Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

December 2024 Forums General discussion Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

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  • #190363

    Democrat politicians called the New Democrat Coalition have released an 11-page strategy to counter climate change with a list of bills to back them up, advocating for incremental and “pro-market” steps to cut pollution.

    They want to set a clean energy standard, encourage nuclear power and clean up methane leaks from oil and gas companies. They say they want to get carbon pollution to net-zero by 2050


    A useful essay on the fact that even sustainable, renewable alternatives have their downside.


    I’ve been surprised by the silence of Vandana Shiva who at one time was a very outspoken environmentalist. I genuinely thought something was the matter. But here is now her latest article

    We Need Biodiversity-Based Agriculture to Solve the Climate Crisis

    “…Our agriculture system is not primarily a food system, it is an industrial system, and it is not sustainable…


    There has been many who have suggested that Greta Thunberg has been co-opted by political figures and even our own article in the latest Socialist Standard implies that she is no longer her own person and is being used but when she is given the platform to deliver her ideas, they aren’t as subservient to the powers that be which some wish her role to be.

    “The message is that we have had enough.”

    You come to us young people for hope. How dare you? You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words, yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing.
    “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is the money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”

    “You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal.
    “The eyes of all future generations, are upon you, And if you choose to fail us. I say, we will never forgive you!”


    Personally, I do not disagree with the ideas expressed in the Socialist Standard. Some capitalists groups are also promoting the green deal and talking about the disaster of the climate change, and they sound very radical,  but behind all that talk it is just the aim  to promote their own profits and to reform capitalism. The Chinese are planning to sell more than 30 millions of electrical cars and millions of solar panel, but how many earth resources must they destroy in order to do that ?


    In Costa Rica they are going to implement a so called renewable system to produce energy, but several corporations are going to earn billions of dollars in profits, and 003% is going to be solar by the meantime the right wing government is placing a big austerity plan on the working class, and reducing their civil rights, government social benefits  and implementing the destruction of workers unions


    Pathfinders article sought to launch a personal attack on Thunberg – a very cheap shot, in my view.
    Has she offered the socialist case. Of course not. The last Swedish socialist group associated with the SPGB disappeared sometime in the 1970s, almost half a century before she was born
    But just what political beliefs did the author of Pathfinders hold at the age of 16? If he had a global audience, what would he be telling the world when he was still in school
    Are some capitalists going to make money out of environmental destruction and supposed “solutions”. Yes. Is the charge that Thunberg is complicit and culpable? Has she sponsored any “green” businesses? When she discovered a for-profits company tried to use her she withdrew her approval.
    Is she naïve. Most likely and so are 99.99% of the population but perhaps she is travelling down the path that will lead her to socialist answers. Far too early to tell and far too early to condemn her as some sort of political puppet.



    I met many peoples holding socialist view when they were 16 and 18 years old, and they were already reading the works of Marx, Engels, and Lenin


    Is this the first hint of the unintended consequences of the climate crisis, the early signs of the disintegration of the nation-state?

    Bolsonaro – sensational reporting in the international media “aroused our patriotic sentiments…They even called into question that which we hold as a most sacred value, our sovereignty.”

    Just speculating.

    Inactive Mount Blanc Glaciers collapse. By the meantime peoples prefer to support demagogue nationalist politicians than scientific analysis. Bolsonaro had the elephant balls to declare that the Amazon jungle was not burning and it is not the lung of the earth. What the hell does this stupid military know about science ? The whole UN assembly meeting was conducted by reactionaries and recalcitrants who have been elected in their own countries by the workers

    J Surman

    ‘follow the money’

    I’m posting this in response to various previous issues raised here. The link I’m att’ing is from William Enghal who I have found pretty reliable over the years, and it covers various aspects of this topic. The overwhelming message is condensed in the final para:

    “Back in 2010 the head of Working Group 3 of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Otmar Edenhofer, told an interviewer, “…one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.” Since then the economic policy strategy has become far more developed.”

    The article also mentions Greta Thunberg and A. Ocasia Cortez with regard to their ‘backers/persuaders/supporters – some of whom may also have been duped into what they hadn’t anticipated at the time. Look out for the big names.

    The capitalist world  is a nasty world with filthy habits and the overriding aim of controlling everything, that much we know.



    The  links were a bit off-putting. I don’t know if this will be a bit better.

    John Pozzi

    The Global Resource Bank Network (GRBnet) Eco-Economy Reverses Climate Change

    Is it too late to prevent us from self-destructing? No, the GRB network is an ecological, economic network of shareholders who value the basis of our economy air, water, soil, plants, organisms and solar energy with the commodity-backed cryptocurrency, Eco (e) and not the product of labor valued by the state political economist Adam Smith. The eco currency solution to poverty and pollution provides everyone a secure, sufficient and sustainable eco income for life. Everyone is cordially invited to join the GRB network direct democratic eco-economy without countries, governments, politicians, nationalism, leaders, laws, banks, labor, debt, interest, tax, inflation, segregation, scarcity – economics, hunger, starvation, borders, tariffs, wars and climate change.

    “Nationalism is an infantile disease.” – Albert Einstein

    The GRBnet Eco-Economic Algorithm
    Everyone owns one share in the GRB. We the shareholders value our abundant wealth of life-supporting natural resources at eight quadrillion (q) GRBe. The GRB converts US$ assets to GRBe. Shareholders invests e2.5q in ecosystem restoration and e1.0q in the GRBnet. The GRBe reserve account provides the shareholder accounts with e50 per day for 20 years. The GRBe income account gains ecos from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts and exchanges ecos with the reserve account to maintain ecological economic equilibrium. The shareholders average impact sets our account charge and the impact of their goods and services sets commercial account charges. Two percent of GRBe income sustains the GRBnet and e50 per day supports everyone for life. Shareholders invest 5% of their eco income in ecosystem restoration. The GRB eco value of vital natural resources and eco percentages adjust to shareholder input. After one year of inactivity GRB eco accounts revert to the eco reserve account. The majority chooses the GRB manager.

    The GRB algorithm directs the equitable distribution of Earth’s copious production of life’s natural resources. Where nation-state central bank fiat debt-money values the product of labor, but fails to satisfy human need, the GRBnet eco-economic algorithm corrects faulty judgment with intuitive design; the GRB replaces national debt-money with GRBnet eco currency. Rather than relying on the constraints of fiat debt-money with fixed arbitrary exchange, eco currency exchange is free-flow as in the circulatory system or molecular exchange. The GRB eco algorithm set of order replaces national debt-money disorder. The shareholders eco investments in the life supporting capabilities of our planet earn everyone a quality life.

    Frequently Asked Questions @

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