Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

July 2024 Forums General discussion Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance

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  • #188439

    “At a meeting in Bonn, Saudi Arabia has continued to object to a key IPCC scientific report that urges drastic cuts in carbon emissions.
    Added to that, the EU has so far failed to agree to a long term net zero emissions target.
    Thirdly, a draft text from the G20 summit in Japan later this week waters down commitments to tackle warming.
    One attendee in Bonn said that, taken together, the moves represented a fierce backlash from countries with strong fossil fuel interests.”

    As we always said, countries will protect their national economic interests.

    Dave B

    There was another on recently.



    People will say we have had this kind of stuff eg the coming ice stuff and free nuclear energy in the 1980’s .


    But that was all minority speculative material jumped on by the media as good stories.


    This stuff is of a different and more consensus orientated.


    There is a very small possibility that it is bollocks, or it is being improperly calculated as a risk, but the ‘hazard’ as they say couldn’t be more serious.





    Yet even on the Left we have living fossils such as Douglass raising conspiracy theories and demanding business as usual.



    The left has always supported conspiracy theories and they have taken sides with the capitalist class. Nothing new


    The UK should keep building large-scale nuclear plants and “mini-nuke” reactors to help reach a net zero carbon target by 2050, according to a letter to the business secretary, Greg Clark, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI)

    L.B. Neill

    Meanwhile in Australia,

    The energy mix includes the debate on coal.

    Could coal be part of the ERF- and state funding be a part of funding coal to save the environment!

    I won’t comment- it speaks for its ‘coal self’- my that lobby is powerful.




    The Global Green New Deal – 2009

    Ignored and neglected

    Similar fate for the AOC plan?


    “Attempts to solve the climate crisis by cutting carbon emissions from only cars, factories and power plants are doomed to failure…it will be impossible to keep global temperatures at safe levels unless there is also a transformation in the way the world produces food and manages land…”


    Long-term cuts in coal consumption are a key part of China’s energy, environment and climate goals, but the fivefold increase in new mine approvals in the first-half of 2019 suggests China’s targets still provide ample room for shorter-term growth.  China’s energy regulator gave the go-ahead to build 141 million tonnes of new annual coal production capacity from January to June, compared to 25 million tonnes over the whole of last year.

    Lauri Myllyvirta, senior energy analyst with environmental group Greenpeace, said, “it is alarming that China’s energy planning seems to be driving at roughly maintaining current levels of coal output for the coming decade or two, which is very hard to reconcile with the goal of the Paris agreement ,” he said.  “Especially given that oil and gas consumption is still increasing, it’s imperative that coal use starts falling again after rebounding for the past three years.”

    Industry groups expect coal-fired power capacity to increase over the next few years, with investments in nuclear and renewables still insufficient to cover rising energy demand. A study published earlier this year also suggested China’s targets would allow the construction of another 290 GW of coal-fired capacity in the coming years.

    China is convinced it can continue to raise coal production and consumption while significantly reducing emissions.

    Michelle Manook, chief executive of the World Coal Association, an industry lobby group, told Reuters the focus should be on cutting emissions rather than banning coal entirely. “It’s not about transitioning away from any one source of energy. it’s about transitioning to cleaner energy. And with investment, coal has a significant role.”


    I think it can be agreed that capitalism will change if it can still make a profit.

    So is there more money in veganism?

    “…The sales boom also increased profits, with the business going back to City investors several times last year to say it was making more money than it had expected…”

    “…If we can produce something that tastes just as good as the meat version, then that will sell very successfully. That’s what’s been shown with the vegan sausage roll…”

    So is processed meat-mush going to be off the menu?

    Greggs has been good news for shareholders, who were handed a £35m special dividend in July after sales at established stores leapt 10.5% and profits jumped more than 50% to £40.6m in the first six months of 2019. Its shares have almost doubled in value over the past year and are now changing hands for around £20.



    They have been making vegetarian burger and vegetarian meat alternative and Tofu for many years


    The destruction of nature, Anton Pannekoek

    <p dir=”ltr”>Bolsonaro doing what Hoffer the Marxist suggested: “Wipe out the jungles.”</p>


    What Hoffer? What Marxist?


    In reality it is like  the suggestion of the Mises Institute, of less  marxists and more Brazil, which is not true either because Lula and and the leaders of his party, and the political party itself are not Marxists either, and the program implemented by them has nothing to do with Marxism, it does have to do with capitalism. The destruction of the Amazon is not new, it started in 1966,  it was also carried over during the government of Lula, to give way to large scale  cattles, agriculture  and lumber business, and it has been intensified in a larger scale during the government of Bolsonaro

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