is an ecological, economic network of shareholders who value the basis of our economy air, water, soil, plants, organisms and solar energy with the commodity-backed cryptocurrency, Eco (e) and not the product of labor valued by the state political economist Adam Smith. The eco currency solution to poverty and pollution provides everyone a secure, sufficient and sustainable eco income for life. Everyone is cordially invited to join the GRB network direct democratic eco-economy without countries, governments, politicians, nationalism, leaders, laws, banks, labor, debt, interest, tax, inflation, segregation, scarcity – economics, hunger, starvation, borders, tariffs, wars and climate change.

    Labour is the source of all wealth creation allied to natural resources. Only a post-capitalist, production for use and free access society allied to the common ownership of the means of production and distribution will end this and enable an ecological and practical solution of the worlds inevitable twin concomitant problems of war and poverty.

    A new crypto-currency will not do so.


    There are not any shortcuts to resolve the problems of mankind and the climate disaster. The working class is the one who has the solution in their hands by establishing a new society, all those organizations,  individuals, and leaders,  they only want to place more patches on this incurable society


    To prevent us from self destruction ? Workers are not  members of the ruling class or the capitalist class, all these problems are being caused by the capitalist ruling class, and we are not part of them, on the contrary,  they are our class enemies, and the interests of the workers and the capitalists are totally different.


    One good thing about recent  developments has been the abandoning of the silly slogan of “Think Globally, Act Locally” and its replacement by a common sense recognition that what is required to deal with threatened global over-warming is global action.

    As to our friend John Pozzi, I think that last time he presented his scheme here it ended, perhaps rather cruelly, in us misspelling his name as Ponzi.


    “Bad Psychology: Why Climate Change Won’t Be Solved by Better Decisions at the Supermarket”


    That article makes some good points. Click here to read it directly:

    The conclusion is interesting:

    “The only sustainable behaviour we should be talking about is voting for responsible politicians who promise to do whatever is needed to lower emissions, be they left of centre or right of centre. Everything else is a climate distraction.”

    But so is voting for politicians promising to do something, if only because in the context of capitalism they can’t do much in face of capitalism’s economic laws. But (among other things) voting to elect delegates to end capitalism by enacting the formalities to usher in common ownership and production for use not profit, the only framework within which the problem can be rationally tackled,  is another thing.

    We could even say that “Everything else is a climate distraction.”

    1. It won’t be resolved by planting your own foods in the backyard either, or becoming a member of a community garden, or voting for the so called green deals. The root of the problem is capitalism, and that is what many peoples do not want to confront, or to admit. There is not any politician, president, senator, or leader of any tendency ( right or left ) able to alter the economic bases of this society, the only one called to do that is the whole world working class, and subjectively we are not ready to do that.

    2)We could even say that “Everything else is a climate distraction.”

    That is what really is, by the meantime,  the ruling class or the bourgeoisie class is carrying over their real objectives, and laughing all the way to the bank, and       peoples are counting that their own class enemies are going to resolve their problems, we do not need the rulers, presidents,  or the capitalist class, they need us

    John Pozzi

    Dear Marquito,

    Yes! The root of the problem is capitalism. The rulers, presidents and capitalist need governments to tax the working class to pay the interest to their banks for fabricating national public debt money, i.e. $, euros, etc.

    Please consider the people’s Global Resource Bank network eco-economic solution to poverty and pollution.

    John Pozzi –



    Yes! The root of the problem is capitalism.


    The rulers, presidents and capitalist need governments to tax the working class to pay the interest to their banks for fabricating national public debt money, i.e. $, euros, etc.

    That is nonsense. Taxation is burden upon the profit extracting parasite class and what workers are paid for their commodity (labour-power), is the bottom line which is a rationed (waged) access to the wealth which only workers produce.

    The means of exchange is largely irrelevant except within the context of the continuing maintenance of the production for profit social system in the interests of the parasitic capitalist class.

    Our aim is the abolition of the wages system and all other priced access to the wealth which we workers collectively produce.

    The capitalist class are  a superfluous anachronism.

    An advanced , post-capitalist society, run by us all, locally, regionally, globally, in administration over resources and not a government over people.

    It is a market -free, money -free, production for use (not for sale), free access (not rationed access) commonly owned,(not private, corporate or state owned) revolutionary permanent break with the present capitalist one.

    Yours is to continue it.


    Dear Marquito,

    Yes! The root of the problem is capitalism. The rulers, presidents and capitalist need governments to tax the working class to pay the interest to their banks for fabricating national public debt money, i.e. $, euros, etc.

    Please consider the people’s Global Resource Bank network eco-economic solution to poverty and pollution.


    The so called national debt is another bourgeois nationalist trap for the workers, the national debt is the debt of the capitalist class,  the workers do not own any nation, the only thing that they own is their  labour force which must be sold to survive.

    The aim of the socialists-communists is a world society without national, without nati0n-state,  and national borders, and it is also a tool used by the capitalists to keep workers divided. Money is not fabricated from thin air

    The real taxpayer is the capitalist class, and the state is run with surplus value, and when do not collect enough surplus value from the capitalist class, they eliminate social services and  they create more debts or more fictions capital.

    Poverty is a natural disease of the capitalist system which must produce profits in order to produce profits, in order to produce a rich capitalist millions of workers must be impoverished. None of those organizations are not going to resolve the problems that mankind is facing at the present time





    The Taxation Myth

    The myth of taxation


    Extract from the Report of the Proceedings of the Autumn School & Membership meeting of the World Socialist Party (India) held on September 28-29:

    “Proposed that Comrade Partha Pratik Mukherjee should read out the chapter he has written on impending climate breakdown for our upcoming new book FUTURE OF MARXISM. Comrade Partha went on reading from his written paper for the School.

    Climate crisis and Capitalism Summary
    Climate crisis/ breakdown is particularly a much debated issue for last couple of years. Specially following the Climate summit in Poland 2018 when a teen girl Greta Thunberg attracted headlines of newspapers and rapidly became a social media attention following her brave articulate speech accusing world leaders of not doing enough despite alarming inputs from climate scientists from all over the world. Since then, many thousands articles, news feeds have been written or published on the climate issue.
    The response of global people is mixed. Few are simple deniers of any sort of climate changes, most are alarmed but do not know exactly how dangerous it is and some are active participant of climate movements, especially young generations and school children irrespective of countries, color, race religions and ethnicities.
    The political response to this crisis is mostly frustrating. These climate changes leading to a catastrophic point where the whole humanity and the planet is under threat of extinction has been on the agenda of scientists for the last 50 years but nothing effective has been done by the ruling class and our representatives in the parliaments, moreover despite the alarms global carbon emission has grown beyond the danger levels in last two decades. The much hyped Kyoto protocol practically achieved nothing!
    This is expected, considering the present profit oriented economic system we at least, did not expect anything positive for obvious reasons. I will come to this point later. Most important issue is the people who are half deniers and half indifferent to this crisis. The cause of this indifference is that, the main stream Medias owned by the ruling class don’t want us to know the exact dimension for their obvious class interest. The objective of this writing is to present the exact dimension of the crisis in short and why the ruling class is reluctant to take any meaningful action, in fact why it’s not possible to take any meaningful action in the prevalent mode of production.

    There was a tiffin and tea break from 4: 30 PM to 6:00 PM.”

    John Pozzi

    Dear Matthew and Marquito,

    Thank you for your feedback about the “People’s” GRB network initiative. I revised to address your concerns. Please review the new copy and I hope you will also read and comment on and the Mother Earth News article about Copionics at
    Matthew, The medium of exchange is relevant to a world society when it values the product of nature and not the product of labor. – John
    “The medium is the message.” Marshall McLuhan
    Extract from the Report of the Proceedings of the Autumn School & Membership meeting of the World Socialist Party (India) held on September 28-29: “It’s not possible to take any meaningful action in the prevalent mode of production.” Yes, I agree.
    John Pozzi

    Dear Matthew and Marquito,

    Thank you for your feedback about the “People’s” GRB network initiative. I revised to address your concerns. Please review the new copy and I hope you will also read and comment on and the Mother Earth News article about Copionics at
    The medium of exchange is relevant to a free global social society when it  values he production of nature and not the product of labor.
    “The medium is the message.” – Marshall McLuhan

    But you are not proposing a different mode of production! Just a different currency system, retaining production for the market ie an integral part of what the comrades in India mean by ‘the prevalent mode of production.’

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